Spalding University Transfer Equivalencies | JCTC

Spalding University Transfer Equivalencies

What credits will carry over?

If your course or courses aren't listed here, contact Spalding University to begin the evaluation process.
JCTC Course JCTC Title Spalding Course Spalding Title
ACC-201 Financial Accounting ACC-261 Principles of Accounting I
ACC-202 Managerial Accounting ACC-262 Principles of Accounting II
ACT-279 Computerized Acctg Systems ACC-295 Computerized Accounting Problems
ACT-277 Managerial Acctg Topics ACC-299 Accounting Elective
ACT-286 Financial Acctg Topics ACC-299 Accounting Elective
ACT-281 Individual Tax ACC-315 Taxation: Theory and Practice
ART-105 Ancient Thru Medieval Art AH-250 Survey of Western Art I
ART-106 Ren Thru Modern Art Hist AH-251 Survey of Western Art II
HUM-212 Renaissance Art History AH-265 Special Topics in Western Art
ART-205 African American Art AH-999 Art History Elective
HUM-213 Modern Art Hist AH-999 Art History Elective