Student Affairs | JCTC

Student Affairs

Whether you are a new student on campus or have been taking classes for a while, we are here to help.  We have a variety of different programs and information to help you.  All you have to do is to stop by our office or contact us and we can help you find the answers you're looking for.

Access*Ability Resource Center The Access*Ability Resource Center serves students with documented disabilities (learning or physical) with accommodations for the classroom.

Advising:  Advising at Jefferson Community and Technical College has a mission of serving prospective and current students in need of advisement for academics, career and life.

Assessment:  Students take the three-part COMPASS assessment to help academic advisors determine skill levels in reading, writing and mathematics.

Financial Aid Jefferson's Financial Aid office helps students and families navigate the complexities of student financial assistance.

International Student Services: The International Student Services Office is dedicated to serving International and ESL students.

Privacy and Release of Student Information: In general, the college will not release student educational record information without the expressed consent of the student.

Ready to Work:  Ready to Work (RTW) is a partnership between KCTCS and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

Records office:  The Records office will help you with numerous services both during your time at Jefferson and after graduation.

Registration and Academic Calendar:  Academic calendars, Registration dates, times, and locations

Student Academic Policies and Regulations:  You can find information about the student academic policies and regulations at Jefferson

Student Code of Conduct: KCTCS recognizes that students have the right to know the circumstances and manner in which disciplinary provisions will be exercised and advises students that such provisions will be enforced.

Student Complaint Procedures:  If a student has a complaint about any of the Student Affairs Department policies or decisions made by staff or administrators they must follow the steps.   You will also need to complete a Student Complaint form.

Student Services Virtual Support The Student Services Virtual Support is your one stop for admissions and records information, providing information and services for students, visitors and potential students.

Tuition and Fees:  Tuition and Fees are determined by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents.

Veterans Affairs Through the Office of Veterans Affairs any eligible student can make an application for VA Educational benefits.

Belonging and Community Engagement: The Office of Belonging and Community Engagement is committed to promoting a welcoming learning environment for all students.

The HUB: The HUB is committed to transforming the lives of Jefferson students through assistance with meeting basic needs and accessing campus and community resources.

Office of Student Advocacy and Title IX: Navigating the college experience can be stressful and complicated for students and their personal wellness.  When this occurs, the Office of Student Advocacy and Title IX is available to assist students determine how to best approach and resolve challenges that impact their academic experience.

Student Engagement: The Office of Student Engagement provides all students an opportunity to engage in co-curricular activities and student led organizations that support their growth and development as it relates to social awareness, leadership skills, personal development, and service to the College and the community.