Jefferson Committees
7-10 members
Charge: Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class. This committee meets during June to review student applications. Selection of students for the Associate Degree Nursing Program will be made by the President of the College or the President's designee after considering the recommendations of the Admissions Committee. Terms for the Associate Degree Nursing faculty members and the Members-At-Large are for two years and to be staggered.
Membership shall be: Admissions Officer; Associate Degree Nursing Program Coordinator; 2 4 Associate Degree Nursing Faculty Members; 3 4 Members-At-Large, e.g. Developmental Studies Counselors, General Studies Faculty
8 members
Charge: This Arts Festival Committee promotes, nurtures and celebrates the visual, performing and language arts by developing and planning activities and events to highlight these topics on the Southwest Campus.
15 members
Charge: This Arts Festival Committees promote, nurture and celebrate the visual, performing and language arts by developing and planning activities and events to highlight these topics on the Downtown Campus.
10-12 members
Charge: This committee s primary task is to develop and plan the annual Awards and Recognition ceremony for students usually held in April. This is an active committee with several meetings throughout the year.
20 members
Charge: The Black Affairs Advisory Committee serves as a resource to assist the college in addressing the needs of African American students and faculty. The membership shall serve as a linking pin between the committee and other units of the college.
Specific duties/responsibilities: seek out ways to improve scholastic opportunities for African American students; provide a mechanism for enhancing the motivational needs of African American students; to assist in the recruitment of African American faculty and other professional staff and develop and plan a series of events and programs that will enhance diversity efforts throughout the college.
Members are appointed by the President
This committee evaluates the promotion files and makes recommendations to the president on the promotion of all eligible faculty members.
Members are elected
The charge of this committee is to evaluate the appeals that come before it concerning Performance Review Ratings.
Members are elected
The CQC's purpose is to review, monitor, and revise the Institutional Effectiveness Framework and Process of the College.
5 members
Culinary Arts Selective Admissions
Members are elected
This committee's charge is to review and approve or disapprove of new course curriculum, program curriculum and degree curriculum. The local CRC works in conjunction with the System CRC.3-5 members
Charge: Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended.
5 members
Disability Issues Appeals Committee
Members are elected
eLearning Advisory CouncilMembers are elected
Faculty Affairs primary purpose is to review the performance review process and the merit process. The committee also takes on tasks assigned to it by Faculty Council. In recent years the committee has been assigned the process of updating the Faculty Handbook.Members are elected
Primary faculty governance committee of the college.10 members
Charge: This committee develops and plans the annual Faculty Recognition Program typically held in the fall semester.
Members are elected
General Education Assessment Committee15 members
Charge: This committee examines the ethnic, gender, racial and socioeconomic variety at the College and throughout the world.
15 members
Charge: This committee focuses on developing programs to educate faculty, staff and students about health related topics.
5 members
Charge: Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class.
5 members
Charge: Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class.
5-6 members
Charge: Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class.
5-6 members
Charge: Recommend students for program admission to the President or his designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class.
5 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class.
4-5 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
4-5 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
5 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
3-5 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
15 members
This college-wide committee plans and implements the annual PD Day as well as the PD programs held throughout the academic year.
5-6 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
5 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
10 members
This committee reviews student s application for scholarships and decides on the allocation of the funds. This committee meets two to three times a year and sometimes needs to meet in June in order to make decisions.
20 members
Charge: Assist with planning and conduction the Kentucky State Skills USA Annual Conference.
Members are elected
Evaluates the merit of the student appeals based on the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct.
10 members
Charge: Make decisions on the allocation of Student Activity funds to student organizations
for their respective campuses.
Note: Student Life committees will meet jointly at various times this year.
4-6 members
Recommend students for program admission to the President or her designee, and provide criteria used in the selection process and the ethnic and gender breakdown of each recommended class
15 members
Charge: This committee meets to discuss issues impacting women. They typically pick one issue per year and focus their efforts on programs, etc. related to that topic. They also plan and implement Women's History events at the college.