Parking on Jefferson Campuses | JCTC

Due to inclement weather, Jefferson Community and Technical College campuses, classes and services are operating on a two-hour delay on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

Campus Safety and Security

Parking Regulation Handbook

The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of Jefferson Community and Technical College vehicular activity and to provide the most efficient use of parking facilities in support of this mission and within the limits of available space.


These regulations are promulgated under KRS 164.950, KRS 164.970, and 164.975 which pertain to the operation of vehicles by faculty, staff, students and visitors of post-secondary institutions while on property owned, leased, or occupied by Jefferson.

Summary of Parking System

Any motor vehicle parked on College property, with the exception of visitors, must display a valid Jefferson Community & Technical College parking permit.

The type of permit (i.e. Student or Employee) indicates the area(s) where the vehicle may be parked.

Use of a vehicle on College property is a privilege, not a right, and is made available only under the regulations established by the College.

The possession of a permit does not guarantee a parking space, but rather is permission to park in an unoccupied space within specified, marked, parking areas.

The lack of an unoccupied parking space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of regulations.

Any vehicle inhibiting traffic flow, hampering fire protection, illegally occupying a reserved or handicapped space, blocking handicap access or trash dumpsters, displaying a reported lost, stolen, forged, or altered parking permit, or parked in a designated tow away zone, is subject to immediate tow and impoundment at owners, or operators, expense.

When modifications are necessary and have been approved by the College, an announcement will be made as soon as possible in appropriate College publications, such as the College web site, prior to the effective date of the change.

No liability is created by the granting of parking, or vehicle operating privileges, on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the College.

The College assumes no responsibility for the care or protection, of vehicles or vehicle contents while operated, or parked, on College property.

College owed parking lots are regularly patrolled by Jefferson Campus Safety personnel.

The responsibility of finding an authorized parking space rests solely with the driver.

Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions, or other limitations or impediments are not considered valid excuses for violation of traffic laws and parking regulations.

A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space, but only permission to park in an unoccupied space within specified, marked, areas.

Drivers should be aware that spaces in many locations, particularly on the downtown campuses, tend to fill early in the day.

Failure of the College to strictly enforce any parking regulation shall not invalidate the Regulations nor be construed as a waiver of the right to enforce the regulation in the future.

Parking Permits

Using and Buying Parking Permits

An individual assigned a permit is responsible for adherence to the regulations of all persons who might use that permit (for example family members).

A parking permit signifies an individual has been granted the privilege of parking on College property.

Ownership of the parking permit remains with the College and is not transferable to other persons.

All permits lost, or stolen, should be reported immediately.  Possession, or use, of a lost, stolen, forged, or altered permit will result in a fine, tow and impoundment of vehicle, and/or loss of parking privileges.

A parking permit is not considered valid unless it is displayed correctly within the vehicle.

The permit must be displayed on the vehicle dashboard, or rear view mirror, with the permit number facing the front windshield.

Students obtain a parking permit from the College Cashier.

Students are issued parking permits upon payment (either payment in full, on a valid payment plan, or approved third party such as Financial Aid) of tuition and fees.

Student permits issued in the Fall, Spring, or Summer terms are valid for the current academic year and expire each August 15th.  Students who withdraw after receipt of a permit will have their permit invalidated.

Student status will take precedent for the type of permit issued for part-time employees who are also students and for family members who are students.

  • For example, if a person is enrolled as a student he/she will be issued a student permit even if they are also an employee in a temporary, student worker, or work study position. Likewise, an employee’s family member that is a student will be required to have the appropriate student permit and park in the Student lot(s).

College employees obtain a parking permit from Campus Safety and Security.

These permits are valid until a subsequent one is issued.

Permits should be surrendered upon termination of employment.

Student status will take precedent for the type of permit issued for part-time employees who are also students and for family members who are students.

  • For example, if a person is enrolled as a student he/she will be issued a student permit even if they are also an employee in a temporary, student worker, or work study position. Likewise, an employee’s family member that is a student will be required to have the appropriate student permit and park in the Student lot(s).

To be valid, the permit must be clearly visible; placed on the vehicle dashboard or hanging from the rearview mirror.

The permit number must face the windshield.

A permit must not be defaced or altered in any way.

Faculty, staff and students may be issued only one parking permit in his/her name.

A permit may be transferred between owner vehicles.

The individual issued the permit, however, will be responsible for parking violations committed by any vehicle bearing that permit.

The theft, or loss, of a parking permit should be reported to Campus Safety or other College official immediately.

After a report has been filed, a lost or stolen permit will be replaced at the cost of $25.

Recovered lost, or stolen, permits should be returned to the Campus Safety or appropriate campus official.

Additional Parking Information

Designated handicapped parking spaces are reserved for those with valid, government issued handicapped parking permits.

Persons visiting Jefferson Community and Technical College for any reason such as to attend college-sponsored workshops, seminars, or other special events or meetings held at the College must use designated visitor parking spaces.

Visiting Metroversity students should contact the Bursar’s Office for permit information.

Temporary or guest permits may be issued for visiting VIPs.

  • These passes will be issue at the direction of the Office of the Vice President of Administration.
  • The pass will be displayed on the dashboard of the guest vehicle.
  • Guests will park in pre-designated lots and spaces.
    Vendors may be issued a pass, or a permit, depending on need and at the discretion of the issuing authority.

Due to limited available parking on the main downtown campus, parking for events is not authorized in any college lot Monday-Thursday during the spring and fall semesters.

  • This prohibition does not include Fridays, weekends, or official college break periods.
  • Parking for on campus events can be coordinated through the Security Office.
  • Requests for event parking must be made through the Department/Division Head.
  • Cost for parking will be charged to the requesting department/division.
  • External groups should coordinate parking requests through the Business Office, Sandra Posey.
  • Cost for parking will be included in billing.

Additional Regulations

There are designated Employee and Student parking areas on all campuses and permits are valid at all Jefferson campuses.

  • Spaces provided on the various campuses are intended for college-related use.

It is not possible to mark with signs or to paint all areas where parking is prohibited; however, the following rules will be strictly enforced.

  • without displaying a valid permit;
  • in "No Parking" areas;
  • in a handicapped space without the proper permit;
  • in such a way as to block handicapped access;
  • blocking fire lanes, fire exits, or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
  • blocking doorways or in such a way as to block access to trash dumpsters;
  • in loading zones unless actually loading
  • Flashers must be on and time is limited to 20 minutes;
  • double parked;
  • in service entrances, construction sites, or spaces reserved for maintenance vehicles;
  • on the lawn, sidewalk, crosswalk, parking lot driveways, or straddling painted lines or bumper blocks;
  • exceeding longer than the permitted time in time-limited areas;
  • in areas where the permit is not valid;
  • over or adjacent to yellow lines or curves;
  • Vehicles must be parked in a designated space.

The fact that one vehicle is parked in such a manner as to occupy more than one parking space is not an acceptable excuse for another operator to do the same.

Vehicles are not allowed in areas or spaces closed by barricades or other traffic control devices.

Motorcycles may park in designated motorcycle parking areas or in regular designated parking spaces.

Vehicle maintenance may not be performed on College property, other than emergency repairs.

  • In all instances, the College must be notified before the repairs are initiated.

Visitor spaces are reserved for those visiting the campus.

  • Students, Faculty, and Staff may not park in designated Visitor spaces.

Overnight parking requires the advance approval from the Office of the Vice President of Administration.

The Department of Campus Safety, or other designated campus authority, is authorized to immediately remove and impound motor vehicles from College property, at the owner’s expense, under the following circumstances:

  • when a vehicle does not properly display a current Jefferson issued parking permit;
  • when a vehicle is left under circumstances which indicate it has been abandoned (has not been moved for an extended period of time and/or appears to be inoperable);
  • when a vehicle is parked illegally in a handicapped space, or does not properly display a legal permit;
  • when a vehicle is blocking a handicapped space or handicapped access;
  • when a vehicle displays a parking permit that has been reported lost, stolen, forged, or altered;
  • when a vehicle is parked in a fire lane, or driving lane; blocking a doorway, trash dumpster, fire hydrant or emergency exit;
  • parked in a marked tow away, or no parking zone;
  • owner is a repeat violator of parking regulations;
  • When vehicle is impeding the flow of traffic

As a courtesy, and only if not in violation of any regulation stated in Removal and Impoundment of Vehicle section, vehicles may be issued a warning rather than being removed on the first offense for select violations.

The fee for a vehicle tow and impoundment is set by the towing company and paid directly to them at the expense of the vehicle owner, or operator.

Tow and impoundment fees are subject to change based on the terms of the arrangement for providing the service.

Any vehicle towed and impounded may be charged additional storage fees by the impounding company.

Such fees must be paid by the vehicle’s owner, or operator.

A vehicle is deemed to be impounded when it has been located by a Campus Safety, or other campus official, and the towing process initiated, even though the tow truck may not have arrived.

Procedures may be established for the release of an impounded vehicle without tow in some situations, and will be explained to any vehicle owner/operator returning to an impounded vehicle.

Unauthorized removal of an impounded vehicle may result in criminal prosecution and revocation of parking privileges on College property.

Impounded vehicles not claimed by their owners within 30 days will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of as per provisions of state law.

The traffic laws established by Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) apply on all College property, and include the following:

  • Unless otherwise indicated, the maximum speed for motor vehicles on College property is 15 miles per hour.
  • No person shall operate a motor vehicle at a greater speed than is reasonable and prudent under existing conditions.
  • Driving on grass or sidewalks is prohibited at all times.
  • Exceeding the speed limit or otherwise operating a motor vehicle in a reckless manner is grounds for revocation of parking and driving privileges on College property.
  • Motor vehicle accidents which occur on College property should be reported to the Campus Safety office, or other campus official.
  • Motorcycles and motorbikes, including mopeds, may be operated only on motor vehicle thoroughfares.

The individual issued a parking permit shall be responsible for non-moving violations by any vehicle bearing that permit.

Motor vehicle operators are responsible for all moving traffic violations.
Moving traffic violation, or criminal citations, are adjudicated through the appropriate district court as provided for under KRS 164.950-164.990.