Local Sustainability Plan | JCTC

Local Sustainability Plan

  • Presentation to the KCTCS Board of Regents June 14, 2013
  • Jefferson Community & Technical College

Sustainability Contacts:

  • Maggie Peake
  • Pamela Turner
  • Bill Nowak

I. Local Sustainability Statement

Local Working Definition of Sustainability

Jefferson Community and Technical College strives to be an innovative national leader for environmental quality, economic vitality, and social progress. Jefferson is committed to the stewardship of the environment and to reducing the college’s dependence on non-renewable energy.

II. Sustainability Team Responsibilities and Organization

A. General Responsibilities

The Jefferson Green Teams are aimed to help students, faculty, and staff members make their classrooms and workplaces more sustainable. Green Teams can serve as sustainability resources within their departments or offices, learning about ways to green their areas and encourage the college to become more sustainable on each campus. The Green Team initiative is very important to our college president, administration, faculty, staff, students, as well as the KCTCS systems office.


  • To reduce the environmental footprint of Jefferson’s operations
  • To enable students, faculty and staff to play a direct role and have a personal stake in greening efforts at Jefferson
  • To build a sense of community by networking like-minded students, faculty, and staff, around a shared commitment to sustainability
  • To enable the college to use energy and other resources more efficiently and save money
  • To generate new ideas and implement the best practices for sustainability


Jefferson Green Teams will have representative(s) that will partially comprise the Jefferson Sustainability Council; areas of focus include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Sustainable Administration & Finance: Ensure that economic, social, and environmental impacts are taken into consideration during financial planning and decision-making.
  • Sustainable Operations: Promote sustainable decisions and practices amongst students, faculty, and staff in personal and college life.
  • Sustainable Education & Research: Integrate sustainability topics into curriculum's, and research current and future sustainability initiatives at Jefferson
  • Sustainable Outreach & Social Justice: Raise awareness about the importance of sustainable and social justice at Jefferson by coordinating events and distributing pertinent information throughout campus.

The Jefferson Green Teams also abide by the Partnership for a Green City Statement of Environmental Principles:

  • As stewards of metro Louisville and of all its resources, we understand the interdependence of humans and the environment. We must apply thoughtful and creative planning to achieve a thriving economy built on the principles of sustainability. We must foster conservation, pollution prevention, and restoration of ecosystems with both public policy and personal behavior. We must promote a common agenda for Louisville as a green city, preserve and enhance the quality of life for our citizens and future generations, and widen recognition of the importance of good stewardship of the community’s natural resources.
    • Leadership Commitment and Measures 
      • We will implement these principles by demonstrating community leadership and collaborative planning and by adopting best environmental practices. We will establish goals, objectives, and indicators; conduct an annual self-evaluation of our progress; and jointly issue a public report.
    • Sustainable Use and Protection of Natural Resources
      • We value and conserve natural resources and will seek to preserve and make sustainable use of our air, water, soil, and forests. We will protect and conserve nonrenewable natural resources through efficient use, careful planning, and collaborative land-management programs. We will reduce the use of substances that may cause environmental damage to the air, water, earth, and its inhabitants. We will safeguard all habitats affected by our facilities and operations, especially the public lands we manage, while promoting biological diversity. We will conserve open spaces through comprehensive planning.
    • Land and Water Management
      • We will promote natural areas for biological diversity, protect areas along streams and water bodies, and plant native species. We will enhance, enlarge, and protect our urban forests. We will practice responsible water use.
    • Reduction and Disposal of Waste
      • We will combine resources to reduce or eliminate waste through source reduction, reuse, and recycling in our own facilities and operations and for the metro area in general. We will handle and dispose of all waste using safe and responsible methods.
    • Energy Use
      • We will conserve energy and improve the energy efficiency of our buildings, vehicles, and equipment and of the goods and services we use. We will use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources, while achieving savings. We will increase our use of energy from renewable sources.
    • Transportation
      • We will build and redevelop our community to minimize transportation demands, while providing pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly pathways and an effective public transit system. We will work to reduce vehicle miles traveled in the community, while implementing the vision of our organizations using energy-efficient vehicles.
    • Purchasing Products and Services
      • We will pool our knowledge and resources to jointly purchase green products and services. We will work with our suppliers to adopt sustainable approaches and solutions. We will partner to create a stronger market for environmentally friendly and regionally produced products and services.
    • Design and Management of the Built Environment
      • We will design, build, restore, and manage our facilities and neighborhoods in ways that promote and protect health and safety. We will use school campuses, partners’ buildings, and lands as settings for learning.
    • Public Health
      • We will monitor our policies and practices to assess and reduce public health risk. When potential risks are identified, we will identify and implement solutions.
    • Environmental Education
    • Through environmental education, we are committed to developing and supporting environmentally literate citizens. We will involve colleagues, students, and citizens in demonstrating the ability to implement these principles.

B. Membership

Membership of the Jefferson Green Teams includes representation from Faculty, Maintenance and Operations, Grounds, Student Affairs, Library, Business Affairs, Adult Education, and Information Technology.

III. STARS Goals, Strategies, and Timelines

Jefferson Community and Technical College (Jefferson) Foundation was established to broaden educational opportunities for students of Jefferson. The College serves over 16,000 students across six campuses and eight counties. This area is comprised of both urban and rural communities and encompasses the most diverse socioeconomic population in the state.

Chief among these initiatives is Jefferson’s sustainability initiative which promotes sustainable development through educational and workforce training opportunities. Jefferson leads a variety of conservation activities throughout Louisville. Recently, Jefferson became the fourth partner in the Partnership for a Green City. This partnership represents a coalition of Louisville’s largest public entities which pledge to promote sustainable activity within their organizations and the community. As a part of these efforts, Jefferson collaborates with Jefferson County Public Schools, Metro Louisville, and University of Louisville to educate the community and implement energy-conscious procedures at their respective institutions. Jefferson also operates a single-stream recycling program, a cigarette litter prevention grant, and a variety of environmentally-friendly purchasing agreements with local vendors.

A. Implementation Timeline

STARS ratings are determined based on the average of the three main categories scoring percentages plus additional “bonus” points earned for innovative sustainable practices. The formula is:

STARS Overall Score = (Education and Research % + Operations % + Planning Administration Engagement %) / 3) + Innovation Points

STARS Rating   Minimum
 Target Date
(Fiscal Year) 
 ER %*   OP %*  PAE %*  IN
STARS Bronze 25 2013  21.80   32.31   60.38  1.00 39.16
STARS Silver 45 2014 29.32 53.55 81.04   50.39
STARS Gold 65 2022 56.77 52.79 87.93   66.83
STARS Platinum  85            
  • *ER = Education and Research
  • OP = Operations
  • PAE = Planning, Administration, Engagement
  • IN = Innovation

B. Goals, Strategies, and Action - Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014)

Please provide the strategies and actions that will be taken over the next fiscal year (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014) to move sustainability forward the college. If conducting a baseline analysis, please describe what the baseline is intended to accomplish and how the baseline analysis will be conducted. If the college has established actions and strategies beyond fiscal year 2014, those can be listed in this action plan as well. Keep in mind, it is anticipated that the college will focus only on select credits during the first year, meaning that some credits will lack specific actions for fiscal year 2014.

Category 1: Education and Research Goals

 Credit Number  STARS
Credit Title
Strategies or Actions to Achieve Credit
  Co-Curricular Education            
ER 1 Student Sustainability Educators Program 5 0.5 2014    

Credit achieved and ongoing

Jefferson will continue to expand the presence of student groups at the college and engage students to serve as educators in peer-to-peer sustainability outreach to help disseminate sustainability concepts and a sustainability ethic on each campus.

Geology Adventurers’ is a sponsored club at the Carrollton Campus. The group was established in 2010 and has a wide range of diverse members and faculty that take part in the many different activities held throughout the campus. They are strong supporters of recycling almost any material and are constantly finding ways to further help our community and the planet as a whole.

ER 2 Student Sustainability Outreach Campaign 5 5 2011    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Continue to host student outreach events. Offer a Sign-Up sheet for attendees to provide contact information and document how many attend each event

Annual events are held on each campus, including RecycleMania, America Recycles Day, Earth Week,
etc. In addition to the annual events, special contests are also promoted to raise awareness about sustainable ideas and spark thought/creativity throughout the college.

ER 3  Sustainability in New Student Orientation 2 2 2013    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

In collaboration with Achieving the Dream, sustainability information will be included the Orientation Handbook and will cover recycling tips, college policies, etc.

Document how many attend each New Student Orientation on each campus

ER 4 Sustainability Materials and Publications 4 2.5 2011    

Credit achieved and ongoing:

Publish a monthly newsletter, Rocko's Review, distributed college wide. Jefferson’s first monthly sustainability newsletter, Rocko’s Review, provides information about current sustainability topics and news, events, and recognition in the sustainability field. The purpose of our sustainability newsletter is to keep students, faculty, and staff up to date with sustainability initiatives at Jefferson

Sustainability Website: To promote the ongoing sustainability initiatives at Jefferson, we have begun utilizing the Jefferson website and Facebook webpage to add useful information about news, events, and other helpful resources.

Green Initiatives Signage: Jefferson continues to place signage throughout each campus to promote sustainability initiatives. Signage for the ¾ mile walking trail around the Shelby Campus is clearly labeled to promote healthy living on campus and in the community. Signage is also posted at the 2012 Earth Day Tree Planting location. On the Downtown Campus, two JEC Green Space signs designate where employees volunteer to landscape and maintain the entrance to the Jefferson Education Center’s parking garage.

Mass Emails: For events, news, and tips, we send mass emails to all college students, faculty, and staff.

Co-Curricular Education Tier Two Credits              
ER T2-1  Student Group 0.25 0.25 2014    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Coordinate a student group focused on sustainability.

On the Carrollton campus, the Geo- Adventurers hold monthly seminars on green DIY projects, go on field trips, and assist in sustainability events

Coordinate other student groups on multiple campuses

Document membership each semester

ER T2-2  Organic Garden* 0.25 0.25 2013    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Construct an on-campus garden for students to gain organic gardening experience. As a part of the Youth Summit, Jefferson staff constructed raised organic garden beds as an instruction tool for middle and high school students on the Downtown campus. Jefferson Biology courses and Culinary Arts Program will maintain and utilize the edible plants.

ER T2-5 Sustainable Enterprise 0.25 0.25 2014     Work with the business program to identify sustainable business opportunities for students via the newly opened Entrepreneurship Program.
ER T2-6 Sustainability Events 0.25 0.25 2011    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson holds major annual events related to sustainability with students as a focused audience.

Annual events are held on each campus, including RecycleMania, America Recycles Day, Earth Week, etc. In addition to the annual events, special contests are also promoted to raise awareness about sustainable ideas and spark thought & creativity
throughout the college.

Environmental Youth Summit: Partnering with Brightside, as a member of the Partnership for a Green City, Jefferson co-hosts the Youth Summit in the fall and spring. The Youth Summit empowers students to examine their personal choices and address ways in which they can make small changes in their daily living that will result in improved health and environmental impact at school, at home and in the Louisville metropolitan area.

ER T2-7 Outdoor Program 0.25 0.25 2011    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson creates an outdoor setting for students, employees, and the community to utilize for walking, running, and other exercise.
- Coordinate clubs , contests, etc. to provide support and track the number of participants that utilize the outdoor space; email/post tips and facts about healthy living on a regular basis

The Shelby campus has a ¾ mile walking trail around the campus, as well as a 100 mile walking club to promote healthy living on campus and in the community. Along with the promoting outdoor activity, the campus stocks the pond outside their building with fish and wildlife.

The Southwest campus also has about a 1-mile walking trail that is used by employees and community. Although the walking trail is unmarked, it is heavily utilized, so plans are made to place signage for easy and recognizable access.

ER T2-8 Themed Semester or Year 0.25 0.25 2013    

Jefferson chooses a sustainability- related theme for its themed semester and coordinates events, discussions, contests, suggested reading, and other activities to promote the chosen theme. Outreach and the number of attendees for each event will be documented.

In 2012, single-stream recycling served as the theme for the Fall and Spring semesters.

  Co-Curricular Education Total Points 17.5  11.5         
ER 5 Sustainability Course Identification  3 2013      Currently working with faculty to develop a definition of sustainability-focused courses as well as one for sustainability-related courses. Based on the definition, inventory Jefferson’s courses to identify those that are sustainability- related or sustainability-focused.
ER 6 Sustainability-Focused Courses

2016 (.75 pt)

2018 (1 pt)

2020 (.75 pt)

2022 (.75 pt)

2024 (.75 pt)

 2014 Number of sustainability-focused courses 


  • 2014 – Work with faculty to develop a definition of sustainability-focused courses as well as one for sustainability-related courses. Based on the definition, inventory Jefferson’s courses to identify those that are sustainability-related or sustainability-focused.
  • 2015 – Use data from the course inventory to establish incremental goals to achieve a minimum of 3 points for this credit.

Already, Jefferson has the following courses believed to be sustainability- focused:

  • Regional Geography of the World (GLY110, Caroline Reisner)
  • Environmental Geology (GLY110, Caroline Reisner)
  • Fundamentals of the Culinary Arts Profession (CUL100, Gail Crawford)
  • Human Ecology (BIO120)
ER 7 Sustainability-Related Courses 6 6

2016 (.75 pt)

2018 (1 pt)

2020 (1 pt)

2022 (1 pt)



  • 2014 – Work with faculty to develop a definition of sustainability-focused courses as well as one for sustainability-related courses. Based on the definition, inventory Jefferson’s courses to identify those that are sustainability-related or sustainability-focused.
  • 2015 – Use data from the course inventory to establish incremental goals to achieve a minimum of 6 points for this credit.
ER 8 Sustainability Courses by Department 6 06

2016 (1 pt)

2020 (1 pt)

2022 (1 pt)

2024 (1 pt)

2014 Number of sustainability-courses by department. 


  • 2014 – Work with faculty to develop a definition of sustainability-focused courses as well as one for sustainability-related courses.  Based on the definition, inventory Jefferson’s courses to identify those that are sustainability-related or sustainability-focused that have sustainability learning outcomes.
  • 2015 – Use data from the course inventory to establish incremental goals to achieve a minimum of 6 points for this credit.
ER 9 Sustainability Learning Outcomes* 6 6

2016 (2 pt)

2018 (1 pt)

2020 (1 pt)

2022 (1 pt)

2024 (1 pt)

2014 Number of courses with sustainability-learning outcomes.


  • 2014 – Work with faculty to develop a definition of sustainability-focused courses as well as one for sustainability-related courses. Based on the definition, inventory Jefferson’s courses to identify those that are sustainability-related or sustainability-focused that have sustainability learning outcomes.
  • 2015 – Use data from the course inventory to establish incremental goals to achieve a minimum of 6 points for this credit
ER 10 Undergraduate Program in Sustainability 4 4 2015    

Jefferson offers a variety of certificate, diploma, and degree programs that cover the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainability.


  • 2014 - Create career pathways with high schools that lead to public and private universities to establish and achieve a minimum of 4 points for this credit.
ER 12 Sustainability Immersive Experience* 0 0 NA     Not applicable
ER 13 Sustainability Literacy Assessment 2 2

2014 (1 pt)

2015 (1 pt)


Provide assessment at new student orientation /email blast to all students

Include a follow-up with assessment with graduates in Jefferson’s exit survey.

ER 14 Incentives for Developing Sustainability Courses 3 1 Ongoing    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson offers incentives to help faculty expand sustainability course offerings by covering monetary registration fees for sustainability-related conferences, such as Campus Community Partnerships for Sustainability and the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education.

  Curriculum Total Points 49 30        
Total ER Points   51.5 41.5        

* Credit does not apply to all institutions. If establishing goals related to Research, please list the goals under the Innovation Category or an applicable KCTCS Focus Area.

Category 2: Operations Goals

Credit Number  STARS
Credit Title 
Strategies or Actions to Achieve Credit
 OP 1  Building Operations and Maintenance 7 2.625 2020     

Developing maintenance policies and procedures that are in accordance with sustainable operations and maintenance guidelines.

Identify LEED EB components on each campus to explore feasibility of Jefferson becoming LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Green Building Rating System

 OP 2 Building Design and Construction* 4 1.5 2024    

Health Science Building was built to LEED standards. Plans to apply for certification in the future.

Jefferson owns and operates buildings that are built to LEED standards and in accordance to green building guidelines.

Any future construction project will be built to LEED standards, certified – most notably the Bullitt County Campus construction with the guidance of Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest

 OP 3 Indoor Air Quality 2 2

2013(.5 pt)

2014 (1.5 pt)


Jefferson uses promotes productivity in the workplace and classroom by improving ventilation and managing exposure to indoor pollutants by using low VOC products and cleaning supplies.

Jefferson will adopt an indoor air quality management policy will cater to improving indoor air quality at the College (including the use of cleaning chemicals and paint as examples).

Begin developing an indoor air quality plan and practices that include regular auditing or monitoring and a mechanism for occupants to register complaints.

  Buildings Total Points 13 6.625        
 OP 4 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

2014(1 point)

2015(1 point)


Jefferson has conducted an inventory of Scope 1 and Scope 2 Greenhouse Gases

Identify data sources and research strategy to inventory Scope 3 Green House Gases, which include:

  • Air travel
  • Commuting
  • Embodied emissions from food purchases
  • Embodied emissions from other purchased products
  • Solid waste disposal
  • Conduct Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas inventory for solid waste disposal
OP 5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction 14 4

2018 (2.0)

2020 (2.0)

2011 Required Reporting Fields

Baseline during 2014-2015

Develop reduction strategy in 2015-16

Climate Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-1 Air Travel Emissions 0.25 0.25 2014    

In the college’s travel policy, to help reduce emissions from air travel, Jefferson requests that employees choose the most economical methods of travel.

Gathering information to include sustainability component in policy.

OP T2-2 Local Offsets Program 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson implements projects that reduce GHG emissions in the community.

Gathering supporting data that will include service hours and data.

  Climate Total Points 16.5 6.5        
Dining Services              
 OP 6 Food and Beverage Purchasing 6 3 2014      Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply. As a result, Jefferson food and beverages purchases will be locally produced, Kentucky Proud, or similar third-party certified when available.
Dining Services Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-4 Vegan Dining 0.25 0.25 2014     Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply so that diverse, complete-protein vegan dining options will be available.
OP T2-5 Trans-Fats 0.25  0.25 2014     Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply so that the fry oil used will not include trans-fats and avoids foods that include trans-fats.
OP T2-6 Guidelines for Franchisees 0.25 0.25 2014    

Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply

Jefferson has implemented a policy to help eliminate the purchase and use of Styrofoam at the College: Discourage the use of Styrofoam for any use on campus, and when appropriate, consider paying a premium for alternatives.

Continuous improvement in the elimination of Styrofoam is desired with a final objective of 100% elimination.

OP T2-7 Pre-Consumer Food Waste Composting 0.25 0.25 2014     Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply, creating a consumer food waste program.
OP T2-8 Post-Consumer Food Waste Composting 0.25 0.25 2014     Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply, creating a postconsumer food waste program
OP T2-9 Food Donation 0.25 0.25 2010     While a formal policy is not in place, Jefferson donates leftover or surplus food on a case by case basis.
OP T2-10 Recycled Content Napkins 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson uses recycled content napkins in dining services operations.

Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply

OP T2-11 Reusable Container Discounts 0.25 0.25 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Campus dining operations offer discounts for those who use reusable mugs instead of disposable cups.

On the Downtown campus, The Café, in conjunction with the library, offers reusable mugs, offering a discount to encourage the use of disposable cups.

Keep track of number of disposable cups sold and discounts applied.

OP T2-12 Reusable To-Go Containers 0.25 0.25 2014    

Campus dining operations provide reusable containers for to-go food that area returned for cleaning and reuse.

Dining service contract will be going out to bid summer 2013, and sustainable concepts will be incorporated. Dining services will be asked to comply

Keep track of number of disposable cups sold and discounts applied.

  Dining Services Total Points 8.5 5.25        
OP 7 Building Energy Consumption 8 1.29 2005    

Using baseline energy usage during 2005, Jefferson will use data to develop reduction strategy for implementation in 2015-16

Downtown, Technical, Southwest campuses – ESPC contract (2004)

  • T-12 to T-8 retrofit
  • All LED lighting in Emergency lights
  • Water conservation – flush valves and faucets (re-installed hands-free faucets) on DT and Tech campuses; ESG variable frequency drives on some HVAC equipment

Every item (electrical, water) that was inefficient that had a payback period (10 years)

Many college division and department heads choose to close all day or at noon on Fridays during the summer months (May - July). Based on supervisor approval, employees are given the option to work longer hours on Mondays - Thursdays to either take a half day or full day off on Fridays.

LG&E Rebate Program: The LG&E Rebate Program offers cash incentives to offset the costs of energy consumption by encouraging commercial business to replace aging and outdated products with more efficient ones. By reducing energy consumption, the college not only minimizes their environmental impact, but also saves almost 75% of monthly energy costs.

OP 8 Clean and Renewable Energy 7 0 NP     Currently not pursuing.
Energy Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-13 Timers for Temperature Control 0.25 0.25 2014    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson uses timers to regulate temperatures based on occupancy hours in all buildings.

Timers installed on the Downtown Campus in the Health Science Building, Seminary Building, VTI Building, Library, and JEC Building, an energy management system is in place to enter setback temperatures.

Exploring feasibility of installing timers in other buildings as well.

OP T2-14 Lighting Sensors 0.25 0.25 2013    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson uses motion light sensors to reduce energy use.

Looking into more information: implemented on the Southwest & Downtown campus in Health Science Building, timers have been installed so all lights turn off at scheduled times and on weekends (8am-4pm)

OP T2-15 LED Lighting 0.25 0.25 2014    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

On all campus, every exit sign utilizes LED light bulbs.

The college is currently looking for grant opportunities to implement LED technology in the parking lots and buildings of the Downtown campus.

OP T2-16      Vending Machine Sensors 0.25 0.25 2009    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Light bulbs have been removed from all vending machines on every campus, except the Shelby Campus for the reason that they remain on to light a hall where less energy is consumed than turning on overhead lights.

OP T2-17 Energy Management System 0.25 0.25 2009    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson uses a centralized energy management system that allows the college to track energy consumption and performance.

On the Downtown campus, the Hartford, Seminary, VTI, library, and Health Science Building, a series of sensors that sense and monitor the temperature of each room also have the ability to utilize a setback system.

OP T2-18 Energy Metering 0.25 0.25 2009    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson digitally meters energy consumption in for buildings on the Downtown, Technical, Shelby, and Southwest Campuses.

  Energy Total Points 16.5 2.79        
OP 9 Integrated Pest Management 2.0 2.0 2013     Jefferson’s grounds are developed and maintained in accordance with an integrated pest management plan. Included in this plan is the request to choose plants that are non-invasive or
will not attract pests. Jefferson uses environmentally responsible methods of integrated pest management.
Grounds Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-19 Native Plants 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson prioritizes the use of native plant species in landscaping.

Working to compile a complete list of native species on all of our campuses.

Planning to switch to native perennials instead of annuals (behind Seminary Building on the Downtown campus) to reduce the labor involved.

OP T2-20 Wildlife Habitat 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson has a program in place to protect and/or create wildlife habitat on college-owned land.

Working to return approximately 30 acres of Shelby Campus land to a fertile natural habitat with native grasses. Also exploring feasibility of internal reallocation to assist with the initiative. This project will decrease mowing and protect the area’s natural habitat.

Pursuing a similar initiative on the Southwest Campus, where a pond serves as a catch basin from stormwater that hold water for longer periods of time. Cypress trees and native grasses that attract wildlife have been planted. Planning to invite students to assess the area for documentation.

OP T2-21 Tree Campus USA 0.25 0.25 2014     The college intends to pursue for the 2013 Tree Campus USA designation.
OP T2-22 Snow and Ice Removal 0.25 0.25 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson implements strategies to reduce the environmental impacts of snow and ice removal

Environmentally-friendly products:, such as Magic Salt (chemically enhanced: byproducts of alcoholic products), that do not hurt concrete or grass and that are /purchased locally are used to remove snow and ice.

OP T2-23 Landscape Waste Composting 0.25 0.25 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson composts on campuses with landscaping

On the Southwest Campus, landscape waste occurs along the edge of the property for various trimmings. The Technical Campus recently purchased a composter for yard waste and other organic material. This is Jefferson’s first ever composter, providing a way not only of reducing the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of, but also of converting it into a product that is useful for gardening, or landscaping.

Planning to purchase composters (large drums) for Downtown Campus.

  Grounds Total Points 3.25 3.25        
OP 10 Computer Purchasing 2 2 2013    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a stated preference to purchase Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Silver or higher products.

Jefferson’s technology purchases consider material choice, design for end of life and recyclability, product longevity, energy efficiency, packaging, recycling programs, and corporate performance.

OP 11 Cleaning Product Purchasing 2 2 2013    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a stated preference to purchased certified environmentally- friendly products.

Maintenance and Operations works with vendors and suppliers to ensure only environmentally-friendly cleaners and products are purchased. On the Shelby campus, every products used is environmentally- friendly, except for floor stripper.

Downtown plans to try a green solutions program with the potential to be rolled out to other campuses

 OP 12 Office Paper Purchasing 0.6  2008     

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a stated preference to purchase recycled content office paper.

All paper purchased at the college is guaranteed 30% post-consumer content.

 OP 13 Vendor Code of Conduct  2010     

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson utilizes a vendor policy that sets expectations about the social and environmental responsibility of with whom the college does business.

To ensure products that conserve energy, are recycled and sustainable are purchased at the college, a Green Purchasing Policy has been implemented at Jefferson. When determining whether a product is environmentally preferable, all phases of the product’s life cycle are considered, including: raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, operation, maintenance, disposal, potential for reuse and ability to be recycled. In addition, employees are counseled and educated at the time of request of the benefits regarding purchasing sustainable products. Environmental and social considerations are taken with equal weight to the price, availability and performance criteria that colleges and universities use to make purchasing decisions.

Purchasing Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-24 Historically Underutilized Businesses 0.25 0.25 2009    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson supports historically underutilized businesses, minority- owned businesses, and women-owned businesses.

The overall objective of the Supplier Program Initiative is to ensure KCTCS meets the 2010 - 2016 Strategic Plan goals to “reflect the diversity of the students and employers of our 16 colleges and the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.” As a result, the college works with minority-based, women-owned, disadvantaged, veteran-owned, and disabled veteran-owned businesses.

OP T2-25 Local Businesses 0.25 0.25 2009    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson gives preference to local products and businesses in purchasing decisions.

Jefferson gives first priority to locally-owned business for purchasing and vending needs.

  Purchasing Total Points 7.5 6.1        
OP 14 Campus Fleet 1 0.5 2014    

Jefferson supports alternative fuel technology.

As fleet vehicles are replaced, consideration will be given to replacements that are environmentally friendly.

Jefferson has a very minimal campus fleet, with a total of 18 vehicles for all 6 campuses.

To promote the Idle Free Campaign, we will provide information to those who utilize campus fleet.

Jefferson has done away with all large passenger vehicles to smaller passenger vehicles. The college also has a contract with Enterprise to use right size vehicles.

OP 15 Student Commute Modal Split 4 3 2013    

Jefferson promotes students who commute to and from campuses to do so using more sustainable options.

Jefferson is collecting data regarding the number of students commuting to campus in Jefferson County.

Jefferson is working on a partnership with Zimride to implement a ride sharing program for the college. Zimride connects drivers and passengers through social networking. When a user posts available seats in his or her car, along with personal details like smoking and musical preferences, passengers can find a match for their destination.

OP 16 Employee Commute Modal Split 3 0.60 2013    

Jefferson promotes employees who commute to and from campuses to do so using more sustainable options.

Jefferson is collecting data regarding the number of employees commuting to campus in Jefferson County.

Jefferson is working on a partnership with Zimride to implement a ride sharing program for the college. Zimride connects drivers and passengers through social networking. When a user posts available seats in his or her car, along with personal details like smoking and musical preferences, passengers can find a match for their destination.

Transportation Tier Two Credits            


OP T2-26 Bicycle Sharing 0.25 0.25 2015    

Jefferson creates a bicycle-sharing program or participates in a local bicycle-sharing program.

Coordinate with surrounding universities and community to develop a program for Jefferson employees and students to share bicycles with other community members with drop off locations and easy/convenient payment methods.

OP T2-27 Facilities for Bicyclists 0.25 0.25 2013    

Bicycle racks are currently placed outside on every campus.

Developing a comprehensive plan to include knowledge of showers and lockers for bicyclists, along with indoor storage space options.

OP T2-28 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 0.25 0.25 2013    

Jefferson develops and bicycle and pedestrian plan.

Jefferson is the recipient of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21). Funding for Phase 1, the application for Phase 2 is rooted in the priority of enhanced pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Phase 1 created a comprehensive campus plan for landscaping, which included green space, pedestrian walkways, lighting, bicycle parking, and aesthetic improvements. Phase 2 is a continuation of that plan, with the emphasis on improvements on 1st street.

OP T2-29 Mass Transit Programs 0.25 0.25 2013    

Jefferson offers free or reduced price transit passes.

Exploring opportunities with the Transit Authority of River City (TARC), to provide discounts to low-income riders.

OP T2-30 Condensed Work Week 0.25 0.25 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson offers a condensed work week option for employees.

Many college division and department heads choose to close all day or at noon on Fridays during the summer months (May - July). Based on supervisor approval, employees are given the option to work longer hours on Mondays - Thursdays to either take a half day or full day off on Fridays.

OP T2-31 Telecommuting 0.25 0.25 2010     A telecommuting option is available at Jefferson.
OP T2-32 Carpool/Vanpool Matching 0.25 0.25 2014    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson participates in a carpool/vanpool matching program.

Jefferson is working on a partnership with Zimride to implement a ride sharing program for the college. Zimride connects drivers and passengers through social networking. When a user posts available seats in his or her car, along with personal details like smoking and musical preferences, passengers can find a match for their destination

OP T2-33 Cash-out of Parking 0 0 NA     Not applicable
OP T2-34 Carpool Discount 0 0 NA     Not applicable
OP T2-35 Local Housing 0 0 NA     Not applicable
OP T2-36 Prohibiting Idling 0.25 0.25 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson adopts a policy prohibiting idling.

Jefferson is partnering with Louisville Air Pollution Control District and its outreach group, KAIRE, in an attempt to reduce unnecessary engine idling on all Jefferson campuses. The Idle Free Policy states that all vehicles should be turned off when not in use or when the driver leaves the vehicle for any length of time. Equipment should not be left idling more than 1 minute and should be turned off unless doing so would hurt its operation. All Jefferson personnel or agents of Jefferson that operate a vehicle or powered equipment shall be made aware of this policy prior to operations and refreshed as necessary. Hanging posters, giving out bumper stickers, and placing metal signs outside (all provided by KAIRE) have been used in implementing the policy at the college.

OP T2-37 Car Sharing 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson participates in a car sharing program.

Jefferson is working on a partnership with Zimride to implement a ride sharing program for the college. Zimride connects drivers and passengers through social networking. When a user posts available seats in his or her car, along with personal details like smoking and musical preferences, passengers can find a match for their destination.

  Transportation Total Points 11 6.35        
OP 17 Waste Reduction 5 2.5 2014 2009-2011+ Education to purchase items with reduced packaging; electronic submission and storage of documents; campaign to reuse items

Developing strategies to increase Jefferson’s waste from the current 25 percent to 40 percent by 2020.

Planning other waste reduction initiatives.

Cigarette Litter Prevention Program: Jefferson is the recipient of a 2012 Cigarette Litter Prevention Program and has taken part in a national program to reduce the impact of cigarette butt litter. In its first year, Jefferson will target cigarette butt litter through Jefferson’s Downtown Campus with a concentrated and sustained effort. Jefferson bears the expense of cigarette litter cleanup at entrances, exits, and adjacent sidewalks and parking lots. This program allows the college to redirect the focus of cigarette clean up to other maintenance and operation
initiatives around the campuses.

OP 18 Waste Diversion 3 1.75 2014    

Jefferson diverts materials from the landfill by recycling, composting, reusing, donating, or re-selling.

Single-stream recycling efforts have been introduced on five of the six Jefferson campuses: Downtown, Technical, Shelby, Carrollton, and Southwest. To implement single stream recycling at Jefferson, each faculty and staff member receives a miniature trash can, a flier that explains single-stream recycling, and a promotional water bottle to announce and familiarize faculty and staff of the new effort to significantly reduce trash collection. The majority of the original office and classroom trash cans are labeled for recycling only, with a limited number of cans reserved for true trash. In addition, tall cans are placed around the campus hallways that designate waste and mixed

Jefferson's older and/or surplus office and medical equipment is currently donated to Habitat for Humanity and Supplies Overseas. The organization meets critical healthcare needs in developing countries around the world by redistributing surplus medical supplies and equipment. We partner with hospitals and others to recover and send what would otherwise go to the landfill.

OP 19 Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion* 1 1

2011 (.5 pts)

2014 (.5 pts)


Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson diverts non-hazardous construction and demolition waste from the landfill. Gathering information to record weights of diversion during demolition projects.

Jefferson's partnership with Habitat for Humanity Restore promotes reclamation and donation with current and future demolition projects that will divert landfill waste. ReStores sell new and gently- used home improvement goods, furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. The proceeds are used by our local Habitat for Humanity affiliates to help build and renovate more homes and communities.

OP 20 Electronic Waste Recycling Program 1 1 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson recycles, reuses, and/or refurbishes all electronic waste generated at the college.

Jefferson recycles electronics with a KCTCS recommended vendor, Creative Recycling Solutions.

As a part of the 2012 Earth Day events, Jefferson partnered with Bluegrass E-Cycle to provide a safe and responsible electronic recycling collection day on each campus during the week of April 16th-20th. The recycling containers were available for all students, faculty, and staff to drop off their old electronics from home.

OP 21 Hazardous Waste Management 1 1 2013    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson safely disposes all hazardous, special, universal, and non-regulated chemical waste and seeks to minimize the presence of these materials on campus.

Jefferson participates in the KCTCS hazardous waste program. In addition, beginning February 2013, Jefferson will offer a required Hazardous Materials training to minimize the presence of these chemicals and to safely dispose of them.

Jefferson has a contract with a company through KCTCS that picks up light bulbs, ballasts, batteries, waste oils, antifreeze, and syringes.

Waste Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-38 Materials Exchange 0.25 0.25 2012    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a surplus department or formal office supplies exchange program that facilitates the reuse of materials.

In November 2012, Jefferson formally launched Freecycle@Work, an online system that creates an easy way for you to post items Jefferson employees no longer need, find items they do, and support the environment by reusing items rather than disposing of them. The Jefferson Freecycle@Work website (a partnership with Intuit QuickBase) is for all Jefferson Community and Technical College employees.

OP T2-39 Limiting Printing 0.25 0.25 2013    

Jefferson limits free printing for students in all computer labs and libraries.

Jefferson is also currently pushing out a driver to automatically print double-sided. Individuals can also choose to just print on a single side on a job-by-job basis. Jefferson encourages an environmentally aware culture in our office by promoting duplex printing, recycling waste paper, encouraging energy conservation, recycling printer cartridges, and minimizing all waste wherever possible. By setting defaults on all printers and copiers to duplex printing mode, as well as setting computers to default double- sided printing ensures that paper use is nearly cut in half.

OP T2-40 Materials Online 0.25 0.25 2010    

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson does not print course catalogs, course schedules, and directories – but instead, these materials are available online.

In 2010 Jefferson stopped offering paper copies of schedules and instead directs students to the online catalog

OP T2-41 Chemical Reuse Inventory 0.25 0 NA     Not pursuing
  Waste Total Points 12 8        
OP 22  Water Consumption 2011   2005  

When purchasing plumbing, Jefferson purchases low flow water fixtures and toilets

Currently working on energy-efficient and water bottle filling stations that will replace existing water fountains (also reducing the total number water fountains)

Jefferson replaced water cooled walk ins and freezers motors with efficient equipment.

OP 23 Stormwater Management 2 1 2015     Develop a stormwater management policy that mitigates the stormwater runoff impacts of new construction, major renovation, and other projects that increase paved surface area on
Water Tier Two Credits              
OP T2-44 Waterless Urinals 0 0       Not applicable
OP T2-45 Building Water Metering* 0.25 0.25 2009    

Jefferson has a building-level water consumption meters.

Jefferson will consider for future construction projects.

 OP T2-46  Non-Potable Water Usage 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson uses non-potable water for irrigation and/or other projects.

Jefferson adopts a stormwater management policy that mitigates the stormwater runoff impacts of new construction, major renovation, and other projects that increase paved surface area on campus. This policy will incorporate a plan for rain barrels on certain campuses for the purposes of using the water collected for irrigation purposes.

OP T2-47 Xeriscaping* 0.25 0.25 2014    

Jefferson uses xeriscaping landscaping techniques, including the selection of drought-tolerant (native) plants.

Working with USDA, as a part of the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP), to return approximately 30 acres of Shelby campus land to a fertile natural habitat with native grasses. Also looking for funding to do so internally. This project will decrease mowing and protect the area’s natural habitat.

Pursuing a similar initiative on the Southwest campus, where a pond serves as a catch basin from stormwater that hold water for longer periods of time. Mickey Paul has planted cypress trees and other native grasses that attract wildlife.
Planning to invite students to assess the area for documentation.

OP T2-48 Weather-Informed Irrigation* 0.25 0.25 2017     Jefferson uses weather data and/or sensors to automatically adjust irrigation practices.
  Water Total Points 10.25 9        
Total OP Points   100 53.37        

* Credit does not apply to all institutions.

Category 3: Planning, Administration, and Engagement (PAE) Goals

Credit Number  STARS
Credit Title 
Strategies or Actions to Achieve Credit
Coordination and Planning        


 PAE 1 Sustainability Coordination 3 3 2011 Credit achieved.

Jefferson has a Sustainability Coordinator who was hired in September 2011. The position’s duties include planning events, reaching out to employees and students with sustainability information, coordinating procedures, reporting, etc.

Jefferson has a committee, office, and/or coordinator that are tasked by the administration to advise on and implement policies and programs related to sustainability on campus

 PAE 2 Strategic Plan 6 6 2013

Credit achieved.

Jefferson’s current, formally adopted strategic plan or equivalent guiding document includes sustainability at a high level.

 PAE 3 Physical Campus Plan 4 4 2013

Credit achieved.

Jefferson’s current master plan includes sustainability at a high level.

 PAE 4 Sustainability Plan 3 3 2010

In 2010, Jefferson developed the first Commitment to Action Document, which outlines the groundwork for sustainability initiatives and planning for the college, positioning the college to be KCTCS sustainability leader.

Jefferson sustainability plan that was developed with input from faculty, staff, and students.

 PAE 5 Climate Action Plan 2 2 2013

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a formal plan to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The plan includes a measurable, numerical goal(s) with corresponding strategies and timeframes to achieve the goals. The plan does not need to be formally adopted.

  Coordination and Planning Total Points 18 18    
Diversity & Affordability          
PAE 6 Diversity and Equity Coordination 2 2 2007

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a diversity and equity committee, office, and/or coordinator that are tasked by the administration to advise on and implement policies, programs, and training related to diversity and equity on campus.

Jefferson has a standing diversity committee and its official title is the Jefferson Diversity and Global Awareness Committee. The mission of the Committee is to further the diversity goal (academic and operational) of Jefferson in the area of diversity.

Jefferson also has an Office of Cultural Diversity, which was established in late 2006. The position Director for that office was filled in January 2007. The Office of Cultural Diversity activities to meet the Jefferson strategic goal to cultivate diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion.  The Director is responsible for diversity training for all employees and assist the leadership by providing them with the necessary resources to meet this initiative.
This includes creating programs, based on the identified needs of the division and/or the department; reviewing policies for consistency with our strategic goal; creating procedures so that they adhere to the spirit and the letter of our diversity initiative, and provide diversity expertise to the President and his leadership team, just to name a few of the activities related to the Jefferson strategy for diversity. In addition, the Director also works in minority and female outreach so that our Human Resources Department may advertise more broadly in order to reach racial- ethnics and women who are qualified.

The Diversity Office has one full- time employee and a part-time student worker.

PAE 7 Measuring Campus Diversity Culture 2 2 2014 Jefferson assesses attitudes about diversity and equity at the college and uses the results to guide policies, programs, and initiatives.
PAE 8 Support Programs for Underrepresented Groups 2 2 2014

Credit achieved.

Jefferson has a mentoring, counseling, peer support, affinity groups, academic support programs, or other programs in place to support underrepresented groups at the college.

The KCTCS Employee Assistance program provides confidential and professional consultation or counseling, 24/day, 365 days/year, at no cost.

The college has many support programs for underrepresented groups. This includes TITLE III - peer mentoring, Student Support Services, Ready To Work, Veterans Affairs, Diversity Coordinator and diversity activities among other things.

PAE 9 Support Programs for Future Faculty 4 4 2014

Credit achieved.

Jefferson administers and participates in a program(s) to help build a diverse faculty throughout higher education.

KCTCS Colleges have access to the KCTCS Fellows Program, which encourages the hiring of diverse faculty. The program can be used to recruit future diverse faculty in doctoral programs. In addition, KCTCS also offers tuition waivers to employees for 6 credit hours per term.

PAE 10 Affordability and Access Programs 3 3 2014

Credit achieved.

Jefferson has policies and programs in place to make it accessible and affordable to low-income students.

The college is an open access institution with many programs that provide access and opportunity. This includes: Student Support Services, Ready To Work, Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs among others.

Diversity and Affordability Tier Two Credits          
PAE T2-1 Gender Neutral Housing 0 0 NA Not applicable
PAE T2-2 Employee Training Opportunities 0.25 0.25 2014

Credit Achieved.

Jefferson makes cultural competence trainings and activities available to all employees

The college provides a wide array of employee professional development that includes cultural competence and activities.

This includes training provided by the system office, as well as local professional development and cultural activities.

PAE T2-3 Student Training Opportunities 0.25 0.25 2013

Credit achieved.

Jefferson makes cultural competence trainings and activities available to
all students.

The college provides a wide array of cultural development and diversity training and activities throughout the year with an emphasis on Black History Month.

  Diversity and Affordability Total Points 13.50 13.50    
Human Resources          
PAE 11 Sustainable Compensation 8 6 2007

Jefferson evaluates/updates its wages and benefits policies and its guidelines for contractors operating on campus to ensure that total compensation for all on-campus workers is sufficient to enable these employees to meet their basic needs.

KCTCS Board of Regents adopted a salary schedule that is reviewed annually by an independent human resources consulting firm to ensure that all employees are paid a sustainable wage.

PAE 12 Employee Satisfaction Evaluation 2 2 2014

Credit Achieved.

Jefferson conducts a survey that allows for anonymous feedback to measure employee satisfaction.

Each year the College conducts an annual survey of faculty and staff. This survey focuses on communication, College processes, and the work environment and gives all Jefferson employees an opportunity to express their thoughts, both positive and
negative, regarding the College.

PAE 13 Staff Professional Development in Sustainability 2 2 2011

Credit Achieved.

Jefferson makes available training/professional development opportunities in sustainability to all staff.

College Sustainability Staff partnered with the Director of Partnership for a Green City, to present professional development programs for sustainability. Going Green: Sustainability 101 is designed to teach faculty and staff sustainability concepts and how to apply them at Jefferson, as well as at home. The workshop explores why sustainability matters and how faculty and staff can translate the importance to fellow colleagues and students. Faculty and staff learn about recycling and sustainability initiatives at the college, as well as tips for saving energy, water, and other resources, how to eat and buy locally, use alternative transportation, green purchasing ideas.

PAE 14 Sustainability in New Employee Orientation 2 2 2012

Jefferson covers sustainability topics in new employee orientation.

Jefferson’s Sustainability Coordinator began participating in Jefferson’s New Employee Orientation in the spring of 2012 to teach new faculty and staff sustainability concepts and how to apply them at Jefferson, as well as at home. Participating in Jefferson’s new employee orientation introduces to new faculty and staff why sustainability matters and how faculty and staff can translate the importance to fellow colleagues and students. The orientation session supports sustainable operations on all of Jefferson’s campuses and promotes overall sustainability excellence for the college.

When a new employee is hired, a mini bin is given to them, along with specific information about recycling in their department.

PAE 15 Employee Sustainability Educators Program 5 5

2013 (2.5 pts)

2014 (2.5 pts)

Jefferson administers an ongoing faculty/staff peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education program via Green Teams, Professional Development Workshops, and community workshops provided by outside organizations.
Human Resources Tier Two Credits          
PAE T2-4 Childcare 0.25 0.25 2010

Jefferson has an on-site child care facility and provides financial support to help meet the child care needs of students, faculty, and staff.

The objective of the Early Childhood Development Center is to promote the growth of the whole child through play. Jefferson’s highly-trained professional staff creates a learning environment that allows for self-exploration and discovery and that fosters each child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. The Center is a laboratory training facility for the college's Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education students. The center is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, a department of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

PAE T2-5 Employee Wellness Program 0.25 0.25 2012

Achieved and Ongoing

Jefferson has an employee assistance or wellness program that provides counseling, referral, and well-being services to employees.

The horizon Health Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers support, guidance, and resources that help employees resolve personal issues and meet life’s challenges. The service is provided at no additional cost by Jefferson, in connection with the Group Long Term Disability coverage from The Standard.

PAE T2-6 Socially Responsible Retirement Plan 0.25 0.25 1998

Credit achieved.

Jefferson offers a socially responsible investment option for retirement plans.

All of the 403(B) companies offered through KCTCS have socially responsible investment options available. The 403(B) companies are Fidelity, TIAA-CREF, ING, and American Century.

  Human Resources Total Points 19.75 17.75    
PAE 16 Committee Investor Responsibility* 0 0 NA Non applicable
PAE 17 Shareholder Advocacy* 0 0 NA Non applicable
PAE 18 Positive Sustainability Investments* 0 0 NA Non applicable
Investment Tier Two Credits          
PAE T2-7 Student-Managed Sustainable Investment Fund* 0 0 NA Not pursuing
PAE T2-8 Sustainable Investment Policy* 0 0 NA Not pursuing
PAE T2-9 Investment Disclosure* 0 0 NA Non applicable
  Investment Total Points .5 0    
Public Engagement          
PAE 19 Community Sustainability Partnerships 2 2 2012

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson has a formal partnership(s) with the local community to work together to advance sustainability within the community.

Jefferson Community and Technical College joined the Partnership for a Green City in 2012. It is the first of its kind in the country and represents a collaborative effort to improve environmental education, environmental health, and environmental management by four of Louisville's largest public entities: Louisville Metro Government, the University of Louisville, Jefferson County Public Schools, and Jefferson Community & Technical College. Together, the partner agencies employ more than 27,500 people, enroll 135,000 students, own more than 530 buildings, maintain 7,000 vehicles, and consist of 25,135 acres of land in Louisville Metro. The Partnership for a Green City aims to inspire and promote a sustainable green city through innovation, collaboration, action, and measurable progress. The Partnership for a Green City envisions Louisville as an innovative national leader for economic sustainability and environmental quality by making a long-term commitment to lead by example, educate, engage, and collaborate with the community.

In partnership with the Louisville Water Company, water coolers, pitchers and biodegradable cups are being used as an alternative to using bottled water/beverages and Styrofoam cups in meeting rooms. These items are meant to encourage healthy living for current Jefferson employees, while implementing the standard for the future employees to drink water and to not use Styrofoam at the college.

PAE 20 Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability 2 2 2010

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Jefferson collaborates with other colleges and universities to support and help build the campus sustainability community.

KCTCS GREEN+ offers KCTCS colleges to connect and share resources through an online database.

Jefferson also has partnered with the University of Louisville and other colleges and universities across the state on various sustainability initiatives, such as the Campus Community Partnership for Sustainability Conference.

AASHE: Jefferson’s AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) membership gives all faculty, staff and students access to a world of benefits, including conference discounts and an online Resource Center containing sustainability how-to guides, best practices, campus profiles, assessment tools, policy and program databases, reports, and more. AASHE’s online Resource Center includes assessment tools, policy and program databases, best practices, campus profiles, how-to guides, reports, discussion forums, and other resources. AASHE maintains an online directory of campus sustainability/environmental officers to enable Jefferson to find and reach out to colleagues doing similar work at other institutions.

PAE 21 Sustainability in Continuing Education 7 4.67 2011 Jefferson offers continuing education courses that are focused on or related to sustainability. Jefferson has a sustainability-related certificate program through its continuing education department.
PAE 22 Community Service Participation 6 3 2015

Jefferson engages its student body in community service.

Gathering more information to measure the percentage of students who participate.

Work with faculty and staff to offer community service opportunities related to sustainability.

PAE 23 Community Service Hours 6 3 2015

Jefferson engages students in community service.

Gathering more information on how to measure the average hours contributed per student.

Work with faculty and staff to offer community service opportunities
related to sustainability.

PAE 24 Sustainability Policy Advocacy 4 4 2012

Credit achieved and ongoing.

Through the Partnership for a Green City and AASHE, Jefferson participates in both local and national levels to advocate public policies that support campus

PAE 25 Trademark Licensing * 4 4 2013

Jefferson is a member of the Fair Labor Association or Worker Rights Consortium. Jefferson signs on to participate in the Designated Suppliers Program

Jefferson bookstores are Barnes & Noble affiliates. BN is a member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), and since 1998 we have required all vendors who supply products to our stores to adopt FLA’s Code of Conduct. All of the brands sold in our bookstores meet labor standards set by the Worker Rights Consortium

Public Engagement Tier Two Credits          
PAE T2-10 Graduation Pledge 0.25 0.25 2015

Jefferson administers a graduation pledge through which students pledge to consider social and environmental responsibility in future jobs and other decisions.

Gathering more information

PAE T2-11 Community Service on Transcripts 0.25 0.25 2016 Explore with KCTCS to gather information to include community service achievements on student transcripts.
PAE T2-12 Farmer's Markets 0.25 0.25 2014

Jefferson hosts a farmers' market for the community.

Working with Louisville Farmers Market and other community markets to coordinate farmers market managing instruction and the possibility of having a farmers market on campus.

  Public Engagement Total Points 31.75 23.42    
Total PAE Points   83.5 73.42    

* Credit does not apply to all institutions.

Category 4: Innovation (IN) Goals – This section is optional.

 Credit Number  STARS
Credit Title
Strategies or Actions to Achieve Credit
IN 1 Innovation Credit 4 1 1 2013 Partnership for a Green City
IN 2 Innovation Credit 4 1      
IN 3 Innovation Credit 4 1      
IN 4 Innovation Credit 4  1      
Total IN Points   4 1    

IV. KCTCS Specific Focus Area Specific Goals, Strategies, and Timeline(s)

A. Administration

  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable) STARS Credit Title*
Public Commitment to
  • PAE 2
  • PAE 4
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE 25
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-11
  • PAE T2-12
  • Strategic Plan
  • Sustainability Plan
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Trademark Licensing
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Community Service on Transcripts
  • Farmer’s Markets
Participation in Community
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE 25
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-11
  • PAE T2-12
  • OP T2-2 
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Trademark Licensing
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Community Service on Transcripts
  • Farmer’s Markets
  • Local Offsets Program
Sponsorship of Special
Sustainability-Related Events
 PAE 1 
  • Sustainability Coordination
Participation in National,
Regional, or Local
Sustainability Campaigns
or Competitions 
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE 25
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-11
  • PAE T2-12 
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Trademark Licensing
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Community Service on Transcripts
  • Farmer’s Markets

*If applicable.

B. Outreach and Service (Partnerships or Events Promoting Sustainable Development or Green Job Training)

  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable) STARS Credit Title*
Government (Local, State, or Federal) Agencies
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-12
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Farmer’s Markets
Local School Districts
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-12
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Farmer’s Markets
Postsecondary Institutions
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-12
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Farmer’s Markets
Business and Industry
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-12
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Farmer’s Markets
Civic Organizations
  • PAE 6
  • PAE T2-5
  • OP T2-2
  • Diversity and Equity Coordination
  • Employee Wellness Program
  • Local Offsets Program
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • PAE 24
  • PAE T2-10
  • PAE T2-12
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
  • Sustainability Policy Advocacy
  • Graduation Pledge
  • Farmer’s Markets

C. Curriculum/Workforce Development

  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable) STARS Credit Title*
Green Career Pathways
  • ER 5
  • ER 6
  • ER 7
  • ER 8
  • ER 9
  • ER 10
  • ER 13
  • ER 14
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • Sustainability Course Identification
  • Sustainability-Focused Courses
  • Sustainability-Related Course
  • Sustainability Course by Department
  • Sustainability Learning Outcomes
  • Undergraduate Program in Sustainability
  • Sustainability Literacy Assessment
  • Incentives for Developing Sustainability Courses
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
Sustainable Workforce Development
  • ER 5
  • ER 6
  • ER7
  • ER 8
  • ER 9
  • ER 10
  • ER 13
  • ER 14
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • Sustainability Course Identification
  • Sustainability-Focused Courses
  • Sustainability-Related Course
  • Sustainability Course by Department- Sustainability Learning Outcomes
  • Undergraduate Program in Sustainability
  • Sustainability Literacy Assessment
  • Incentives for Developing Sustainability Courses
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
Academic Courses and
  • ER 5
  • ER 6
  • ER 7
  • ER 8
  • ER 9
  • ER 10
  • ER 13
  • ER 14
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • Sustainability Course Identification
  • Sustainability-Focused Courses
  • Sustainability-Related Course
  • Sustainability Course by Department
  • Sustainability Learning Outcomes
  • Undergraduate Program in Sustainability
  • Sustainability Literacy Assessment
  • Incentives for Developing Sustainability Courses
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
Incorporation of
Sustainability Principles
into Existing Curricula
  • ER 5
  • ER 6
  • ER 7
  • ER 8
  • ER 9
  • ER 10
  • ER 13
  • ER 14
  • PAE 19
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • Sustainability Course Identification
  • Sustainability-Focused Courses
  • Sustainability-Related Course
  • Sustainability Course by Department
  • Sustainability Learning Outcomes
  • Undergraduate Program in Sustainability
  • Sustainability Literacy Assessment
  • Incentives for Developing Sustainability Courses
  • Community Sustainability Partnerships
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours

D. Student Opportunities

  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable) STARS Credit Title*
Integration of Sustainability into New Student Orientations 
  • ER 3
  • Sustainability in New Student Orientation
Establishment of Sustainability-related Student Organizations
  • ER 1
  • ER 2
  • Student Sustainability Educators Program
  • Student Sustainability Outreach Campaign
Sustainable Development-related Internships
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Sustainable Development-related Community Service/- Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours
Sustainable Development-related Service Learning
  • ER 5
  • ER 6
  • ER 7
  • ER 8
  • ER 9
  • ER 10
  • ER 13
  • ER 14
  • PAE 20
  • PAE 21
  • PAE 22
  • PAE 23
  • Sustainability Course Identification
  • Sustainability-Focused Courses
  • Sustainability-Related Course
  • Sustainability Course by Department
  • Sustainability Learning Outcomes
  • Undergraduate Program in Sustainability
  • Sustainability Literacy Assessment
  • Incentives for Developing Sustainability Courses
  • Inter-Campus Collaboration on Sustainability
  • Sustainability in Continuing Education
  • Community Service Participation
  • Community Service Hours

E. Faculty and Staff Development

  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable) STARS Credit Title* Actions to Achieve Goal/Objective Indicator Target and Date ( (#) by (date) OR STARS
Integration of Sustainability into New Employee Orientations          

Sustainable Development-related Staff Development

PAE 15 Employee Sustainability Educators Program      

F. Operations

  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable) STARS Credit Title*
Green Building and Renovations 
  • OP 1
  • OP 2
  • OP 3
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Building Design and Construction
  • Indoor Air Quality
Green Cleaning Practices
  • OP 1
  • OP 3
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Indoor Air Quality

Energy Efficiency, Energy Management, and Energy Efficiency Controls, for example:

  • Purchase of ENERGY STAR certified products in all areas for which such ratings exist
  • Reduce energy consumption 20 percent by 2020
  • Purchase or produce a portion of the college’s electricity consumption from renewable sources
  • OP 1
  • OP 4
  • OP 5
  • OP 7
  • OP 8
  • OP T2-13
  • OP T2-14
  • OP T2-15
  • OP T2-17
  • OP T2-18
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
  • Building Energy Consumption
  • Clean and Renewable Energy
  • Timers for Temperature Control
  • Lighting Sensors
  • LED Lighting
  • Energy Management System
  • Energy Metering

Sustainable, Green, Or Eco-Friendly Purchasing, for example:

  • Purchasing Kentucky Proud products
  • Using vendors identified on the KCTCS Diversity Suppliers list
  • Purchasing products made from post-consumer content
  • OP 1
  • OP 4
  • OP 5
  • OP 12
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
  • Computer Paper Purchasing recycled materials

Ecological Stewardship, for example:

  • Kentucky Proud food purchase
  • Community gardens
  • Natural landscaping
  • Pursuit of Tree Campus USA designation
  • PAE 5
  • OP 1
  • OP 3
  • OP 4
  • OP 5
  • OP T2-1
  • OP T2-2
  • OP T2-19
  • OP 21
  • OP 23
  • Climate Action Plan
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
  • Air Travel Emissions
  • Local Offsets Program
  • Native Plants
  • Tree Campus USA
  • Landscape Waste Composting
Water Usage
  • OP 1
  • OP 21
  • OP 23
  • OP T2-45
  • OP T2-46
  • OP T2-47
  • OP T2-48
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Tree Campus USA
  • Landscape Waste Composting
  • Building Water Metering
  • Non=Potable Water Usage
  • Xeriscaping
  • Weather-Informed Irrigation

Waste Reduction - Reducing, Reusing, Recycling, for example:

  • Setting copiers to default to double side printing
  • Participate in the Waste Minimization component of the national RecycleMania competition, adopting three or more associated measures to reduce waste
  • OP 1
  • OP 12
  • OP 17
  • OP 18
  • OP 20
  • OP 21
  • OP T2-39
  • OP T2-40
  • Building Operations and Maintenance
  • Computer Paper Purchasing
  • Waste Reduction
  • Waste Diversion
  • Electronic Waste Recycling Program
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Limited Printed
  • Materials Online
  • OP T2-1
  • OP 14
  • OP 16
  • OP T2-26
  • OP T2-27
  • OP T2-28
  • OP T2-32
  • OP T2-33
  • OP T2-35
  • OP T2-37
  • Air Travel Emissions
  • Campus Fleet
  • Employee Commute Modal Split
  • Bicycle Sharing Facilities for Bicyclists
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
  • Carpool/Vanpool Matching
  • Cash-out of Parking
  • Local Housing
  • Car Sharing

G. American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Green Mission

  • The AACC Green Mission states that “by transforming their curricula, workforce development, community collaboration, and campus operations, community colleges will generate the skills, values, and behaviors that will prepare society and students to participate in a thriving green and sustainable economy.”
  • Note: Where applicable, KCTCS Focus Area goals may mirror the corresponding STARS goal.
KCTCS Focus Area Goal STARS Credit No. (If Applicable)  STARS Credit Title* Actions to Achieve Goal/Objective Indicator Target and Date ( (#) by (date) OR STARS rating % by (date)
AACC Green Mission