Furniture Procedures
In order to develop an orderly and transparent furniture procedure that ensures quality,
consistency, a strong warranty, contract compliance and sustainability for Jefferson
Community and Technical College, the following procedures are essential:
Departments can purchase their own furniture with their departmental funds but all
furniture purchases must be facilitated through Purchasing to insure contract compliance,
and a uniform standard and quality. Purchasing must be contacted prior to initiating
any conversation with a vendor. It is the College’s intention to standardize around
limited brand and limited styles of furniture.
Purchasing has a furniture library set up in the Business Affairs Office for your
use and perusal.
If a department decides it no longer needs a piece of furniture (including historical),
it should be moved to storage. Furniture placed in storage, can be used elsewhere
on campus and no longer belongs to that department.
A department can request used furniture from storage by contacting M&O. You will be
contacted to view and approve the surplus items.
If available, a work order will need to be completed to have it moved to the department’s
location. If an individual desires to move or a department wants an individual to
move from one office to another and/or requires additional furniture, then the department
is responsible for the additional furniture expenses.
Submit a Work Order online to request furniture moves. The Maintenance Office will coordinate the move.
Please contact Pamela Turner at (502) 213-2109 with any questions or concerns