Parking Information
Parking permits are required to park in all Jefferson student lots during the Fall and Spring semesters. Parking permits are not required for Summer terms.
Parking permits are $25.00 per semester. Students are allowed only one permit under his/her name.
Picking up Your Permit
Permits may be picked up during regular business hours at these locations:
- Downtown Campus: Bursar’s Office, Jefferson Education Center, Room 300
- Southwest Campus: Bursar’s Office, Student Center Building A, Room 102 (Mondays and Tuesdays Only)
- Technical Campus: Student Services Office, Building B, Room 109
- Bullitt Campus: Room 105
- Carrollton Campus: Front Desk (A101)
How to scan your permit
The qScan 2D laser scanner is mounted on the gates of each of our restricted parking lots on the Jefferson Downtown and Southwest campuses.
Hold the permit roughly 6 inches below the scanner below the “Q” in qScan.
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spots for students are available at the West Chestnut Street semicircle. A valid, state issued disabled permit registered to the student is required, as well as a Jefferson Disabled permit. To obtain a Jefferson Community & Technical College parking permit with a disabled sticker, you will need to present a current state-issued disability credential (i.e. Disabled Placard Receipt) to the Bursar’s Office for verification.
Illegally Parked Vehicles
The following vehicular violations are subject to citation, fine, booting, and/or towing:
- Not displaying a valid permit or in an area where permit is not valid.
- In a "No Parking" area
- In a disabled space without the proper permit and/or parked blocking a disabled access
- Blocking other cars, fire lanes, fire exits, doorways, access to trash dumpsters, or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
- In loading zones unless actually loading. Flashers must be on.
You must display a valid current permit. It must be clearly visible; placed on the vehicle dashboard or hanging from the rearview mirror. The permit number must face the windshield. Failure to follow these steps could result in a ticket or boot which will immobilize your vehicle and require immediate payment. If a boot is placed on your car this cannot be appealed and must be paid immediately.
If you would like to appeal a fine/ticket given by the college, you must talk to security which is on the 1st floor of the Hartford building.
Tickets/Fines must be paid at the Bursar/Cashier Office. The Bursar’s office does not handle ticket appeals.
Visitor Parking
Visitor parking is located in the Jefferson Educational Center Garage, 200 West Broadway, Louisville KY 40202. There is a 30-minute limit.
Parking Locations
With our massive revitalization construction project, Jefferson Rising, underway, our Downtown Campus is undergoing a major renovation. You can find all current parking locations HERE.