- log onto www.courts.ky.gov
- scroll down to "online services"
- click on criminal record report
- scroll down to "online request: AOC fast check"
- click on the blue AOC Fast check link
- click on the register link
- enter your personal information
- click the box next to I Agree
- click register
- click on click here to add a new batch
- request type is individual
- reason is other
- skip prepaid account list
- enter all requester information(students personal information)
- click manual entry
- enter students personal information again
- *click add to batch
- click submit request
- a message that you were successful will pop up click ok
- click the green pay now
- after entering your payment information you will receive an email notifying you that
the request was received and another when it has been processed.
- to check the status you can log back into the site and
- next to your name you will see either processing or complete
- once complete click on the link and print out the record check report
- This process can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 24 hours if done on a normal business