KCTCS Alcohol Policy KCTCS Policy on Alcohol Abuse
KCTCS is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace for its employees. The problem of alcohol abuse constitutes a growing national crisis; therefore, the KCTCS has this alcohol abuse policy.
Conduct which is a violation of this policy poses unacceptable risk and disregard for the health, safety, and welfare of co-workers, students, and the total KCTCS community.
Alcohol abuse, or being under the influence or the unauthorized use or consumption of alcohol on KCTCS property or while on KCTCS business, is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or discharge.
Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or discharge.
Authority for enforcement is vested with the KCTCS Chancellor/KCTCS Vice Presidents. Procedure Regarding Alcohol Abuse
The KCTCS provides educational programs and general information on the danger of alcohol use and abuse in the workplace. The KCTCS trains its supervisors to recognize mental and physical signs of problem drinking.
In the KCTCS, the supervisor shall notify the college president/chief executive officer who shall
- (1) suspend the employee pending further investigation and
- (2) inform the college chief personnel officer.
The college president/chief executive officer in conjunction with the employee's supervisor
and the college chief personnel officer shall conduct an investigation and, based
on factual information obtained from all parties involved, determine whether there
has been a violation of this policy.
All discussions, investigations and basis for disciplinary or rehabilitative actions
shall be strictly confidential.
If the evidence confirms that the staff employee has violated this policy, the college
president/chief executive officer, with the employee's supervisor and the college
chief personnel officer, shall review the factual information to determine the appropriate
action which includes as follows:
- Disciplinary action up to and including suspension or discharge; and/or
- Referral to an employee assistance program or rehabilitation program.
If evidence confirms that a student employee has violated this policy, the college president/chief executive officer, consistent with Kentucky Community and Technical College System policies and procedures, shall determine the appropriate sanction in accordance with the student employee's status as an at-will employee. Nothing is this policy shall be construed to prohibit or interfere with whatever appropriate disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the student employee's student status, as provided by the Code of Student Conduct.
Whenever a supervisor notices an employee with overt signs of mental and physical impairment thought to be secondary to substance abuse, or when job related behavior or work performance suggests substance abuse, the employee shall be referred to the appropriate local rehabilitation health service by the college president/chief executive officer.
The decision to acknowledge problem drinking and accept therapeutic intervention rests with the employee, and participation in an employee assistance program or rehabilitative program is voluntary. However, refusal to participate in appropriate intervention program(s) shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or dismissal.
The college president/chief executive officer shall monitor the progress of the employee, and inform the employee's supervisor of the employee's progress and anticipated safe return to the job.
If an employee with problem drinking and/or poor work refuses or fails therapy, then the college president/chief executive officer, in conjunction with the employee's supervisor, shall institute an appropriate work performance evaluation and action. KCTCS Alcohol Policy
The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on KCTCS property is subject to Kentucky statutes, county and city ordinances, and KCTCS regulations developed in keeping with this policy. All members of the KCTCS community are expected to obey these laws and regulations. KCTCS desires to promote responsible consumption according to all applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, KCTCS desires to provide an environment for students where alcohol is not made available, alcohol consumption is not encouraged, and further, alcohol education and counseling programs are promoted.
- In order to promote operational efficiency and to provide administrative flexibility within KCTCS, the President delegates this function to the College President/CEO for his/her respective college.
- Alcoholic beverage usage on KCTCS property shall be consistent with applicable state law and local ordinances governing individual colleges and/or regulations and procedures developed and approved by the College President/CEO in the implementation of this policy.
- The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on KCTCS property is permitted only in those locations and circumstances as set forth in paragraph D and E.
- Alcoholic beverages may be served and consumed at official KCTCS functions and non-KCTCS
functions as approved by the College President/CEO consistent with College regulations
and procedures enacted to implement this policy. Such regulations and procedures shall
include and be consistent with the following provisions:
- Applicability:
- The policy applies to all persons and entities using KCTCS owned or operated facilities.
- Sponsorship Requirements:
- Every event at which alcoholic beverages will be served must have a designated sponsor approved by the College President/CEO.
- The sponsor may be either an individual of at least 21 years of age or an organization or association recognized by the college.
- The College as Sponsor:
- No one may represent the college (or any of its subsidiary departments and offices) as the sponsor of an event at which alcoholic beverages are served without express written permission from the College President/CEO.
- Student organizations are prohibited from sponsoring such events.
- Permits:
- The sponsor must obtain, or ensure that its caterer obtains, the applicable Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC) permits required under Chapter 243 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, and must submit a copy of all required permits to the College President/CEO.
- All servers of alcoholic beverages must be 21 years of age or older.
- Locations (multi-campus sites):
- Alcohol may be served only in those facilities or locations identified as appropriate by the College President/CEO.
- Examples include but are not limited to the following: convention centers, multi-purpose rooms, conference rooms, performing arts auditoriums and enclosed foyers.
- Designation of facilities is up to the discretion of the College President/CEO and may include outside areas.
- Sale of Alcohol Prohibited:
- The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at any event on campus except as permitted pursuant to a lawfully issued license in accordance with the provisions of Kentucky Revised Statute 243.033 (governing caterers) or Kentucky Revised Statutes 243.260 (governing special temporary licenses) and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.
- Service of Alcohol to Minors Prohibited:
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages is limited to persons 21 years of age or older.
- No one under the age of 21 shall be served alcoholic beverages. Proof of age shall be required.
- Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages Must be Made Available:
- Non-alcoholic beverages and food must also be provided at any event at which alcoholic beverages are served.
- Attendance Limited to Invited Guests:
- Events at which alcoholic beverages are served will be closed to the general public.
- Only those persons specifically invited will be admitted.
- Event Advertising and Promotion:
- Promotions and advertisements for events shall not indicate that alcohol will be served or consumed.
- Alcohol Must Remain in Designated Space:
- The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted in designated event areas only.
- Intoxicated Persons May Not be Served:
- Visibly intoxicated and/or disorderly persons shall not be served or permitted to consume alcoholic beverages.
- Time of Service Limited:
- The serving of alcoholic beverages at all approved events will be limited to a total of not more than five hours with termination of service of alcoholic beverages at least one hour prior to the end of the event.
- Additional Precautions May be Required:
- The College reserves the right to require additional precautions such as the use of trained persons to dispense alcoholic beverages in instances where alcohol is being provided pursuant to a special temporary license issued for a non-profit, charitable event, stricter limitations on times of service, or the use of security to assist in ensuring compliance with this policy.
- Involvement of Facilities Coordinator:
- Persons or organizations wishing to use KCTCS facilities covered under this policy should contact the facility coordinator for additional instructions or information prior to submitting to the College President/CEO a “Request for Approval to Serve Alcoholic Beverages”.
- Payment:
- Payment for alcoholic beverages shall only be made as set forth in Section F of this policy.
- Violation of Policy:
- Any person or organization found in violation of this policy may be barred by KCTCS from the sponsorship of further events.
- KCTCS may, at its sole discretion, terminate the service of alcohol at any event on KCTCS owned or operated property.
- Furthermore, KCTCS may, at its sole discretion, terminate the service of alcohol at KCTCS events held at other locations.
- Approval Process:
- Any person or organization wishing to sponsor an event under the provisions of this Policy must complete a “Request for Approval to Serve Alcoholic Beverages” form.
- Any sponsor from outside or within KCTCS is required to make all arrangements under this Policy.
- The sponsor must obtain written approval from the College President/CEO.
- Alcohol Use in Programs of Study Subject to approval by the College President/CEO, the use of alcohol is permitted for educational purposes that encompass Culinary Arts events and other related functions that have educational purposes.
- All alcoholic beverages kept on College property shall be stored in a secure location.
- Alcoholic beverages may be made available for consumption in certain classes under
appropriate supervision.
- Class participants will be asked to present proof that they are of legal Kentucky drinking age and will be held responsible for limiting their consumption of alcohol to safe amounts.
- Applicability:
- Funds for Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages
- Alcohol for instructional use in programs of study may be purchased with institutional funds. In such instances an employee may be required to make the purchase and seek reimbursement or to make arrangements for the invoice to be direct billed to the College. KCTCS Purchasing is to be consulted prior to the purchase for the most efficient purchase method.
- Alcoholic beverages for any other use than instructional use in programs of study must be purchased with non-KCTCS funds.