Physical Therapist Assistant FAQ
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Jefferson's PTA program.
Can I complete the PTA Program online?
No. Although all general education courses may be completed online, the PTA-specific technical courses and labs are only offered in person on the downtown campus. Clinical courses are completed on-site at the assigned facility, which may be local or as far of a commute as 60 minutes from your home address.
Can I transfer course credits from other colleges?
Usually, yes, for most general education courses. In order for the course to be applied to the PTA Program, the courses must have been completed at a regionally accredited institution, match the content of the courses offered by Jefferson, and have earned a grade of C or higher. The best way to tell is to check the Transfer Equivalency Database. This will take you to a screen where you can choose your college from the drop down list and then type in the search box the course you took. If it is not in the database you will need to contact the PTA Program Coordinator for guidance or wait until your official transcript has been evaluated for verification.
IMPORTAT NOTE FOR ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (A&P) COURSES: BIO 137 or its approved equivalent is the only course all students must complete prior to beginning the 1st semester of the PTA program. BIO 139 must be completed prior to starting the 2nd semester of the PTA program. For courses to transfer equivalent they must meet the minimum requirements for credit hours and content. Students must complete two A&P courses; each must have a minimum of 4 credit hours that includes a lab section. The full A&P curriculum must cover the following topics: basic chemistry, cell structure, cell physiology, metabolism, tissues, systems including integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary. If the transfer equivalency database lists your course as equivalent to BIO 137 or BIO 139, you should be fine. Jefferson’s Records Department will likely record the course as equivalent once your transcript has been evaluated. If it does not appear to transfer as equivalent to BIO 137 or BIO 139, please contact the program coordinator for guidance.
If I have a prior degree can I finish the coursework faster?
No. Regardless of prior education and experience, all students must complete the PTA-specific courses in sequence. It will take two years to complete the sequence. Students with previous courses in kinesiology, pathology, neurology, exercise or modalities (such as students of exercise science and athletic training or massage) must still complete the PTA-specific courses to meet the requirements for program accreditation. Only courses approved by CAPTE may be utilized for credit toward a PTA degree from Jefferson.
What is the class schedule like?
All PTA courses are scheduled Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm. The exception to this rule comes with clinical courses, where the student will be expected to follow the schedule of the supervising therapist for 4 or 5 weeks at a time. These hours may start before 8:30am and/or extend beyond 4:30pm (not to exceed a total of 40 hours per week). The student will typically be given notice of the clinical schedule at least 1 month prior to starting the clinical course to allow for personal schedule adjustments as needed (ie: childcare, ride share, etc.)
- Semester 1: two courses totaling 6 credit hours (PTA 101 and PTA 125). Students will be in class a total of 9 hours, typically split between two days. This allows time to enroll in concurrent general education courses, if needed.
- Semester 2: three courses totaling 10 credit hours (PTA 150, PTA 160, and PTA 170). Students will be in class up to 20 hours per week, five days per week. Typically four mornings per week and eight Fridays of clinical work where students are at the assigned clinic for 8 hours each of the Fridays.
- Semester 3: three courses totaling 12 credit hours (PTA 200, PTA 220, PTA 240). Students will be in class approximately 20 hours per week, split among four days for the first 12 weeks. At week 13 of the semester students will report to their assigned clinical location and work 40 hours per week for the last 4 weeks of the semester.
- Semester 4: three courses totaling 12 credit hours (PTA 250, PTA 260, PTA 280). Students will be in class approximately 22 hours per week for the first 6 weeks, split over five days per week. Typically three full days and two half-days. This concludes the coursework portion of the Program. Students will then report to their assigned clinical locations 40 hours per week for the remaining 10 weeks of the semester.
Can I be assigned clinical locations that are close to my home?
Perhaps. There are a limited number of facilities available to host students. The Clinical Coordinator will work with you to ensure the best educational experience for you, which may require a commute of up to 60 minutes. The Clinical Coordinator tries to avoid more than one long-distance site, but can make no guarantees.
Can I suggest a clinical site where I am interested to work?
Yes. Students are given the opportunity to list their preferred sites and types of facilities for clinical education. All students will be given an opportunity for at least one outpatient site and at least one inpatient site. From there it will vary, depending on availability and student interests. Students may ask to initiate a clinical agreement with a site not previously identified by the Program. However, it can take up to 6 months to get the contract agreements set up and the Clinical Coordinator cannot guarantee placement.