Faculty Instructional Workload, Released Time, and Overload Policy and Procedures
Division chairs will receive 3 reassigned classes (or the equivalent of 9 credit hours) per semester. In addition, they will receive an annual minimum stipend of $6000. Chairs of unusually large divisions or divisions with complex accreditation issues may receive a higher stipend.
In concert with division chairs, academic program coordinators (APC) and department heads (DH) are responsible for course scheduling, hiring and supervision of adjuncts, coordination of learning outcomes assessment, handling of student complaints, and preparation of the annual AREs. Their stipends (stipends may be exchanged for reassigned time dollar for dollar) will be based on considerations such as the following, summarized in the chart below:
- Size of program
- Whether the program has selective admissions
- Whether the program is externally accredited, including whether specific released time is mandated by accreditors or program accreditation requirements justify additional released time
- Whether the program has internships or practicums set up and supervised by the coordinator
Size | Selective Admissions | Accredited | Practicums | Stipends |
Very small <10 sections/semester | IS or leadership credit | |||
Small <20 sections/semester | $1000 annual stipend | |||
Medium ~20-50 sections/semester | $2000 annual stipend | |||
Large ~50 - 120 sections/semester | $3000 annual stipend | |||
Very large >120 sections/semester | $4000 annual stipend | |||
Very small < 10 sections/semester | X and/or | X and/or | X and/or | $1000 annual stipend |
Small <20 sections/semester | X and/or | X and/or | X and/or | $2000 annual stipend |
Medium ~20-50 sections/semester | X and/or | X and/or | X and/or | $3000 annual stipend |
Large > 50 section/semester | X and/or | X and/or | X and/or | $4000 annual stipend |
In certain programs requiring clinical placements, faculty serving as Academic Clinical Coordinators (ACC) may receive stipends commensurate with the number of students and/or clinical sites for which they are responsible if this is over and above their DOEA commitment
Student support lab coordinators may receive 1 released course (or the equivalent of 3 credit hours) per semester.
Overloads: Faculty are never required to teach overloads, nor is the institution obligated to approve faculty overloads where they are not deemed to be in the best interests of the institution and/or students. Faculty may be denied requested overloads for failure to follow established policies, failure to meet critical instructional deadlines (e.g., no show reporting, grades), multiple semesters with high attrition, or validated student complaints.
All faculty must request overloads in advance of the semester during which they are to teach. Faculty teaching overloads must meet the following criteria:
- Annual performance review rating of “meets” or higher
- Regular completion of “no show” and “LDA” reporting in a timely manner
- Regular submission of grades in a timely manner
- Regular submission of all syllabi to division office
- Regular posting and maintenance of office hours
- Regular completion of required forms and other documents
- Institutional benchmarks for student performance and retention
- Demonstrated ability to maintain academic quality and appropriate student interaction for all regular and overload courses
Overloads will be limited to two per semester (the equivalent of 6-7 credit hours). On a case by case basis, if there is a documented staffing emergency, the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) may approve a third overload.
Prior to the beginning of each semester, the division chairs, deans, or campus directors must request scheduled or anticipated overloads for approval by the CAO. A notice of approved overloads will be sent back to the division chairs, with copies to Human Resources.
Effective 8.1.14; approved by Senior Academic Leadership Team 7.21.14; approved by Council of Division Chairs 7.28.14; amended to include provision for release time for Academic Clinical Coordinators 2.15; amended by the CAO and Deans of Academic Affairs and approved by the President 5.16