Dual Credit Application Process
How to Apply
Applying to Jefferson Community and Technical College's dual credit program is easy, and we’re here to help. Just follow these steps:
New and returning dual credit students complete your online admission application through JCTC DualEnroll. The online application is free, and only takes about 15 minutes.
Please follow the instructions below to complete the KCTCS online application through Dual Enroll.
In your Dual Enroll application, select "Jefferson Community and Technical College" as the college.
Select the Campus from the dropdown that partners with your high school or area for home school:
- Carrollton Campus: Carroll County, Henry County, Trimble County, Oldham County, Owen County, Gallatin County.
- Shelby Campus: Shelby County Public Schools, Eminence, Spencer County.
- Bullitt Campus: Bullitt County.
- Southwest Campus: Any JCPS school or Louisville address for home school/private school.
- Even if you are taking students on the Downtown Campus, you will select Southwest Campus as your home campus.
Make sure you enter your first name, last name, SSN, Date of Birth, Address and zip code as a direct match that appears on your high school transcript.
At this time Dual Enroll does not support registering for classes through the platform. Only complete the steps in the student guide up to "Register for Classes". Do not complete registration for your classes through dual enroll. Your high school counselor will work with a member of our team to register you for classes at this time. The JCTC Dual Credit Office and support staff at extended campuses will work to enroll you in classes you communicate interest in taking with your high school counselor.
Home School Students
If you are a homeschool student, please email our office at jf-dualcredit-office@kctcs.edu to receive next steps along with the classes you are interested in taking for the following semester. Please also have your parent/counselor send your current transcript with unweighted GPA to the same email address.
Specialized Programs
If you are a part of a specialized dual credit program with Jefferson, please fill out our Jefferson application and Enrollment Agreement by the deadline provided by a member of our team or your dual credit contact at the high school you attend. Specialized programs include BAMS, iLead CS, WeLead CS, Rotary Bridge, Accelerate to College (A2C), and UPS School to Work (UPS S2W).
You will enter your parent information in Dual Enroll, as outlined in the Student Guide. Registration will not happen if this step is not complete.
Enrollment is subject to:
- High school/home school administration approval. Please contact your high school administrator responsible for dual credit and let them know you are interested in taking a dual credit class/classes.
- Your high school/home school administrator that is responsible for dual credit must send JCTC an unofficial HS transcript. JCTC will use the HS transcript to determine eligibility for dual credit and placement benchmarks into specific courses.
Students can activate their account by visiting Student Account Center. Hover over the words "Quick Links" at the top center of the page and click on "Current Students". Scroll down and click on the "User Account Center" tile.
- Select "Setup User Profile." Enter your Birth Month; Birth Day, and KCTCS ID. Your KCTCS ID number is a 9-digit number starting with 002. This number was generated when you completed your KCTCS Online Application. It can also be found at the top left of your JCTC schedule.
- You will need a security code to verify your identity. You can either ask to be sent to your working email or by text. Please follow the rest of instructions.
- Create your own password. Remember to write it down along with your username.
- Go to My Path and log in using the username and password you just created. You will need to add @kctcs.edu to your username when logging in.
Note: the assigned User Name and customized Password will be your login for your Student Self-Service, KCTCS email account, Blackboard, and access to Campus computers.
Be sure to read through the Dual Credit Orientation general information and student resources. Once you have reviewed the material, complete the Orientation Form using the link at the bottom of the Orientation page. Completing the orientation form is required to participate in the dual credit program.
If you have any issues or need further assistance, reach out to the Dual Credit Contact at your campus.