Shelby Campus Students
The following scholarships have been made available to JCTC Shelby Campus Students. This is a special application period for these scholarships only. The completed application will place you in the applicant pool for both scholarships.
Jefferson Jubilee Scholarship
The Jefferson Jubilee Scholarship is open to JCTC students currently enrolled in any area of study that have achieved and maintained a 3.0 or greater GPA. Applicants must submit a 200-word essay describing their financial need. Preference will be given to students not receiving additional financial assistance. All students meeting the criteria are encouraged to apply. This posting is open only to students attending the Shelby County Campus.
Shelby Energy Scholarship
The Shelby Energy Scholarship is open to JCTC students whose primary campus of enrollment is the Shelby County Campus. Applicants must submit paragraph describing their need. Must demonstrate financial need (must have a completed FAFSA on file). An application is not complete if it does not include the required essay.
Completed applications can be submitted in one of the following ways:
Email to : Jefferson-financialaid@kctcs.edu
Fax to: 502- 213-2498
In Person to the Financial Aid or Student Services Office at ANY Campus:
Mail to:
Financial Aid - Scholarships
109 East Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202