Jefferson Leads: Connecting Mentors and Protégés
The purpose of the Academic Leadership Program is to encourage faculty and professional staff to consider leadership career paths and to provide guidance in developing the skills that are requisites for effective institutional leadership to ensure a sound and successful future for the institution. Participants are from various four year and two year colleges throughout the state of Kentucky.
Our Team Project is Jefferson Leads. The focus of the project is to foster access to leadership opportunities within Jefferson and specifically to increase support for Faculty and Staff who have historically been under-supported and under-represented in higher education leadership.
The Team wants to create a structured, inclusive internal leadership development program for participants (protégés) to pursue leadership opportunities and gain experience in those roles, working with senior level administrators (mentors) within the College.
Professional networking, goal setting capacity, professional and personal growth, and meaningful, practical experience.
Submit your application by Wednesday November 24, 2021. Mentors will be matched with protégés in January 2022.
This program is a one year commitment (February 2022 to November 2022), where you will meet 1 time per month with your mentor.
Full-time faculty and staff who have been with Jefferson for at least two years qualify for Jefferson Leads.
Dr. Damon Williams of the Center for Strategic Diversity Leadership and Social Innovation (CSDLSI) conducted a Cultural Audit for Jefferson in 2021. Dr. Williams provided an Executive Summary based on the research findings, including nine recommendations. The Jefferson Leads initiative and its potential outcomes significantly aligns with at least three of those recommendations:
For further reading on the need in higher education for initiatives such as Jefferson Leads:
Resources (DOC, 3 Pages)
ALA Team Biographies
(Click on name to see individual biographies)
Marlisa Austin
- Professor, English Division
- Coordinator, African American Studies
- Faculty Co-Chair, General Education and Transfer
- Humanities Division Chair, 2009 - 2018
- English Department Chair, 2004 - 2009
- Developmental English Program Coordinator, 2003 - 2004
- KCTCS 2007 - 2008 President’s Leadership Seminar
Cristina Marsh
KY Skills U Director
- With Jefferson since 2003
- Spanish teacher (10 years)
- ELL instructor 2003 - 2011
- GED Instructor 2003 - 2014
- Program Manager 2004 - 2008
- Assistant Director 2008 - 2010
- Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) National Coach SIA (Standards in Action) 1.0 and 2.0 2013 - present
- Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) - KY Skills U Director 2010 - present
- Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) Staff Representative 2020 -present
- Non-Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) Leadership
- Secretary at Carroll County Rotary Club
- Board member at Carrollton Zoning Board
- OCTAE National Coach
- Certified Translator
- Notary Public
Heather Yocum
Carrollton Campus Director
Been with Jefferson for 13 years
Was a former Jefferson student her freshman year of college
Student Affairs Specialist, 2008 - 2012
Faculty Counselor, 2012 - 2015
Faculty Advisor, 2015 - 2018
Associate Professor
KCTCS Senator
Faculty Affairs Chairperson
Collaborated JCTC2NKU Transfer Program
Non-Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) Leadership
Carroll County Development Corporation Board
- Carroll County Community Advisor Panel Facilitator
- Carroll County Schools Education Excellence Board Member
- Women’s Crisis Center Volunteer
- Carroll County Training Consortium Board Member
- Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Luncheon Committee
- Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Board Member (past)
- Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Vice-President (past)