How to do business with Jefferson
How to do business with Jefferson Community and Technical College, a part of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS).
Required Forms:
- Your firm must be added to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) vendor file.
- To be added, simply complete the Substitute W-9 form.
- This form must be completed in its entirety.
- The only optional section is the ACH direct deposit section.
- Please make sure you have completed all areas of the Substitute W-9 form prior to submitting your paperwork.
- The vendor will not be added until all required paperwork is completed and received.
- Attachments (brochures, line cards, catalogs, business cards, MBE Certification, etc.) should be submitted with the vendor forms.
Insurance Requirements:
Prior to the beginning of the contract, the contractor will furnish to KCTCS Purchasing Certificates of Insurance that show it has and will maintain all insurance protection (including products liability insurance) at the contractor's expense.
Minimum liability coverage must be:
- Public Liability -Comprehensive General Owners, Landlords and Tenants
- Bodily Injury Liability
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Property Damage Liability $1,000,000
- Products Liability
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Automobile Liability
- Bodily Injury
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Each Occurrence $1,000,000
- Personal Injury Liability
- Each Person $1,000,000
- Property Damage Liability $1,000,000
- Worker's Com12ensation Statutory
- Employers Liability $ 500,000
The Kentucky Community and Technical College System must be named as an additional insured in the policy for Comprehensive General Liability. In the event of failure by the contractor to maintain, in force, insurance coverage acceptable to KCTCS, KCTCS will have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the contractor. Copies of the Insurance Certificates are to be furnished to the KCTCS Purchasing Division. Modification of this requirement must be requested in writing with supporting statements, prior to the time of the bid submission.