Awareness-month | JCTC

Campus Safety and Security

Awareness Months

  • January: 
    • General Health and Wellbeing
  • February: 
    • Earthquake Awareness
  • March: 
    • Severe Weather (Flood/Tornado)
  • April: 
    • Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • May: 
    • Life Saver (CPR/First Aid/AED)
  • June:  
    • Heat/Summer Safety
  • July: 
    • Heat/Summer Safety
  • August: 
    • Campus Safety/Back to School
  • September: 
    • National Preparedness Month
  • October: 
    • Fire Safety/Prevention
  • November:
    • Halloween
    • Thanksgiving
    • Winter Weather or Freeze
  • December:
    • Winter Weather or Freeze
    • Holiday Safety
      • Christmas Trees
      • Winter Holiday