Parking Information
All vehicles parking on the college’s property are required to display a valid parking permit. Student permits must be paid for on-line via Student Self-Service and picked up from Bursar’s Office on the Downtown or Southwest campuses or from Student Service Office on the Bullitt, Carrollton, Shelby, and Technical Campuses. You must have paid your tuition and charges in total, have a valid third party (such as Financial Aid) paying your tuition/charges, or be participating in the Payment Plan to receive your permit.
Visitor parking on the downtown campus is located off of Second Street at the Jefferson Educational Center Garage. There is a 30-minute time limit.
Disabled parking is available in the main student lot. A valid, state issued disabled permit registered to the student is required, as well as a Jefferson Disabled permit.
The following vehicular violations are subject to citation, fine, and/or towing:
- Not displaying a valid permit.
- In a "No Parking" area.
- In a disabled space without the proper permit and/or parked blocking a disabled access.
- Blocking other cars, fire lanes, fire exits, doorways, access to trash dumpsters, or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
- In loading zones unless actually loading. Flashers must be on.
- Arrive early for your classes.
- Be patient. (Spaces often open up after the preceding classes let out.)
- Consider TARC! TARC has several very convenient bus routes which are close to the Downtown campus.
- Always display your valid permit.
- The main student lot (off of Second St.) backs up early and fills up first. Consider one of the other lots first. Often there are spaces available in these lots while others are waiting for the main lot.
- There are other options for off-campus parking: meters are available on streets bordering the college (First Street, Jacob Street, College Street, Brook Street, and Gray Street) and numerous pay lots (Second Street and Jacob, and Second Street and Chestnut are the closest).
- Parking options for the Technical Campus: Building A lot (Students, Staff, and faculty)
- Parking maps and directions
Please make sure to always lock your vehicle and do not leave your personal items unattended.
Campus Safety Officers are available from Monday - Friday at 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM. They provide assistance to students seeking help with, basic first aid, escorting to and from vehicles, and any other assistance that might be needed. They can be reached at (502) 213-7777.
- Always remove valuables from sight and always lock your vehicle.
- At night park close to lights and activity.
- Report theft, damage, or suspicious activity to Campus Safety, or Campus Administration.
- Walk with friends to and from classes.
- While driving on campus, observe our 5 MPH speed limit and watch for cyclists and pedestrians.
To the Campus Community:
As we embark on the beginning of a new academic year, we wanted to provide each of you with an update on campus, safety-related topics and concerns.
The campus safety department is excited to remind you of our escort program. We will provide escorts to and from the distance lots used by our students for parking. These lots include the I-65 lots, lot #6 and lot #7. The number to call for an escort is (502) 213-7777. There is a capacity of four riders at a time, so be patient as we only have one cruiser.
Being on a college campus is fun, but it is important to prevent yourself from becoming more vulnerable than necessary or getting into potentially harmful situations. The following tips can help you avoid possible dangers.
- Your personal safety is of the utmost importance. Do not allow a stranger to make
feel guilty about taking safety precautions, or intimidate you into compromising your safety. - Make sure to keep track of your keys and personal belongings.
- If you have a car, lock it.
- If you have a bike, properly secure it. Secure bikes through the wheel and frame with a high quality lock; the U-Lock is recommended.
- Watch your belongings. Never leave items like your backpack, laptop or cell phone unattended even if it is just for a minute. Make it a habit to take these items with you.
- Walk with a friend when possible arriving or leaving campus when it is late. There is safety in numbers. If you are alone call campus safety for an escort at (502) 213-7777.
- Know the location of the nearest emergency phones on campus. There are a number of red phones located throughout our campuses.
- If you see something, say something. If something looks suspicious or dangerous, please contact the Campus Safety Department immediately at (502) 213-7777. If you feel that your safety or that of another is in immediate danger, call 911 then call Campus Safety Department at (502) 213-7777.
- Stay alert! Pay attention to what is going on around you. Don’t be distracted by usage of cell phones or other mobile devices. Your ears and eyes are your best defense to avoid being taken by surprise.
Best regards,
The Campus Safety Team
These regulations are promulgated under KRS 164.950, KRS 164.970, and 164.975 which pertain to the operation of vehicles by faculty, staff, students and visitors of post-secondary institutions while on property owned, leased, or occupied by Jefferson Community and Technical College.