15-K Jefferson-Rise Together Initiative | JCTC

15-K Jefferson-Rise Together Initiative

The 15K-Jefferson Rise Together Initiative is a powerful higher education support system for African-American students from the five Zones of Hope Neighborhoods (Shawnee, California, Newburg, Russell, and Parkland) Students will be supported through:

  • Jefferson on campus mentor and external mentor.
  • Enrichment activities and trips.
  • Monthly coaching appointments.
  • Service learning opportunities.
  • Access to Persistence and Graduation Fund to address financial barriers.
  • First-year experience, Black Student Leadership, and Peer Mentoring (Rise Together Ambassador).
  • Preferred employment in the Multicultural Center (based on federal work-study eligibility or Ready to Work Program Participation).
  • Academic support services.

15K-Jefferson Rise Together Initiative Year 1 Data

Race/Ethnicity  Count (17-18)  Fall 17 GPA   Spring 18 GPA   Cumulative  GPA 
Credential Seeking Students
11,760 2.35 GPA 2.38 GPA 2.49 GPA
Black/African American Students 2,765 1.96 GPA 1.93 GPA 2.10 GPA
Non-Zones of Hope Black/African American Students 1,898 2.00 GPA 1.95 GPA 2.14 GPA
Black/African American
Zones of Hope Students
867 1.85 GPA 1.89 GPA 2.0 GPA
15K-Rise Together Pilot Cohort

Fall 17- 26 students

Spring 18-18 students

2.74 GPA 2.6 GPA 2.8 GPA