Education Associate in Applied Science Degree
- 1315017019
Educator Preparation Track
- 131501703
- Offered at BLC, ELC, GTW, JFC, SEC, SMC
Prefix and Number | Title | Credit Hours |
General Education: | ||
ENG 101 | Writing I | 3 |
ENG 102 | Writing II | 3 |
COM 181 | Basic Public Speaking OR | 3 |
COM 252 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communications | (3) |
Arts and Humanities* | 3-4 | |
HIS 108 | History of the United States Through 1865 OR | 3 |
HIS 109 | History of the United States Since 1865 | (3) |
MAT 146 | Contemporary College Mathematics OR | 3 |
MAT 150 | College Algebra OR | (3) |
MA 109 | College Algebra OR | (3) |
MA 111 | Contemporary Mathematics | (3) |
Natural Sciences** | 6 | |
PSY 110 | General Psychology | 3 |
Social/Behavioral Sciences* | 6 | |
SUBTOTAL: | 34-35 | |
Technical Core or Support Core (Common): | ||
Digital Literacy*** | 3 | |
EDU 201 | An Introduction to American Education | 3 |
EDP 202 | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EDP 203 | Teaching Exceptional Learners in Regular Classrooms | 3 |
Total Common: | 12 | |
Technical or Support Electives: | 15 | |
SUBTOTAL: | 61-62 |
- *At least one course must be selected from the identified Cultural Studies course list.
- ** Must include at least one Natural Science course with a laboratory experience.
- *** Students must fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement by means specified in the KCTCS Catalog. A student who fulfills the Digital Literacy requirement by a means other than earning credit for an approved KCTCS digital literacy course must take three (3) credit hours of coursework approved by the program coordinator.
The above information can be found in the KCTCS Catalog.