Digital signage Guidelines
This document provides general guidelines for signage on campus. The purpose is to:
- Provide clear, concise information for all users, to improve way-finding;
- Promote public health, safety and welfare;
- Promote a unified and attractive sign appearance for all facilities;
- Minimize maintenance and repairs of the buildings, and
- Eliminate inconsistent, ineffective, and unnecessary signs
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAG)
- Unless otherwise stated, all public signage at Jefferson must comply with the federal regulations of ADA.
Accessible Path of Travel
- That portion of the building circulation which allows access to building areas by all persons, regardless of disability, including wheel chair users
Building Circulation
- Spaces designated for people to travel within a building; lobbies, corridors, exit doors, stairs and elevators.
Life Safety
- Any device or building element specifically designed to warn or protect the occupants of a building, or to allow the occupants to safely exit the building.
- Any part of the heating & cooling, plumbing and electrical systems that are part of the building. Facilities Department Information
- Facilities may communicate with temporary signs, i.e. restroom closed, out of order, wet paint, etc.
Emergency Action Cards
- 3 signs located on the back of each classroom door, outlining the following:
- Emergency Procedures
- Campus Map
- Evacuation Plan
Public Area
- Any part of the building generally accessible to all occupants of the building.
- An office or department.
This document also establishes guidelines which describe procedures for management
of the program (determining copy, ordering and installing signs), methods and locations
for mounting the products, as well as identifying the standard colors and materials
to be used.
All content is subject to KCTCS and campus policy.
- Program Management - The success of this document and its goals is dependent upon acceptance of this program and compliance to the standards.
- In order to maintain the integrity of the program, it is imperative that responsibility lie with one administrative department.
- Responsibility for decisions concerning the purchase, fabrication, content, placement, and installation of all signs for the campus rests with the Business Affairs Purchasing Office who will coordinate with the Marketing Office and the Facilities Management Director.
- No signs shall be fabricated, ordered or placed without the written approval of these offices.
- To provide all the campus buildings with a unified concept for visual communication and reduce visual clutter in the corridors, it is necessary to establish guidelines specifying how the signs will be distributed.
- While it is important not to assume each department or office has the same needs for signing, it is also important to recognize that not all offices, departments or staff need to be identified equally to the public.
- It is the intent of this program to determine and limit signage use, while at the same time providing flexible guidelines to promote and enhance each department's identity, serve to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and provide unity and continuity between its components.
- Before ordering the actual signs, the sign choices will be reviewed with each department director to determine how their needs might best be met.
Sign Content
- Department-specific signs will be approved by the department head prior to submission to the Business Affairs Purchasing Office who will coordinate with the Marketing Office and the Facilities Management Director.
Sign Design
- For any design or placement issues not specifically covered by this document, consult with the Business Affairs Purchasing Office who will coordinate with the Marketing Office and the Facilities Management Director.
Sign Installation
- All signs, with the exception of temporary ones, are to be installed and removed by the Facilities Department only.
- To arrange for installation of signs, create a work order.
Standard Interior Sign Locations
- Temporary Signs/Displays shall not be used in place of standard signage.
- No surface-damaging adhesives (e.g. duct tape) or surface-penetrating fasteners are to be used to display temporary displays of any kind.
- Upon the posting of temporary signs, ensure permanent signs and ventilation grilles are not obstructed.
Any postings on unapproved areas such as glass, painted drywall, doors, columns, railings, fire extinguishers, or fire alarm boxes will be removed. Likewise, no postings on exterior building surfaces are permitted.
- Exceptions to this rule may include official college notices for immediate issues such as “college closed” or class cancellation notices that include specific dates.
- No literature of any kind is to be placed on automobiles, unless it is an official college notice.
- PLEASE DO NOT affix signs to these areas as it causes building damage.
- The offending party may be charged for repair cost.
Wall Graphics
- No graphics or lettering are to be applied to a building surface except as part of the original or remodeled building design administered through the Facilities Office
Building Surface Artwork
- Due to concerns regarding general building maintenance, acceptability of the artwork proposed, and the need to have some control over modifications to state property, proposed artwork must be approved in advance.
- The work order will include the location and a description of the proposed surface, the general concept of the work, the proposed schedule, a general description of how the work will be executed, how it will be maintained, how long it will remain in place, and who will be responsible for its removal.
Exterior Building Identification
- Signs are permitted on the exterior of the building, only with prior approval from Business Affairs Purchasing Office who will coordinate with the Marketing Office and the Facilities Management Director.
Building Entry
Building Entry Doors:
- Entry doors will have the building letter, historical name, physical address, and entrance number.
- This will be done in white vinyl for low light or smoky conditions as in accordance
with section 505 of the International Fire Code requirements.
Building Entrance Numbers:- All exterior doors that allow access to the interior of the school will be numbered in a sequential order starting with the main entrance (office door/public entrance).
- The main entrance will be #1
- Subsequent doors will be numbered in sequential order in a clockwise manner.
- This is being done in accordance with the Center for Safe Schools.
Building Non Entries:
- Doors that do not allow access in to the building in the event of emergency, but rather boiler rooms etc. will be marked as NOT AN ENTRANCE for first responders.
Building Directories:
- Are used to display the names of people and departments (where possible), located in the building where it is mounted.
- They are to be mounted within view of the building's main entry doors.
- The directory cabinet is to complement the building architecture or to be an electronic directory as approved by the Facilities Department.
Building Plan:
- A plan is to be mounted near each group of public entry doors, and in circulation lobbies.
- It consists of a simplified building floor plan graphically indicating the major circulation routes, accessible path of travel, toilet locations, building directory location, major spaces, fire evacuation plans, tornado shelter location, telephone locations, emergency action cards, and present location.
- The map is sized, as required to convey information clearly.
Campus policy notices: - No Tobacco Sign, Concealed Weapons Restriction Notices will be posted on exterior doors as directed by the Facilities and Campus Safety and Security Departments.
- The notices will be posted on the appropriate exterior door window glass.
Building Circulation
- Enclosed Stairs & Elevator signs: Are pictogram, word and Braille.
Room Identification
- Rest room signs:
- Consist of a pictogram, word and Braille
- Room number signs:
- Have the following information:
- Room number with Braille below; and
- Room description with Braille below
Bulletin Boards & Display Cases
PLEASE DO NOT affix signs to any other areas as it causes building damage. The offending party may be charged for repair cost.
- The use of Bulletin boards is governed by the Business Affairs Purchasing Office who coordinates with the Marketing Office and the Facilities Management Director in accordance with KCTCS Administrative Policies & Procedures.
- The Facilities Maintenance Office is responsible for the ordering of bulletin boards or display cases approval of the size, type and mounting location.
- Facilities will coordinate this approval upon receipt of a work request to make this installation.
- Bulletin boards or display cases once mounted in a building are considered part of the building and may not be removed except by the Facilities Department.
- Flyers or posters must be submitted by students or employees for approval to post by visiting the Student Affairs Office on each campus. Each flyer or poster must have an approval stamp on it.
- Jefferson Community & Technical College follows the KCTCS Administrative Policies & Procedures “Unacceptable Uses” to determine what is acceptable to post on campus.
- “Unacceptable Use” is defined as:
- Using bulletin boards/campus postings for personal gain or personal business activities in a commercial connotation such as buying or selling of commodities or services with a profit motive.
- Sales or promotion of items or services such as legal services, cars for sale, apartments for rent, books for sale, etc. will not be allowed.
- Using bulletin boards/campus postings for any illegal purposes, including initiating or receiving communications that violate any laws and regulations.
- Using bulletin boards/campus postings for transmitting statements, language, images or other materials that are reasonably likely to be perceived as offensive or disparaging of others based on race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs.
- Using bulletin boards/campus postings for soliciting money for religious or political causes, or advocating religious or political opinions.
- Using bulletin boards/campus postings for for-profits or non-profits to fundraise
on campus.
- As a rule, we do not allow fundraising for external groups.
Additional guidelines are:
- Flyers or posters must clearly identify the sponsoring group.
- Only one posting per bulletin board of any one flyer is allowed. No postings may cover up previously posted materials.
- Bulletin boards are monitored frequently and unacceptable or unapproved items will be removed.
- People who post materials must remove them from all areas by the expiration date.
Any postings on unapproved areas such as glass, painted drywall, doors, columns, railings, fire extinguishers, or fire alarm boxes will be removed.
- PLEASE DO NOT affix signs to these areas as it causes building damage.
- The offending party may be charged for repair cost.
- No postings on exterior building surfaces are permitted.
- Exceptions to this rule may include official college notices for immediate issues such as “college closed” or class cancellation notices that include specific dates.
- Facilities may communicate with temporary signs, i.e. restroom closed, out of order, wet paint, etc.
- No literature of any kind is to be placed on automobiles, unless it is an official college notice.
Easels & Sandwich Boards
- Easels, sandwich boards, or any other free-standing signs are not to replace permanent signage.
- They may however be used under the following stipulations, as long as approved by
the authorized department:
- In public circulation areas; and
- In unit office areas
- They may not obstruct required public circulation, or any permanent signs, mechanical, lighting or life-safety features.
- Content must comply with all applicable College policies.
AED/First Aid Signage
- AED/First Aid signage are to be designated by the Campus Safety and Security Office.
- AED/First Aid signage stands proud of the walls and clearly displays AED machines and first aid kits
- All fire evacuation plans shall be permanently placed and located as determined by Facilities Office.
Fire Evacuation Plans
- Fire evacuation plans are to be designated by the Campus Safety and Security Office.
- All fire evacuation plans shall be permanently placed and located as determined by Facilities Office.
Emergency Action Cards
- 3 signs located on the back of each classroom door, outlining the following:
- Emergency Procedures
- Campus Map
- Evacuation Plan
Tornado Shelter Signs
- Tornado shelter locations are to be designated by the Campus Safety and Security Office.
- All tornado shelter signs shall be permanently placed and located as determined by Facilities Office.
- Jefferson recognizes the generosity of its financial donors with donation plaques. All donation plaque design and placement will be coordinated through the Facilities and The College Advancement Office to ensure a unified appearance that is appropriate to the space displayed.
- The Facilities Office will coordinate with the College Advancement Office regarding any specific requirements associated with the donation.
Brand & Public Venue Banners
Approval to purchase and hang banners must be acquired from BOTH Marketing and the Facilities Department (via work order) PRIOR to purchase.
- Banners are displayed on campus to convey festive decoration and informational messages to support the university’s cultural, arts, social, and educational programs.
- Banners are permitted on campus, subject to the following restrictions:
- The location and installation of banners shall be aesthetically pleasing in context to the exterior of buildings.
- Banners shall be installed only at approved locations.
- Banner installation components shall not damage the building and shall not compromise building safety and/or security requirements.
- Banners shall not be attached to sign posts, trees, other plant materials.
- Banners with a commercial message are prohibited.
- Banners shall not contain language, symbols, or graphics that are obscene or discriminatory in nature.
- Construction and design of the banner must be high quality.
- The size of banner shall be appropriate for the intended location.
- The time of display shall not exceed 30 days in any calendar year without additional review and approval.
- Any damage done to the building or building components shall be paid for by the banner sponsor.
Reviews and Approvals
- All banner locations, designs, and methods of building attachment shall be submitted
to, and approved by, the following:
- The Marketing Office
- The Director of Facilities Management
- A banner proposal must be submitted at least two weeks prior to installation.
- Additional information may be requested to ensure that the banner meets guidelines and requirements.
- Temporary banners identify a specific exhibition.
- They may remain in place for the duration of the exhibition, with a two week maximum lead time preceding the opening of the exhibition.
- However, this does not allow for signs to be affixed to unapproved areas such as painted drywall, doors, columns, railings, fire extinguishers, or fire alarm boxes will be removed.
- PLEASE DO NOT affix signs to these areas as it causes building damage. The offending party may be charged for repair cost.
- Specifications for banners are as follows:
- Material shall have sufficient density to allow for printing as intended.
- Wind cuts are required on large banners to reduce wind resistance and should be able to withstand a 90 MPH wind load.
- Material shall be colorfast and not run or rub off on adjacent surfaces.
- Paint or ink shall be permanent and shall not run or rub off on adjacent surfaces.
- Lettering and graphics must clearly reflect the intended message or purpose and shall be of sufficient size to be readable by the intended audience.
Large Scale Graphics
- Large scale graphics must go through the same review and approval process as banners. (SEE ABOVE)
Digital Signage Guidelines
Only registered student organizations, academic departments, campus departments/offices, and College committees are permitted to display content (digital slides and digital video) on the Digital Signage system.
The creation of content for display on the Digital Signage system is the responsibility of the group presenting the information to the campus community. The information will be the same as what is on our website as an effort for a common repository.
Content must be submitted electronically to JF-Helpdesk a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the first date the content is to be displayed on the Digital Signage system. Content submissions must include the first name, last name, and phone number of the submitter, the date the content should start running on the Digital Signage system. The JF-help desk will ensure KCTCS branding and adherence to policy and procedure.
Contact information must be included in the submission, to be posted online, so interested parties can get in contact with the individual or group.
No scanned images or documents will be accepted.
Digital Signage content that promotes or condones behavior that violates College policies, or local, state or federal law will not be approved for display.
KCTCS Policy
Based on a recommendation of the Marketing RAMP Team and approval by the PLT, a permanent campus signage process has been developed to ensure that all future KCTCS college signage effectively and consistently supports the KCTCS brand.
Questions about color and design should be submitted to the Marketing Office. The KCTCS color palette helps ensure a consistent brand image across all marketing materials and business documents.
Primary Color Palette
While all of the colors in the KCTCS color palette may be utilized in the design of marketing materials and business documents, PMS 541 (blue) and PMS 131 (yellow) are the colors most closely associated with the KCTCS brand, and therefore primary usage is encouraged in most instances.
The System Office Marketing and Communications Department has created numerous logo versions for KCTCS colleges and campuses to take into account all possible uses. Logos should not be altered or reconfigured. Please use the artwork provided on the brand guide downloads page or contact your local Marketing Office.
- Primary Logos and Usage
- KCTCS Logo
- College Logos
- Campus Logos
- Secondary Logos
- Minimum Size Requirements
- Usage on Photos and Backgrounds