Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Goal 1: Increase learner success
KCTCS Objective 1.1
Grow enrollment at KCTCS institutions to meet the needs of the Commonwealth by expanding the number and diversity of learners achieving their career and lifelong learning goals.
Jefferson Strategic Priorities:
- Jefferson will promote an inclusive campus environment that cultivates a sense of belonging and community among prospective and current students, alumni, employees, and community partners.
- Jefferson will develop, endorse, and execute a comprehensive and data-driven Strategic Enrollment Management plan.
- Jefferson will attain an increasingly diverse student population by implementing the actions outlined in the College’s Diversity Plan.
KCTCS Objective 1.2
Leverage proven practices to increase learner success through the completion of credential pathways and (credit and non-credit) industry training, including: transfer to four-year institutions (bachelors to employment); employment entry, re-entry, or upskilling.
Jefferson Strategic Priorities:
- Jefferson will strive for continuous improvement in course-based success outcomes, employing multiple measures to continually assess effectiveness.
- Jefferson will deliver high-quality academic support through tutoring and library resources and services and cross-college collaboration.
- Jefferson will implement a guided pathways model that inspires students to explore, choose, plan, and complete programs aligned with career and education goals.
- Jefferson will promote equitable and anti-racist policy and practice—striving to minimize student barriers, maximize student opportunities, and close opportunity gaps.
Goal 2: Increase employment Success
KCTCS Objective 2.1
Expand workforce training to ensure skilled talent to meet employer and economic development needs.
Jefferson Strategic Priorities:
- Jefferson will enhance collaboration between Workforce Solutions and Academic Affairs to expand the delivery of timely, accessible, and effective courses and programs that address the evolving needs of the local community.
- Jefferson will actively pursue the expansion of work-based learning opportunities for students, including internships, co-ops, apprenticeships, clinicals, and earn and learn programs.
- Jefferson will identify, target, and increase enrollment in workforce training programs that lead to high-wage, high-demand career opportunities.
KCTCS Objective 2.2
Strengthen industry and transfer partnerships to enhance programs and improve speed to work to ensure a skilled talent pipeline to grow Kentucky’s economy.
Jefferson Strategic Priorities:
- Jefferson will assure the relevance and quality of academic programs by analyzing local workforce data, employer feedback, and graduate employment outcomes.
- Jefferson will systematically enhance communication and engagement with program-specific advisory board members to facilitate open communication about technical and employability skills with local industry representatives.
- Jefferson will collaborate with current and emerging postsecondary partners to build—and effectively communicate—transfer pathways.
- Jefferson will enhance the delivery of student-centered transfer practices, including the expansion of credit for prior learning and completion of course competency audits.
Goal 3: Increase organizational success
KCTCS Objective 3.1
Invest in human, physical, and operational infrastructure to promote long-term sustainability.
Jefferson Strategic Priorities:
- Jefferson’s leadership will demonstrate a commitment to employees’ sense of value and belongingness.
- Jefferson will increase the diversity of faculty and staff by implementing the actions outlined in the College’s Diversity Plan.
- Jefferson will continue physical transformation in support of transformational education and engagement by developing and implementing the actions outlined in the College’s Campus Master Plan.
- Jefferson will continue to ensure that institutional resources are allocated in alignment with the College’s mission, values, and strategic priorities.
- Jefferson will implement a succession planning program to develop talent and leadership which includes certification and professional development opportunities for service-oriented departments.
KCTCS Objective 3.2
Expand recognition of the value of the KCTCS System and its Colleges.
Jefferson Strategic Priorities:
- Jefferson will promote a cohesive, connecting brand for all program-specific marketing.
- Jefferson will strengthen institutional relationships with corporate and community partners to increase recognition of Jefferson’s position as the community’s educational resource.
- Jefferson will increase awareness and recognition of the value Jefferson brings to its service area.