Duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
164.600 Boards of directors for community colleges and community and technical
1) As used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise:
- (a) "Chief executive officer" means a president or the head administrator of a college within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System;
- (b) "College" means a community college, a technical college, or a community and technical college within the system;
- (c) "President" means the chief executive officer of the system;
- (d) "Relative" means father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law; and
- (e) "System" means the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
(2) There shall be a board of directors for each community college or community and technical college under the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, except as provided in KRS 165.160. The board of regents may designate that a local board of directors serve more than one college. Each board of directors shall:
- (a) Recommend one (1) candidate for college chief executive officer from three (3) candidates provided by the president. The president shall have the authority to make the final appointment and shall not be bound by the recommendation from the board of directors;
- (b) Evaluate the college chief executive officer and advise the president of his or her performance. The president has final authority for the appointment and termination of the college chief executive officer;
- (c) Approve budget requests for recommendation to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System;
- (d) Adopt and amend an annual operating budget and submit it to the board of regents for approval as to the compliance with its guidelines;
- (e) Approve a strategic plan that is developed in coordination with local employers, civic leaders, campus constituents, and other postsecondary institutions in the region and that is consistent with the strategic agenda of the General Assembly.