Office of the Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer
Our Mission: The mission of the Office of Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer is to support the exceptional learning environment envisioned in Jefferson’s mission statement through the stewardship of all College resources and extraordinary service to students, employees, donors and the broader Jefferson community.
The vision of the Office of the Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer is that each of the units will be “best in class” – operating with the highest standards of integrity, transparency and professionalism.
The Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer leads operational, financial and physical initiatives in support of Jefferson's academic and programmatic goals. The division head key administrative areas, including: Budget and Accounting, Bursar/Student Financials, Human Resources, Payroll, Facilities Maintenance and Operations, Environmental Services and Grounds, Campus Safety and Security, Risk Management, Auxiliary Services, Procurement and Accounts Payable, Sustainability and Environmental Health and Safety.
The Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer is located on the Downtown Campus in the Broadway Building on the 1st floor, Suite 100. The office can be reached by phone at (502) 213-2108.