Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact Purchasing?
- Jefferson Purchasing can be contacted by phone at (502) 213-2109, by fax at (502) 213-2111.
How do suppliers become eligible to do business with Jefferson Community and Technical College?
- Your firm must be added to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) vendor file.
- To be added, simply complete the Substitute W-9 form.
- This form must be completed in its entirety.
- The only optional section is the ACH direct deposit section.
- Please make sure you have completed all areas of the Substitute W-9 prior to submitting your paperwork.
- The vendor will not be added until all required paperwork is completed and received.
- Attachments (brochures, line cards, catalogs, business cards, MBE Certification, etc.) should be submitted with the vendor forms.
How does a supplier get on a bid list?
- Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) is an agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and subject to the Kentucky Model Procurement Code, KRS 45A.
- KCTCS Purchasing is vested with the responsibility for procurement of all goods and services in accordance with the above referenced procurement law, and for making the final determination of the source of supply for KCTCS Colleges.
- Please visit the KCTCS website for bid opportunities
Who makes the actual buying commitments?
- Jefferson Community and Technical College, being a part of KCTCS has one purchasing agent who will manage and facilitate all purchase orders with KCTCS.
- KCTCS has four purchasing professionals in the Central Purchasing Department who are the only employees authorized to commit the College for purchases.
- The only exception to this is the College Purchasing Card program. College employees who have received a purchasing card have the authority to make purchases up to a specified dollar limit on their cards.
- If a College Purchasing Card is not being used, vendors should always be sure to obtain a signed Purchase Order or authorized purchase order number before shipping or providing items/services to a College Department.
Is the College tax exempt?
- Yes. The College is exempt from sales tax in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and is exempt from certain Federal excise taxes.
- Requests from suppliers for tax exemption forms should be referred to the Business Affairs Department.
- Tax exempt number A20633
When will a payment for an invoice be received?
- Payments are made generally in 7-14 days on most invoices.
- Other factors may come into play that may delay payment.
- These may include receipt of incorrect items, incorrect invoices, damaged in shipment, invoices sent to wrong address, etc.
- Jefferson tries to resolve these issues with the vendor in an expedient manner so as not to delay payment.
Where invoices should be sent?
- Invoices should reference the appropriate purchase order number and be sent to the "Bill To" address indicated on the purchase order
- This address is:
300 North Main Street
Versailles, KY 40383
- **NOTE** Invoices received without the purchase order referenced, will be returned and result in a delay of payment.
How do I check the payment status of an invoice?
- You may contact the accounts payable department at (502) 213-2109.
- Please reference the Purchase Order number that relates to the invoice you are inquiring about.