Syllabus Master
1. <Instructor name>
2. <Instructor office location>
3. <Instructor phone number>
4. <Instructor e-mail address>
5. <Instructor office hours>
2 office hours per class required, regardless of class modality
6. <KCTCS catalog description>
7. <Course relationship to college’s mission and vision>
Note: June 2018 revised mission and vision statement is attached
<FOR TECHNICAL COURSES: Student learning outcomes specific to course>
“Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:”
IMPORTANT NOTE: List major program learning outcomes supported by this course and any specific course learning outcomes that support the program learning outcome(s). Refer to the official curriculum and course outcomes at the following KCTCS location to ensure that program and course outcomes are consistent with approved courses and curricula.
Technical courses should additionally identify at least one General Education Competency addressed in this course as specified by the KCTCS General Education requirements (listed in KCTCS College Catalog and IE handbook).
<FOR GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES: Student learning outcomes specific to the course>
“Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:”
IMPORTANT NOTE: General education courses should list three levels of learning outcomes: CPE GEOs (student learning outcomes for general education as defined by CPE), General Education Competencies (as defined in the KCTCS Catalog), and course specific learning outcomes. CPE GEOs align to courses designated for transfer. Note that the language for each category of course specifically stipulates which specific outcomes or how many must be included in EVERY COURSE that meets a particular requirement. In addition, the language of your outcome should substantially match (i.e., be consistent with) the language agreed upon by the statewide group of faculty who drew up these requirements. You may, of course, include additional learning outcomes over and above those identified by the CPE, including course level learning outcomes. Faculty are asked to include these GEOs in their syllabus. All General education courses must also identify at least one General Education Competency addressed in this course as specified by the KCTCS General Education requirements.
9. <Critical thinking skills developed in this course>
All courses, both general education and technical, contribute to students’ achieving the college’s general education competencies. Determination of the extent to which Jefferson students achieve general education competencies has been assessed using both the Critical Thinking Assessment Test and the ETS Proficiency Profile. Both instruments have demonstrated weaknesses in students’ critical thinking abilities. Recent studies have shown that students lack awareness of critical thinking skills even when they are employing them and are therefore unable to consciously call on them as strategies for approaching new materials and situations. Amanda Hiner of Winthrop University writes that “experts agree that critical thinking involves metacognitive awareness and a systematic application to analyze and assess information”; that is, we need explicit, intentional critical thinking instruction to develop students’ thinking processes and make them “visible” and accessible to the student. And she contends that this happens best when critical thinking instruction is combined with discipline-specific instruction. As a way of beginning to make skills needed to succeed in your course explicit for your students, please include appropriate skills from the attached or other lists of critical thinking skills that students will need to exercise in your course and explain what they are.
10. <Required texts, supplies, materials>
Note: if students will be using electronic or other ancillary materials, please make clear what is paid for the student as part of a course fee and what the student is responsible for purchasing. Students should only be required to purchase texts whose use in the course justifies it.
11. <Suggested texts, supplies, materials>
12. <Use of Blackboard and other technology (in in-person classes)>
Make clear how you will be using Blackboard and any other technology in the class and what your expectations of student use of the technology is.
13. <Use of Starfish>
Explain how you will be using the Starfish early alert system in your course to help students understand their progress and what they need to do to succeed.
14. <Course requirements>
Note: include specific numbers of tests, quizzes, assignments, projects
15. <Evaluation and grading criteria>
Note: explain relationship of requirements to grades that can be earned in the course, including method of calculation, any weighting, etc.; include discussion of homework, class participation, extra credit, or anything else that will affect grades; either here or in policy section, include policies on late assignments, missed quizzes or exams, absences, or tardiness in relation to grading. Explain the I grade and the circumstances under which you will award one. Explain your withdrawal policy and list the last date when a student may withdraw without your signature. If you only allow withdrawals after mid-term for specific reasons, list those.
16. <Final examination>
Note the date and time of the final exam on your syllabus and let students know that they should check the times of the finals in all their classes early in the semester to ensure there are no conflicts. If there are, students should contact their instructors to arrange an alternate exam time. Students should also be told that, if they have three or more exams scheduled on the same day, they may request to have one of them rescheduled. Again, they should talk with their instructors if this occurs to arrange to take one of them on an alternate day. Give students the web link to the final exam schedules for all campuses.
Policies and other information
Note: at a minimum, the following must be included: information for students with disabilities, complaint/appeal process, a reference and link to the Code of Student Conduct, which lists student and faculty rights and responsibilities, and—if not covered above—policies on absences and tardiness. It is recommended that you also include information on Title IX issues, your policy on make-ups for religious holidays, a disclaimer regarding lecture capture if you intend to use it, information on the Learning Commons, and the college’s inclement weather policy and notification.
17. <Drop and Withdrawal policy, dates>
“All students in this class are subject to the withdrawal policies and dates of Jefferson Community and Technical College, regardless of their home college.
Students may drop a class, which means withdrawing without a “W” and with a 100% refund, through the date listed on the semester academic calendar. No instructor permission is required.
Students may also withdraw from a class without instructor permission until the midterm date listed on the academic calendar. This means they will receive a “W” grade and may or may not receive a partial refund depending on how early in the semester they withdraw. (For Fall 2018 16 week classes, this date is October 8.)
After midterm, students may only withdraw with an instructor’s permission, which is totally at the discretion of the instructor.”
Note: indicate to students what the last date is that they can withdraw from your course without your permission; tell them the circumstances under which you would be willing to give permission after that date.
18. <Withdrawal process>
“To drop or withdraw from a course, students must use their Student Self-Service accounts. In “Self-Service,” students should click on “Advising & Classes,” then “Withdraw/Drop Request” from the left hand menu. They should complete the entire form and submit it. They should then monitor their KCTCS e-mail account for questions or a confirmation that the request has been processed. The instructor will approve or deny the request. The withdrawal is not complete until they receive a confirmation that they have been withdrawn from the class.”
Please feel free to vary this language if you write your syllabus in second person, etc. For example:
To withdraw from a class means that you are leaving the course after the 100% refund date. Therefore, you will earn a W and be responsible for financial charges for the course. Withdrawals for this class are subject to the Academic Calendar of Jefferson Community and Technical College regardless of your home college. To withdraw, you must login to Student Self-Service and click on Academic Records. Click the Withdraw/Drop Request from the left hand menu and complete the full request. Then monitor your KCTCS.edu (student e-mail) account for questions about your request or a confirmation that your request has been processed. Your withdrawal is NOT COMPLETE until you receive a confirmation e-mail
19. <Special accommodations for students>
Note: use the following statement and include the chart.
Students Needing Special Accommodations:
Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Access*Ability Resource Center (ARC) as soon as possible. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor. If you require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor and the ARC. All campuses of Jefferson Community and Technical College are served through a central office for the ARC located on the downtown campus or contact the staff on-line.
Contact information:
- Access*Ability Resource Center (ARC)
- Office location: Chestnut Hall, Room 319
- Campus: Downtown
- Telephone: (502) 213-2375
- E-mail Address: JF-ARC-OFFICE @kctcs.edu
20. <Complaint procedure>
Note: your policy should explain that Jefferson Community and Technical College students with a complaint are first expected to address it with the instructor. Normally, if the complaint cannot be resolved, the student should contact the appropriate department head or program coordinator [give name, phone number, and e-mail]. If the complaint still cannot be resolved, the student should contact the appropriate division chair [give name, phone number, and e-mail]. If the complaint cannot be resolved even at that level, the student should contact the appropriate academic dean [give name, phone number, and e-mail]. Because coordinators now handle multiple campuses, Division Chairs may be the first person to be contacted by the student; follow the instructions of your DC.
21. <Code of Student Conduct>
Note: you should explain the general policy on cheating and plagiarism as well as the consequences that can be leveled for such offenses. You should include a link to the complete Code of Student Conduct.
If you wish to summarize the policy, please include this:
Incidents of academic dishonesty and misconduct which occur within the context of a specific course are resolved by the academic department in accordance with the College academic honesty policy. In such a case, the instructor or academic department determines whether academic dishonesty or misconduct occurred, and if so, the appropriate academic penalty.
Sanctions for a finding of academic dishonesty or misconduct include but are not limited to:
- Requiring the student to resubmit the assignment
- A lower grade on the assignment or in the course
- A zero for the assignment or exam
- A failing grade in the course
- Removal from the course
- Referral for disciplinary actions beyond the above sanctions
All academic misconduct actions must be reported to the chief academic officer for
record-keeping purposes.
Students may appeal the fact of their guilt of the severity of the sanction to the
College Appeals Board, which will make a recommendation to the college president,
who is ultimately responsible for the decision. The student has no further appeal
rights except in cases of suspension or expulsion.
You may include additional policies on such things as cell phones, use of computers and calculators, food in the classroom, bringing children to class, leaving class early, and general expectations of behavior.
22. <Attendance Policy> if not included above
Note: there is no specific attendance policy mandated, but you must include one or note that you do not have one in your syllabus. Please also note that you may NOT drop any student for non-attendance. Do not list this as a possible consequence of non-attendance. Students may only be dropped for non-payment or as the result of a Vice President-level disciplinary action.
23. <Attendance Policy for Religious Holidays>
Note: KCTCS Legal Services advises us that we should 1) provide students an accommodation to attend their holiday observances; however, they can be required to make up the time or examinations missed. 2) that our syllabi should include a statement indicating that students should make their requests for this accommodation in advance. Faculty may exercise their own discretion about allowing students who have missed without requesting an accommodation to make up missed times or exams.
24. <Inclement Weather>
If the college is closed during all of our scheduled meeting time for inclement weather or another reason, class will not meet. If closed for only part of our regular meeting time, we will only meet for the part of our class the college is open. If an exam was scheduled for that class period, the exam will be moved to the next time class meets. If an assignment was due, the due date may be moved to the next class period if deemed necessary. On-line courses are not affected by the college closing unless it affects the instructor’s ability to run the course; any schedule changes would be announced as soon as possible. The most accurate closing and delay information is available from the following sources: Jefferson Community and Technical College Website, your KCTCS e-mail account, the college’s main phone line (502) 213-5333, or a text message from SNAP on your cell phone. Signup to receive closings and emergency information on your cell phone.
25. <Links to Key College Academic Support Services>
Learning Commons: The Learning Commons provides help with library research and resources online and in person at the Downtown and Southwest Campuses. It also offers tutoring at every campus in math, English, and other subjects, as well as study spaces for individuals and groups.
26. <Policy re: Use of Lecture Capture> if applicable
“Instructors at Jefferson Community and Technical College are authorized to use microphones
and audio-enabled video cameras in the College’s classrooms. Instructors may use these
cameras to record their teaching and presentation of course material, and shall direct
the cameras towards themselves and/or their presentation material. Instructors may
further provide these recordings to students who attend that particular course, or
to students attending any section within that course. These recordings may not be
provided to any other students or individuals who do not attend the course, nor may
the recordings be provided beyond the enrollment period of the course.
Should any student object to participating in lecture capture, the instructor will
ensure that the he/she accommodates the student by evaluating the concern and adjusting
methods of lecture capture to prevent the inclusion of the student visually or by
through sound. If this does not resolve the student’s objection, alternatives such
as non-recorded courses or online sections will be offered for the student to complete
the class. If no accommodation is possible and no alternatives available, the instructor
will not record audio or video during that class time.”
27. <Students’ Rights Under Title XI>
KCTCS, which includes Jefferson Community and Technical College, has zero tolerance for illegal discrimination of any kind. Any student who thinks he or she may have been discriminated against or subjected to harassment by students or employees because of their race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, beliefs, political affiliation, veteran status, age, or disability (including denial of a request for an accommodation), has the right to pursue an informal and/or formal discrimination grievance.
The College Title IX Coordinator and Vice President of Student Affairs is:
- Dr. Laura Smith
- Email: Laura.Smith@kctcs.edu
- Phone: (502) 213-2136.
Revised DCF 12.20.18