JCTC Honors Donors to New Carrollton Campus
The Carrollton College Educational Foundation and Dow Corning Foundation were recognized recently by Jefferson Community and Technical College for their contributions to the BuildSmart effort that led to full funding of a $16 million campus in Carrollton.
The Celebration of Philanthropy, sponsored by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, at the Lexington Convention Center November 14, 2015, recognized 34 donors to the system office and the 16 KCTCS colleges, including Jefferson.
Nearly 600 state and local dignitaries from across the Commonwealth attended. The event provides an opportunity for KCTCS to honor the state's leading individuals, business and foundations for their generous philanthropic and voluntary support.
The Carrollton College Educational Foundation was represented by Dennis Goff and Gerald Ballinger. Dow Corning Foundation was represented by Liana Wallace, government relations manager.
In 2014, the Kentucky General Assembly approved an innovative funding plan called KCTCS BuildSmart Investment in Kentucky. Under this plan, KCTCS colleges and their communities were challenged to raise 25 percent of the building costs of their preferred project. If the challenge was met, the state would agree to sell bonds to fund the remaining 75 percent.
Jefferson's No. 1 capital priority was a $16 million state-of-the-art campus to replace current leased space.
The Carrollton College Educational Foundation, in partnership with Jefferson Community and Technical College, led a campaign that attracted more than 35 donors. The college secured additional donors to reach the $4 million total.
With funding now fully secured, ground breaking on the new facility is expected the spring, with classes launching by fall 2017.
Plans call for a state-of-the-art, 40,000-square-foot campus that will allow the college to provide a full range of general education and liberal arts courses as well as technical programs that will help fill employer needs. The campus will be built on 30-acres of land off US 227, across from General Butler State Park, that the college purchased in 2010 with the help of contributions from Carroll County Fiscal Court, Carrollton College Educational Foundation and North American Stainless.