Vehicle Rental Procedures
Local and Travel Status
Generally, for college related travel it is KCTCS’s policy not to rent vehicles, but rather to use college vehicles or reimburse employees for mileage (per KCTCS Business Policy 1.17.1).
When rental of a vehicle is necessary for a group (such as a SACSCOC visiting team) or truck rental (such as for transporting equipment and supplies) it must have prior written approval of the Jefferson Community and Technical College president which must be attached to the payment document (ProCard statement).
For employee travel, when a college vehicle is not available or practical, the preferred method is to reimburse mileage (local) or use public transportation (travel status) rather than vehicle rental. In order to rent a vehicle for employee travel, a college vehicle must not have been available or practical, public transportation not available or practical, or it can be demonstrated that it is the most economical means of travel versus the mileage reimbursement (BP 1.17.1). In all cases it must have the prior written approval of the Jefferson Community and Technical College president which must be attached to the payment document (Travel Voucher).
The cost for all rentals will be charged to the department traveling.
Employee Local/Vicinity Travel
Following KCTCS policy (BP 1.17.3) Jefferson Community and Technical College generally does not rent vehicles for local/vicinity travel except in certain situations. If a college vehicle is not available, employees should use their personal vehicle and submit a travel voucher (BA3) for reimbursement of their mileage. There may be an exception to rent a vehicle (outlined in BP 1.17.3) if the employee’s car and/or the college’s vehicle will not accommodate the number of people traveling safely or if the rental is the most economical means of travel versus the mileage reimbursement.
An employee preference to use a rental vehicle is not a valid condition for an exception.
In all cases, the rental of a vehicle must have the prior written approval of the Jefferson Community and Technical College president as well as the budget manager/supervisor of the department that will be charged. The vehicle must also be the most economical class of car, determined by the number of employees traveling.
All local rentals must be arranged through the Business Office. For personal employee travel, a personal credit card must be used for the rental and a Travel Voucher used for reimbursement.
Employee Travel Status
Employees in travel status (more than 40 miles away from the college and overnight stay required) should utilize public transportation (bus, subway, taxi, etc.) if possible rather than rent a vehicle. When it is not practical (exceptions below), employees must have prior written approval from the Jefferson Community and Technical College president to rent a vehicle and this approval must be attached to the Travel Voucher.
Section 1.17.4 – Rental Cars While on Travel Status
It is the practice of KCTCS that its employees use public transportation while on travel status. Employees are to use buses, subways and/or taxis for transportation while traveling, except in special and unique situations described below. However, written approval as defined in business procedure 8.1.4 for out-of-state authorization with employee justification must be attached to the travel voucher (BA3) or to the procurement card cardholder’s statement. Business Procedure 8.1, FORMS BA3
- The distance from the arrival airport to accommodations and then to the meeting location is of sufficient distance that public transportation is not feasible, i. e., 25 miles.
- There is a reasonable distance (5 miles or greater) between the accommodations and the meeting location and public transportation, including the use of a taxi not being feasible.
- Local transportation is not available.