General E-mail Advice
Write email using a normal style. Keep in mind that the queues people take for granted in normal communication are not as obvious when using email. You may have to indicate if you are telling a joke by using a :-) It s a sideways smiley face, because it may not be obvious to the reader.
Do not use all capital letters in an email this is considered yelling.
Use the Subject line when sending a note. This will help the people getting email to be able to sort notes easier. Do not type the entire email in the subject line.
After reading a note, you should close it, transfer it to a mailbox or trash it. Do
not leave multiple notes open in Outlook because it can cause problems.
Here are some basic rules dealing with attachments:
If you want to attach a file to a document, make sure the person or persons that you want to send the file to have a program that can read it.
Do not assume that everyone has the same programs as you. For example, do not send a file saved as a Microsoft 2016 word file. If the person does not have Office 2016 they may not be able to open the file. If possible, try saving the file as Adobe. Most people will be able to open that file. Using Microsoft Office 2016, you can save the document as an adobe file by doing the following: Click on the File Tab. Click on "Save As". In the dialog box that opens, Select PDF in the "Save as type".
As a courtesy to the person who will receive the attached file, tell them the name of the file and the program used to create it, in the body of the note. This will help them a lot in trying to read the file. The only way to be 100% sure that anyone can read what you are sending is to paste the information into the note. This does lose any formatting but will get the content to the people you are sending to.
Do not send attachments to large groups of people. Paste the information into the body of the note.
Do not send files that are more than 1 megabyte in size. The email system is not designed for transferring large files across the Internet.