Due to inclement weather, Jefferson Community and Technical College campuses, classes and services are operating on a two-hour delay on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

Program Finder

University of Louisville Teacher Preparation Option (Science)


University of Louisville Teacher Preparation Option (Science)
  • Effective for students transferring Fall 2015 or after.
  • Bachelor of Science in Early Elementary Education (P-5) may lead to dual certification with middle school. (Science).
  • Admission to The College of Education and Human Development Teacher Education requires passing PRAXIS Core Academic Skills for Educators and a minimum 2.75 GPA.
  • Application deadline Feb. 1 and Sept. 15
General Education Requirements:
Prefix and Number Title Credit Hours
ENG 101 Writing I 3
ENG 102 Writing II (C or better) 3
Oral Communication COM 181 OR COM 252 (C or better) 3
History American History (HIS 108 OR HIS 109) 3
Humanities Humanities Elective (See Humanities list/not foreign language) 3
Social Interaction PY 110 3 (4)
Social Interaction Any Social Interaction (SWK 275 recommended) 3
Social Interaction Cultural Diversity course 3
Science Biological Science with Lab (BIO 150/151 or higher) both labs recommended 4
Science Physical Science with Lab (CHE 170/173/175 or higher) for this option 3 (4)
Mathematics MAT 150 (MT 150/MA 109) 3
Specialty Courses for Graduation and Transfer:
Prefix and Number Title Credit Hours
Computer Literacy OST 105 OR CIT 105 3
EDU 201 Introduction to American Education - Prerequisite ENG 101 (B or better) 3
EDP202 Human Development and Learning - Prerequisite PSY 110 or 100 (B or better) 3
EDP 203 Teaching Exceptional Learners in the Regular Classroom - Prerequisite EDP 202 (B or better) 3
MAT 205 Math for Elementary 1 - Prerequisite MAT 146 or above (C or better) 3
MAT 206 Math for Elementary 2 - Prerequisite MAT 205 (C or better) 3
EDTP 399 (UofL) May be taught on JCTC Campus or Metroversity (B or better) 3
EDSP 260 (UofL) Classroom Behavior Management - May be taught on Jefferson Campus or Metroversity (B or better) 3
BIO 152/153 BIO 152/153 4
PHY OR AST PHY 171 (AST 101 OR AST 191 OR AST 192) - Students must take one course, but may take all three before transferring to UofL. 3-6