Jefferson Incident & Crime Log 2001 | JCTC

Due to inclement weather, Jefferson Community and Technical College campuses, classes and services are operating on a two-hour delay on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

Jefferson Incident & Crime Log

January - December, 2001


Date Campus Location Offense Description
01/17 TC BGB lot Hit and Run Vehicle damage
01/18 TC BGB Theft by Unlawful Taking (TBUT) TBUT under $300
01/22 DT I-65 lot Theft from vehicle  TBUT under $300
01/25 DT BWY Loitering Street person removed 


Date Campus Location Offense Description
02/09 DT JEC lot Criminal Mischief over $500 Keying of car
02/13 DT Stu. lot Theft of Vehicle Reported theft at gunpoint 
02/20 SW Campus Terroristic Threatening

Student Disorderly Conduct. Referred to Academic Dean

02/22 SW SOC Reported Theft of Keys TBUT under $300


Date Campus Location Offense Description
03/05 SW Campus Reported Stalking of Student Incident in Parking Lot
03/06 SW Stu. lot Students Fighting in Parking Lot Police responded to scene
03/16 DT VTI  Criminal Mischief under $500 Damage to Candy Machine
03/21 DT Gray St lot Criminal Mischief under $500 Slashing of tires
03/23 DT JEC  TBUT under $300 CD's reported taken
03/23 DT LIB  TBUT under $300 Purse stolen
03/23 DT VTI  Criminal Mischief under $500 Damage to Candy Machine
03/28 DT BWY TBUT under $300 Theft of heater and mugs from office
03/28 DT Stu. Lot Auto Accident Auto Accident
03/30 DT VTI  Criminal Trespass Criminal Trespass


Date Campus Location Offense Description
04/03  DT HFD  TBUT under $300 Theft of hedge trimmer
04/04 DT 1st & BWY Drinking in Public Bus Stop
04/05 DT VTI  Criminal Mischief under $500 Damage to Gumball Machine
04/05 DT VTI Criminal Trespass Subject related to Candy/ Gumball machine damage
04/06 DT I-65 lot TBUT over $300 Theft from vehicle
04/09 DT LIB lot Criminal Mischief Damage to vehicle,  Thief from vehicle
04/17 DT JEC TBUT under $300 Vandalism of gumball machine
04/18 TC JEC TBUT under $300 Upset student
04/18 TC BGA lot Theft of Vehicle Motor Vehicle Theft
04/18 DT Stu. lot Criminal Mischief Damage to vehicle
04/19 DT JEC  Criminal Mischief Break-in on Fourth Floor
04/19 DT JEC  Criminal Mischief Seventh Floor
04/24 DT BWY Public Intoxication Street corner in front of bldg
04/25 DT I-65 lot Criminal Mischief, TBUT under $300 Window Broken in vehicle, Thief from vehicle
04/26 DT Stu. lot TBUT under $300 Stolen hub cap
04/27 DT VTI  Arson Phone Book set on fire


Date Campus Location Offense Description
05/09 DT SEM Loitering Loitering in center section stairwell - removed
05/23 TC Campus  Disorderly Conduct Terroristic Threatening - Childcare Center
05/24 DT LIB  Disorderly Conduct Person removed
05/25 DT LIB Criminal Trespass Person removed by LPD
05/29 DT JEC  Theft over $300 Stolen lap-top computer (7th floor)
05/29 DT Stu. lot Loitering Panhandler removed


Date Campus Location Offense Description
06/07 DT LIB Trespass Juveniles removed (computer lab)
06/07 DT HFD TBUT under $300 Shoplift from Bookstore
06/07 DT JEC Disorderly Conduct Terroristic Threatening
06/11 DT JEC Attempted Robbery Subject arrested by LPD
06/12 DT SEM Criminal Mischief Damage to Candy Machine
06/18 DT SEM Criminal Mischief Damage to Candy Machine (JF Center)
06/18 DT Stu. lot   Recovered stolen vehicle (LPD)
06/27 DT HFD Criminal Mischief Graffiti in stairwell


Date Campus Location Offense Description
07/03 DT HFD Disorderly Conduct Disorderly person on fourth floor
07/07 DT Stu. lot Vehicle Accident Vehicle accident in lot
07/09 DT   TBUT under $300 Stolen Wallet
07/17 DT HFD Terroristic Threatening Threatening note on instructor's door
07/26 DT HFD TBUT under $300 Stolen LED message sign


Date Campus Location Offense Description
08/01 DT HFD Receipt of stolen property Sale of stolen book
08/03 DT JEC TBUT under $300 Eighth floor
08/06 DT JEC Student Code Violation Disorderly student
08/07 DT JEC Student Code Violation Disorderly student
08/16 TC Campus Disorderly Conduct 110 W. Broadway
08/16 DT JEC Criminal Mischief Damage to basement door
08/29 TC BGB TBUT under $300 Theft of DVD player
08/29 SW Campus Possible Criminal Trespass Suspicion of selling stolen books


Date Campus Location Offense Description
09/02 DT JEC Burglary Burglary
09/04 DT HFD Sexual Harassment Disorderly Conduct
09/05 DT JEC TBUT under $300 Stolen credit cards
09/06 DT LIB Criminal Trespass Broadway Building
09/06 DT LIB Terroristic Threatening Disorderly Conduct
09/07 DT JEC TBUT under $300 JEC
09/10 DT VTI TBUT under $300 Stolen Wallet
09/10 DT VTI TBUT under $300 Stolen Purse.  Update: Purse recovered
09/10 DT VTI TBUT under $300 Stolen Book Bag
09/12 TC Tech Suspicious Person Reported Suspicious Person Reported
09/14 DT JEC TBUT over $300 Theft of computer
09/14 DT HFD TBUT under $300 Money Box from Vending Machine
09/19 DT Stu. lot Grand Theft Auto Keys left in Vehicle
09/25 DT VTI TBUT over $300 Theft of computer
09/27 DT JEC TBUT under $30 Theft of cash from counter


Date Campus Location Offense Description
10/01 DT JEC Burglary Office Door Broken Into 
10/08 DT Stu. lot Hit and Run Vehicle hit and run
10/09 DT Stu. lot Auto Accident Auto Accident
10/13 SW SCB TUBT under $300 Theft from video machine
10/17 SW Emp. lot TUBT under $300 Cell phone reported stolen from car
10/18 SW Woods Crack Pipes Found LMPD notified
10/18 SW Campus Reckless Driving Wrecked motorcycle, poss of drugs
10/18 DT Stu. lot Auto Accident Auto Accident
10/19 DT HFD Criminal Mischief Damage to Property
10/22 DT JEC Criminal Mischief Damage to property (7th Floor)
10/23 DT HFD TUBT under $300 Damage to Gum Machine
10/25 DT JEC Harassment Harassment of employee
10/25 DT HFD Criminal Mischief Damage to Dumpster
10/31 TC Campus TUBT over $300 Cell phone, CD's, radar detect
10/31 TC Campus TUBT under $300 Stolen Wallet
10/31 DT JEC Criminal Mischief Damage to vehicle (overnight)


Date Campus Location Offense Description
11/01 DT Campus Dumpster Fire Dumpster Fire
11/01 TC Campus Criminal Mischief  Concrete planter broken 
11/02 TC Campus Suspicious power in restroom LTD determined not hazardous
11/03 TC  Campus TBUT under $300 Stolen purse
11/05 DT Stu. lot Criminal Mischief Damage to Bike Lock
11/05 DT HFD TBUT under $300 Stolen Purse - later recovered
11/07 DT LIB TBUT under $300 Stolen purse
11/09 DT Emp. lot Grand Theft Auto Stolen vehicle - later recovered
11/14 DT Emp. lot Grand Theft Auto Stolen vehicle - later recovered
11/20 DT Campus Disorderly Conduct Unidentified person grabbed faculty member
11/26 DT Stu. lot Criminal Mischief Damage to vehicle
11/27 DT Campus Terroristic Threatening Bomb Threat received by LIB
11/28 DT VTI TBUT under $300 Theft from gumball machine
11/29 DT Campus Terroristic Threatening Bomb Threat received by Pres Office
11/30 DT VTI TBUT under $300 Theft from gumball machine


Date Campus Location Offense Description
12/03 DT Campus  Terroristic Threatening Bomb Threat received by Oldham Co 911 
12/04 DT Campus Terroristic Threatening Bomb Threat received by Security
12/06 DT Campus Terroristic Threatening Bomb Threat to VTI Building
12/06 DT VTI TBUT under $300 Stolen Backpack