Jefferson Incident & Crime Log
January - December, 2010
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
01/11 | DT | LIB | Theft by Unlawful Taking (TBUT) under $300 | Person(s) unknown removed contents from purse when it was unattended. |
01/16 | DT | JEC | TBUT over $300 | Two subjects entered security guard shack at 2nd and Broadway and stole heater desk phone and a blue sack. 1st subject appeared to be white male dressed all in camouflage with hat on and 2nd subject had on dark colored hoodie with red pants on. LMPD Report #801-000-3980. |
01/20 | DT | Campus | TBUT under $500 | Person(s) unknown removed wallet from purse while it was unattended. |
01/28 | DT | HFD | Damage to school property failure to comply with official threatening behavior | Student physically broke Main Student Lot entry gate arm. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
02/01 | DT | VTI | Indecent Exposure | Subject exposed himself while sitting in cafeteria and then fled before Campus Safety/Security arrived. |
02/04 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct Terroristic Threatening and Student Code Violations | Two students got into a physical confrontation over an off campus domestic dispute. |
02/04 | DT | LIB | TBUT over $300 | Person(s) unknown removed books from bookbag while it was unattended. |
02/04 | TC | BGA | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Student became verbally abusive with another student and had to be escorted off campus. |
02/11 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct Student Code Violations | Student who was loud and disruptive acted threatening toward officers when they were called to scene and student was escorted out of building and an disciplinary action is pending. |
02/11 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Student became loud and disorderly in library and was escorted and banned from there until further disciplinary action is taken. |
02/11 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Student refused to comply with request from library personnel and became disorderly. The student refused to cooperated with the campus safety/security department so there is a student disciplinary process pending at this time. |
02/12 | DT | JEC | Disorderly Conduct Student Code Violations | A student and a non-student were caught engaging in sexual activity in the stall of a restroom disciplinary procedures pending. |
02/22 | BU | room 100 | TBUT under $300 | Person(s) unknown removed a credit card from the purse of an employee. Police were notified and an investigation is pending. |
02/22 | DT | VTI | TBUT | Student left items unattended and they were stolen. |
02/24 | DT | Student lot | Criminal Mischief under $500 | Employee reports that person(s) unknown may have tampered with their tires. An investigation is pending. |
02/28 | TC | BGA | false burglar alarm | Microwave caused motion detector to go off accidentally. Building was searched and everything was OK. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
03/02 | DT | BGB | Disorderly Conduct | Unknown male subject came into building and ladies restroom and asked for two dollars. Security was notified but subject had left building and an investigation is pending. |
03/11 | DT | HFD | Harassing Communications | An unknown caller threatened trouble concerning a staff person. An investigation is pending. |
03/11 | DT | LIB | Student Code Violation Disruption of a College Function | An instructor had security remove two student from their class for being disruptive. Disciplinary investigation is pending. |
03/11 | TC | BGB | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Student has been threatening to kill other classmates after he accused them of stealing his property. Disciplinary action is pending. |
03/25 | DT | VTI | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | A student made suggestive remarks toward a female student. Disciplinary action is pending at this time |
03/29 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violations | Student was arrested on warrants by police after giving security and police officers false name and false information. Disciplinary action is pending. |
03/29 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violations | Student was incoherent and unresponsive to instructor so they were escorted out of class by campus safety/security. |
03/29 | DT | LIB | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Student that had been removed by campus safety and security from an earlier class cursed and intimidated another student and was asked to leave campus immediately. A disciplinary investigation is pending. |
03/29 | DT | VTI | TBUT under $300 | Person(s) unknown took backpack that was unattended by student. |
03/30 | DT | Student lot | Student Code Violations | Two students failed to comply with campus safety/security officers after parking illegally. Disciplinary investigation is pending. |
03/30 | TC | BGB | TBUT under $300 | Clients of a vendor on campus took cash from another vendor on campus. Subjects were identified LMPD notified and cash was returned. Disciplinary action by vendor to clients pending. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
04/02 | DT | VTI | TBUT under $300 | Items were taken from purse that was left unattended in an office. |
04/07 | DT | LIB | Terroristic Threatening and Student Code Violations | A student was heard by a staff member making threatening remarks in regards to a previous physical incident that happened just off campus. These threats were recently conveyed to campus safety/security administration. Student Disciplinary and Law Enforcement investigations are pending. |
04/07 | DT | LIB | Strong arm Robbery | Person(s) unknown took a book bag from the victim while the victim had possession of it in the stall of the restroom. LMPD investigation is pending. Back pack was recovered later with cash and credit cards missing. |
04/08 | DT | LIB | TBUT over $300 | Student claims the person(s) unknown stole bicycle from bike rack. |
04/13 | DT | HFD | Student Code Violations | Two female students reported that a male student verbally abused them over a parking space. Disciplinary investigation pending. |
04/15 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct Indecent exposure | A non-student was made to leave the Library after being confronted for indecent exposure. Campus safety warned against coming back on the property. Subject left w/o incident. Subject was described as white male black basketball shorts white t-shirt and white socks. |
04/20 | DT | Student lot | Criminal Mischief under $500 (Possible Vandalism of Vehicle) | Student claims that they parked their vehicle in parking lot yesterday and upon their return found a crack in their windshield. |
04/22 | DT | JEC | Student Code Violations | Subject refused to comply with a college official so they left area after campus safety/security arrived. |
04/26 | DT | VTI | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Students got into an argument over a domestic situation |
04/29 | DT | LIB | Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Trespassing | A female student was harassed by a female nonstudent who was escorted from campus and warned against trespassing. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
05/12 | TC | BGA | Indecent Exposure | A juvenile patron of a tenant claims to have flashed and propositioned while he was in the restroom. An investigation is pending and this information was just reported to JCTC Campus Safety/Security. |
05/17 | DT | HFD | Disorderly conduct | A female student complained that a homeless woman was harassing her at HFD courtyard. The woman was asked to leave and left without incident. |
05/17 | TC | BGA | Criminal Mischief under $500 | Person(s) unknown broke out a window to door. An investigation is pending. |
05/19 | DT | Campus | Criminal Trespassing | Non-student patron was escorted from library by Campus Safety and Security and warned against Criminal Trespassing. He would not comply with library policy and procedures. |
05/19 | DT | Campus | Criminal Mischief under $500 (Destruction of flowers) | Subject was uprooting flowers but ran away when Campus Safety and Security officers arrived on scene. |
05/27 | SW | Campus | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | A former student became argumentative and started using profanity when confronted about abusing printer policies/procedures. Subject was escorted from campus and warned against Criminal Trespassing. |
05/28 | DT | LIB | Indecent Exposure | Student reports the they observed a man exposing himself. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
06/01 | DT | Campus | Fighting (Nonstudent) | Security was alerted about a fight in the main student parking lot by housekeeping. One of the officers witnessed an African American female in her mid 20's beating a Caucasian female in her mid 20's. The African American female got in a gray van and sped off immediately. The other female took off north towards 1st and Chestnut St. Security caught up to her and she refused to press charges. She stated that that neither her or the African American female were students at the college. |
06/07 | DT | VTI | TBUT under $300 | PERSON (S) STOLE AN ITEM OFF A DESK. Pending further investigation. |
06/08 | DT | Campus | Public intoxication | A individual was intoxicated on school property the individual called EMS and was taken to hospital. |
06/14 | TC | BGA | Criminal Mischief over $500 | Person(s) unknown removed a copper line set and disconnect plug from an air conditioner. An investigation is pending by LMPD. |
06/18 | DT | Campus | Assault 4th Degree | A student worker stated that a subject who was previously known to her kissed her against her will while riding in an elevator last Thursday 6/10/10. This information was just made available to Campus Safety/Security. LMPD is involved in this investigation. |
06/21 | DT | Campus | TBUT under $500 | Student claims that their wallet may have been taken while in the building by person(s) unknown. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
07/06 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violation(s) | STUDENT COMMITTED MULTIPLE Student Code Violation(s). Pending further investigation. |
07/06 | TC | BGB | TBUT over $300 | ITEM (S) REMOVE FROM CLASSROOM. Pending further investigation. |
07/14 | DT | Campus | Fire False alarm | A dirty smoke detector in basement set off fire alarm LMFD was called and reset alarm. Engine #5. Fire Marshall and Ky Emergency Management System was notified. |
07/19 | DT | JEC | Disorderly Conduct | A white male non-student called an African American student a "monkey" and made implied threats. The non-student was then asked to leave campus and he complied. LMPD is investigating the incident. |
07/26 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code of Conduct Violations; Verbal and Psychological Abuse and Failure to Comply with a College Official | Two students got into a verbal confrontation and one of them left campus. The other was present when security arrived and became hostile when confronted by Campus Safety officers and became disorderly by yelling insults and acting in a threatening manner. Student was written up for conduct and will meet with Dean of Students today. |
07/29 | DT | JEC lot | CRIMINAL MISCHIEF and TBUT under $500 | VEHICLE WAS BROKEN INTO IN ONE OUR LOTS and ITEMS WAS STOLEN. Pending further investigation. |
07/29 | DT | Bookstore | TBUT under $500 | A female stole books from book store. Case is currently under investigation by Louisville Metro Police Department. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
08/06 | DT | Campus | Theft by Deception (Under $500) | A subject claimed his car was not running and needed $20.00 for a tow and was given to him. The subject was then transported to a nearby Street where he jumped out of vehicle and ran. |
08/10 | DT | Campus | Harassment | After mistakenly walking through a construction site a student claims he was verbally threatened by a construction worker when leaving the area. |
08/12 | DT | LIB | Lewd conduct trespassing | Subject was caught in upstairs Library sleeping with his hand down his pants. Subject was escorted out of the building and given no trespassing warning. |
08/13 | DT | HFD | Criminal mischief | Property was taken from the parking lot but was recovered the following day. |
08/16 | DT | LIB | Verbal harassment | Victim reported that he was cursed at by his ex-girlfriend which is also in the same class. The victim went to file an EPO and the ex-girlfriend had left before security had got there. Situation is still ongoing. |
08/16 | DT | LIB | Verbal harassment threatening behavior | Subject began to become verbally abusive and acted in a threatening manner when he felt he was not being waited on. Subject was escorted from the area. |
08/18 | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | A wallet was stolen from a student at the library. |
08/20 | DT | YMCA garage | Harassment | Subject was reportedly abusive to the parking attendant. The argument was over parking availability. |
08/21 | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | Complainant reports her wallet was stolen from computer lab. |
08/27 | DT | Student lot | theft auto break-in | Victim claims her vehicle was broken into in the main student parking lot. Investigation is still ongoing at this time. |
08/30 | DT | LIB | Student Code Violations Verbal Harassment Disorderly Conduct | Students got into a verbal argument that disrupted the area. |
08/31 | SW | Campus | Disorderly Conduct Criminal Mischief under $500 and Student Code Violations | A student became irate and started yelling and damaging college property. Security was notified but student had left the scene. An investigation is ongoing and disciplinary action pending. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
09/01 | DT | Campus | Threats and threatening behavior | Female threatening another female with violence |
09/01 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violation | A student refused to comply with parking attendant after not parking in the JCTC designated area of the lot. Disciplinary action is pending. |
09/01 | DT | Campus | threatening behavior | Subject in library made threats about going to get a gun and bring it back to campus. Police were notified and subjects were advised to leave campus. No weapon was found. |
09/01 | DT | Bookstore | TBUT under $500 | Subject reportedly stole a book from bookstore and tried to resell at another bookstore. |
09/07 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Student became upset and started cursing attendant. Disciplinary action is pending. |
09/07 | DT | Campus | Physical Assault and Disorderly Conduct | A non-student and a former student got into a physical confrontation over an incident that occurred off campus. Campus Safety/Security and Police responded and incident is pending investigation. |
09/07 | DT | LIB | Alcohol Intoxication Loitering | A former student was passed out drunk in restroom. LMPD transported him to hospital. |
09/13 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violation | Student disrupted class but was calmed down by their instructor. |
09/22 | DT | VTI | Cheating | Student was removed from class for cheating on test. |
09/23 | DT | HFD | Student Code Violations and Disorderly Conduct | STUDENT VIOLATED SEVERAL Student Code Violations AND Disorderly Conduct. Pending further investigation |
09/23 | DT | Student lot | Criminal Mischief under $500 | Victim claims that a red or burgundy vehicle swerved and hit their dog and took off out of the parking lot. |
09/27 | DT | LIB | Student Code Violation | Student Code Violation-3.2.3. Pending further investigation. |
09/29 | DT | LIB | TBUT over $500 | STUDENT HAD HIS MOPED STOLEN FROM ONE OF OUR BUILDINGS. Pending further investigation. |
09/30 | DT | JEC lot | Criminal Mischief under $500 | Person(s) unknown broke into parked vehicle. LMPD has been notified and an investigation is pending. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
10/04 | DT | Campus | Harassment | A non-student has been verbally harassing an employee and seems to have an unhealthy obsession with the employee. |
10/04 | TC | BGA | TBUT under $500 | A patron of a tenant took a cell phone from another patron. LMPD was notified and an investigation is pending. |
10/08 | DT | Campus | Theft of Services over $500 and Criminal Trespassing | A nonstudent who was previously warned against Criminal Trespassing returned and made color copies of solicitations without paying for them. They fled campus shortly after security arrived. Police investigation pending. |
10/11 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct/Terroristic Threatening and Criminal Trespassing | A NON-STUDENT THREATENING TO CAUSE BODILY HARM TO AN OFFICER Disorderly Conduct/Terroristic Threatening and Criminal Trespassing. PERSON WAS ASKED TO LEAVE the PROPERTY and WARNED AGAINST TRESPASSING. |
10/11 | DT | LIB | TBUT over $500 | Bicycle was stolen from bike rack while victim was away. |
10/13 | DT | HFD | TBUT over $500 | Victim noticed bike had been stolen where it was previously chained. LMPD was notified. |
10/14 | DT | HFD | Student Code Violations 3.2.3, 3.2.8 and 3.2.23 | SEVERAL Student Code Violations OCCURRED BY STUDENT. Pending further investigation ON THIS MATTER. |
10/25 | DT | JEC | Assault | Officer observed Hispanic male chasing and trying to hit a female. When questioned subject stated that female had stolen his money. LMPD arrived and cleared the scene. The subject and victim were both non-students. |
10/27 | DT | HFD | Illegal drugs | STUDENT WAS FOUND TO HAVE DRUGS ON HIM and IN HIS VEHICLE. STUDENT ARRESTED and Pending further investigation |
10/27 | DT | HFD | Illegal drugs | STUDENT FOUND IN POSSESSION OF DRUGS and WAS ARRESTED. Pending further investigation. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
11/01 | DT | LIB | Student Code Violations3.2.3 and 3.2.23 | STUDENT HIT ANOTHER AS THEY WERE GOING TO CLASS. Pending further investigation into this matter. |
11/01 | DT | VTI | TBUT under $500 | Person(s) unknown took cell phone while it was left unattended. |
11/09 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct Student Code Violations -Verbal and Psychological Abuse | A student cursed their instructor after the instructor confronted them for being late for class. An investigation and disciplinary action is pending. |
11/10 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violations and Disorderly Conduct | Female student got into a verbal confrontation with her baby's daddy who is also a student. She threatened him and caused a disturbance and had to be told to leave the area. An investigation and disciplinary action is pending. |
11/16 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violation 2.3.18 | STUDENT VIOLATED STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT BY GIVING OUT HER PASSWORD TO A NON-STUDENT. Pending further investigation. |
11/16 | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct Criminal Trespassing | A non-student was arrested for attempting to assault a police officer who was escorting him from the building after the subject had previously been warned to not be on the computers. |
11/17 | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | A man left with a digital recorder that he did not pay for and threw it away as he ran from campus. It was recovered and returned to the store. An investigation is still pending. |
11/18 | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | A man and a woman took books from college bookstore and tried to sell them elsewhere. Books were recovered and an investigation is pending. |
11/18 | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | A man and a woman took books from college bookstore and tried to sell them elsewhere. Books were recovered and an investigation is pending. |
11/23 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violations 3.2.10 | STUDENT WAS SMOKING MARIJUANA ON CAMPUS. Pending further investigation into this matter. |
11/24 | DT | Campus | Student Code Violations-3.2.3 and 3.2.23 | STUDENT VIOLATED Student Code Violations AND Pending further investigation into this matter |
11/29 | DT | Campus | TBUT under $500 | Person(s) unknown took office equipment and Christmas decorations from an office within a month long period. An investigation is pending. |
11/30 | DT | faculty lot | Hit and Run | A car hit a parked car in faculty parking lot. Witness gave LMPD information on offending vehicle LMPD Report #80100095001. Investigation pending. |
11/ | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | A student took a keyboard and mouse from computer lab. An investigation is ongoing and disciplinary/criminal action pending. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
12/08 | DT | LIB | TBUT under $500 | A student took a keyboard and mouse from computer lab. An investigation is ongoing and disciplinary/criminal action pending. |
12/23 | DT | Student lot | Physical Assault and Robbery | A McDonald's customer who appeared to be intoxicated got into a confrontation with several other customers. After leaving McDonald's and crossing a JCTC parking lot he was physically attacked and money was taken from his person. LMPD took report #80-10-101030 and an investigation is pending. |
Date | Campus | Location | Type | Action |
NA | DT | Campus | Disorderly Conduct and trespassing | Community Patron was asked to leave building and banned from returning to campus after use of inappropriate language. Subject had been warned previously against misconduct. |
NA | DT | HFD | Disorderly Conduct Terroristic Threatening and Criminal Trespassing 3rd Degree and Possession of Stolen Property | Three non-students became disorderly when bookstore personnel would not buy back a book and began threatening employees. The subjects were escorted off campus and are banned from campus. |
NA | DT | HFD | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violations | Bookstore manager called security to have problem student removed from property. Student is now banned from bookstore. |
NA | DT | HFD | Student Code Violation 3.2.8 | STUDENT FAIL TO COMPLY WITH A COLLEGE OFFICIAL. Pending further investigation. |
NA | DT | Student lot | Vehicle Hit While Unattended | A VEHICLE WAS HIT WHILE UNATTENDED IN OUR MAIN STUDENT LOT - Pending further investigation. |
NA | DT | JEC | Disorderly Conduct and Student Code Violation(s) | A student and a non-student got into a verbal confrontation at a tenant's location and situation was deescalated be campus safety/security. |
NA | DT | JEC | Student Code Violations3.2.7 and 3.2.8 | Student Code Violations OCCUR WHILE STUDENT WAS ON CAMPUS. Pending further investigation. |
NA | DT | JEC | Student Code Violation(s) | STUDENT COMMITTED SEVERAL Student Code Violations. Pending further investigation ON THIS MATTER. |
NA | DT | LIB | student code violation 3.2.4 | disturbance outside library. Pending further investigation. |
NA | TC | BGA | Criminal Mischief over $ 500 | UNKNOWN PERSON(S) STOLE AIR CONDITION PARTS and DAMAGE the UNIT. Pending further investigation. |
NA | DT | Student lot | TBUT under $500 | Victim claims person(s) unknown removed items from his vehicle which they believe were taken while parked on school property. An investigation is pending. |