Minger Reports
Section 1: Campus Security Authority
List campus security authority personnel (definition at KRS 164.948(2)):
- Campus Security Officers
- Director of Safety and Security
- Chief Facilities and Business Operations Officer
- Campus Academic Counselors
- Dean of Student Services
- Campus Safety Committees
Describe the extent and nature of enforcement authority of campus security authority personnel: Jefferson Community and Technical College’s Safety and Security officers do not have police powers to arrest individuals. They do, however, respond to all safety and security events on our campuses and maintain ongoing training on how to handle all emergencies on campus including medical, fire, and events in which an individual’s life or safety is threatened. Safety and Security officers carry cell phones and can immediately call 911 if an event on campus requires emergency response from local emergency agencies. Campus Safety and Security Officers also maintain daily logs of all activity, maintain a written report of all incidents on campus which are required to be reported in crime statistics, and submit daily reports for posting to the District’s website for any reportable crime. Other campus security authority personnel have the responsibility of documenting any crime they are aware of, either observed or reported to them. The campus security authority personnel immediately contact a campus Safety and Security officer on duty to respond to the situation. If it is obvious that the event requires immediate attention the campus security authority personnel would call 911 before contacting a campus safety and security officer.
Describe the working relationship of campus security authority personnel with state and local police agencies: Because the College’s safety and security officers do not have police powers, it is imperative that the officers maintain a good working relationship with local law enforcement officers, which they do. Local law enforcement officers routinely patrol the areas around our campuses and maintain contact with campus safety and security officers. Local law enforcement officers also work with the college to provide annual crime prevention surveys of the campuses. This helps the college make improvements to facilities and procedures to reduce crime.
Section 2: Description of Information Programs
Describe programs that inform students and employees about:
- Campus safety and security The College community is informed about campus safety and security by posting security policies and procedures in various publications. Information is made available to students, faculty, and staff in the following ways: Campus Safety Division Orientation and Information Sheet, Campus Safety Division Communications Bulletin, Campus Watch Bulletin, Student Bulletin, College Web Site, KCTCS e-mail system and/or the KCTCS Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) alert system. The College issues timely special reports to the college community when events/circumstances warrant. To get the information out as quickly as possible, this is normally done though the KCTCS email system and/or the SNAP alert system for dissemination to the community at-large. Such circumstances might be when danger is present, or when precaution is needed due to a recent event.
- How to report a crime: The College community is provided information on how to report a crime in the same manner that campus safety and security information is provided: Campus Safety Division Orientation and Information Sheet, Campus Safety Division Communications Bulletin, Campus Watch Bulletin, Student Bulletin, College Web Site, College e-mail system and the KCTCS Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) alert system.
- How to prevent crimes: The College community is provided information on how to prevent crimes in the same manner that campus safety and security information is provided: Campus Safety Division Orientation and Information Sheet, Campus Safety Division Communication Bulletin, Campus Watch Bulletin, Student Bulletin, College Web Site, College electronic mail system.
Section 3: Statements of Policies and Procedures
- (a) Provide the institution’s policy statement on making Special Reports to the campus community of crimes that present a safety or security threat to students or employees. KRS 164.9481(d) The District issues timely special reports to the college community when events/circumstances warrant. To get the information out as quickly as possible, this is normally done though KCTCS e-mail system and/or the KCTCS Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) alert system for dissemination to the community at-large. Such circumstances might be when danger is present, or when precaution is needed due to a recent event.
- (b) If the institution provides student housing facilities, describe the institution’s procedure for disclosing the existence or nonexistence of automatic fire suppression systems in on-campus housing facilities. KRS 164.9492
- (c) If the institution provides student housing facilities, provide the institution’s policy for giving students with disabilities priority for first-floor housing. KRS 164.9495 (1)
- (d) If the institution provides student housing facilities, describe the institution’s policy for maintaining a record of any on-campus housing assignment for students with disabilities, and the procedure for alerting safety and emergency personnel of the location of students with disabilities. KRS 164.9495 (2)