Employee Partners in Supplier Diversity
I make small purchases for my department. What can I do to help?
- In order to create a more inclusive vendor community, those individuals making delegated small purchases must fully embrace the Supplier Diversity initiatives.
- By force of habit, many departmental buyers tend to patronize the same vendors over and over again, without first verifying the availability of vendors.
Please remember to:
- Make use of established term contracts with diverse businesses.
- Be aware of diverse businesses and consider directing department-level purchases to those vendors.
- Share information about new diverse supplier sources.
- Did you know that you can search by diverse vendor when ordering supplies? It is simple and easy to do.
- Simply check the search box while shopping.
Do you know of a company that would like to do business with us?
- Please complete the Diversity Supplier recommendation form and submit it to the Business Office.
How to search for a vendor:
- KCTCS documents are now located on the KCTCS Intranet