Reference Web Sites
Accessing these resources from off-campus? Just click below on what you want to search and you will be prompted to enter your KCTCS username and password if required.
The Links below will open in a new window. By clicking on the links below, you will be leaving the Jefferson web site. Jefferson is not responsible for the information on their web site.
- Access Science McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
- Adult Learning Center - Improve your basic skills in reading, writing and math, prepare for the GED test, or become a U.S. citizen.
- Consumer Reports.org expert product reviews and product ratings
- Credo Reference Unlimited 400+ reference books
- Encyclopedia Britannica - Academic Edition
- Grolier Encyclopedia - off-campus access to the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
- Kentucky Digital Library - rare and unique historic Kentucky newspapers, photographs, maps and documents (KYVL)
- LearningExpress Library - Nearly 1,000 tutorials, practice tests, eBooks, computer skills, licensure exams, and a variety of subjects.
- Literature Resource Center literary criticism, plot summaries, work overviews, bios
- Wilson Biography Reference Bank
Reference Web Sites:
- CIA World Factbook maps and statistics of world s countries
- Louisville Works local job search
- StudentAid.gov scholarships, financial aid
- USA.Gov consumer federal government info