KCTCS Refund Policy
5.4.3 Kentucky Community and Technical College System Refund Policy
All credit tuition is refundable based on the length of an academic session. Student charges will vary by service type and may or may not be non-refundable depending on the charge type and whether the charge is for credit, noncredit, online, or customized course. An academic session is defined as an enrollment/class scheduling period within an academic term. An academic term is defined as an administrative time period containing one or more sessions.
Non-credit tuition and charges vary by course development, logistics, and level of client required customization. Refund conditions for non-credit tuition and charges are published at the time of course registration.
In order for a student to receive a refund, a student must officially withdraw within the refund period specified within this policy. Academic status and eligibility for student financial aid may be affected if the student reduces his/her course load below 12 credit hours for full-time or 6 credit hours for part-time status.
To assure recovery of federal financial aid funds, the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System adopted the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy as described in
668.22 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998.
KCTCS colleges offer institutionally developed special examinations to demonstrate mastery of course content and receive credit toward program requirements. Special examinations are course specific and charges are separate from regular tuition charges. Special examination charges are payable at the time the examination is scheduled.
Students who are enrolled in courses from which they elect to take a special examination in lieu of completing the course must officially withdraw from the course. The withdrawal date determines the status of the student’s assessment, refund, and grade for the enrollment period. All special examination credit is awarded using the test credit process without a grade awarded on the current term grade report.
The college president/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is authorized to approve and implement limited exceptions to this refund policy. All exceptions granted must be documented in writing and documentation retained for audit purposes. CEO exceptions shall not relieve the student of the responsibility to provide official notification of withdrawal to the college as an eligibility requirement to receive a refund. All exceptions to the refund policy must ensure compliance with relevant regulations promulgated by authorized agencies of the federal, state and local government.
The KCTCS Chancellor may approve non-refundable tuition and/or charges for specific programs with enrollment limitations.
16-Week Session
A student who officially withdraws from a 16-week session credit course shall be entitled to a 100 percent refund of tuition paid, or cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session if the withdrawal is within the first seven (7) calendar days of the session. The first seven (7) calendar days of the session includes all Saturdays and Sundays, but excludes KCTCS recognized holidays. Charges for services are non-refundable unless specifically stated as refundable.
A student who officially withdraws from a 16-week session credit course from the 8th through the 29th calendar days shall be entitled to a 50 percent refund of tuition paid, or 50 percent cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session.
No refund shall be granted to a student who officially withdraws from a 16-week session credit course after the 29th calendar day of the session.
8-Week Session
A student who officially withdraws from an 8-week session credit course shall be entitled to a 100 percent refund of tuition paid, or cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session if the withdrawal is within the first four (4) calendar days of the session. The first four (4) calendar days of the session include all Saturdays and Sundays, but exclude KCTCS recognized holidays. Charges for services are non-refundable unless specifically stated as refundable.
A student who officially withdraws from an 8-week session credit course from the 5th through the 15th calendar days shall be entitled to a 50 percent refund of tuition paid, or 50 percent cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session.
No refund shall be granted to a student who officially withdraws from an 8-week session credit course after the 15th calendar day of the session.
6-Week Session
A student who officially withdraws from a 6-week session credit course shall be entitled to a 100 percent refund of tuition paid, or cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session if the withdrawal is within the first three (3) calendar days of the session. The first three (3) calendar days of the session include all Saturdays and Sundays, but exclude KCTCS recognized holidays. Charges for services are non-refundable unless specifically stated as refundable.
A student who officially withdraws from a 6-week session credit course from the 4th through the 11th calendar days shall be entitled to a 50 percent refund of tuition paid, or 50 percent cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session.
No refund shall be granted to a student who officially withdraws from a 6-week session credit course after the 11th calendar day of the session.
4-Week Session
A student who officially withdraws from a 4-week session credit course shall be entitled to a 100 percent refund of tuition paid, or cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session if the withdrawal is on or before the first (1) calendar day of the session. A student who officially withdraws from a 4-week session credit course from 2nd calendar day through the 7th calendar day a student shall be entitled to a 50 percent refund of tuition paid, or 50 percent cancellation of the amount of tuition owed for the session. Charges for services are non-refundable unless specifically stated as refundable.
No refund shall be granted to a student who officially withdraws from a 4-week session credit course after the 7th calendar day of the session.
KCTCS Online Learn by Term Courses*
Refunds for KCTCS Online Learn by Term course sessions are prorated according to the
length of the session in proportion to the traditional 16-week session. Charges for
services for KCTCS Online Learn by Term courses are non-refundable unless specifically
stated as refundable.
In abbreviated table format, KCTCS’ refund policy for credit tuition for KCTCS Online
Learn by Term courses is as follows:
Timeframe for Refunds*
Session | 100% | 50% | No Refund |
16-week | Within 7th day | 8th-29th days | After 29th day |
8-week | Within 4th day | 5th-15th days | After 15th day |
6-week | Within 3rd day | 4th-11th days | After 11th day |
4-week | Within 1st day | 2nd-7th days | After 7th day |
- Irregular: Prorated according to the length of session in proportion to the
traditional 16-week session - *Calendar days of the session, including all Saturdays and Sundays, but excluding KCTCS recognized holidays.
KCTCS Online Learn on Demand
KCTCS Online Learn on Demand courses tuition and charges are assessed at the time of registration and based upon a per credit hour rate approved for all KCTCS colleges regardless of whether the courses are taken during the day, evening, night and/or on weekends and regardless of whether the courses are taken for credit or audit purposes. Fractional credit hour tuition and charges are assessed for fractional credit offerings (e.g., a student taking ¼ credit hour course would be assessed ¼ rate of student with same residency taking a 1 credit hour course). Charges for services are non-refundable unless specifically stated as refundable.
In abbreviated table format, KCTCS’ refund policy for credit tuition for KCTCS Online Learn on Demand courses is as follows:
Timeframe for Refunds*
Session | 100% | 50% | No Refund |
16-week | Within 7th day | 8th-29th days | After 29th day |
15-week | Within 7th day | 8th-27th days | After 28th day |
14-week | Within 6th day | 7th-25th days | After 25th day |
13-week | Within 6th day | 7th-24th days | After 24th day |
12-week | Within 5th day | 6th-22nd days | After 22nd day |
11-week | Within 5th day | 6th-20th days | After 20th day |
10-week | Within 4th day | 5th-18th days | After 18th day |
9-week | Within 4th day | 5th-16th days | After 16th day |
8-week | Within 4th day | 5th-15th days | After 15th day |
7-week | Within 3rd day | 4th-13th days | After 13th day |
6-week | Within 2nd day | 3rd-10th days | After 10th day |
5-week | Within 2nd day | 3rd-9th days | After 9th day |
4-week | Within 1st day | 4th-7th days | After 7th day |
3-week | Within 1st day | 2nd-5th days | After 5th day |
2-week | Within 1st day | 2nd-4th days | After 4th day |
1-week | Within 1st day | 2nd-2nd days | After 2nd day |
*Calendar days of the session, including all Saturdays and Sundays, but excluding KCTCS recognized holidays.
Date Approved by President, KCTCS: 4-30-99
Date(s) of Last Review: 5-2-01; 11-19-03; 3-22-05; 12-1-08; 9-14-10; 6-28-11; 7-1-11; 6-5-14
Date(s) of Last Revision (Include all dates in chronological order): 5-2-01; 11-19-03; 3-22-05; 12-1-08; 9-14-10; 6-28-11; 7-1-11; 6-5-14
President, KCTCS (SIGNED) 6-5-14