Creating Expense Reports
Creating Expense Reports - Training Document
This training document was developed in support of KCTCS Financials 9.2
- Travel and Expense Module
- User Defaults
- Delegate Entry Authority
- Creating an Expense Report
- Copying an Expense Report
- Print an Expense report
- View an Expense Report
- Setting User Defaults
- Delegate Entry Authority
- Creating an Expense Report
- Making Changes to an Expense Report
- Copying an Expense Report
- Printing an Expense Report
- View an Expense Report
- Appendix A – Listing of Expense Types and Required Fields
- Air Trave
- Airline Baggage Fee
- Automobile Rental
- Currency Conversion Fees
- Dues/Memberships/Registration
- Gratuity
- Ground Transportation
- Hotel/Lodging
- Group Meal - Employee
- Group Meal - Student
- Meals - Employee Trave
- Mileage
- Miscellaneous Charges
- Other Guest Expenses
- Other Parcel Service
- Parking
- Postage
- Preapproved Amount
- Printing
- Service/Maintenance - Vehicles
- Special Purchases
- Subscriptions
- Supplies/Material - Food Serv
- Supplies/Material - Hazardous
- Supplies/Material Non Instruc
- Supplies/Material- Other
- Supplies/Material-Instruction
- Supplies/Material-Motor Fuels
- Tolls
- Air Travel Expense Type Required Fields
- Airline Baggage Fee Expense Type Required Fields
- Automobile Rental Expense Type Required Fields
- Currency Conversion Fees Expense Type Required Fields
- Dues/Memberships/Registration Expense Type Required Fields
- Gratuity Expense Type Required Fields
- Ground Transportation Expense Type Required Fields
- Hotel/Lodging Expense Type Required Fields
- Group Meal - Employee Expense Type Required Fields
- Group Meal - Student Expense Type Required Fields
- Meals - Employee Travel Expense Type Required Fields
- Mileage Expense Type Required Fields
- Miscellaneous Charges Expense Type Required Fields
- Other Guest Expenses Expense Type Required Fields
- Other Parcel Service Expense Type Required Fields
- Parking Expense Type Required Fields
- Postage Expense Type Required Fields
- Preapproved Amount Expense Type Required Fields
- Printing Expense Type Required Fields
- Service/Maintenance - Vehicles Expense Type Required Fields
- Special Purchases Expense Type Required Fields
- Subscriptions Expense Type Required Fields
- Supplies/Material - Food Serv Expense Type Required Fields
- Supplies/Material - Hazardous Expense Type Required Fields
- Supplies/Material Non Instruc Expense Type Required Fields
- Supplies/Material- Other Expense Type Required Fields
- Supplies/Material-Instruction Expense Type Required Fields
- Supplies/Material-Motor Fuels Expense Type Required Fields
- Tolls Expense Type Required Fields
- Appendix B – Quick Start, Actions, Quick Fill
- Quick Start
- Actions
User Defaults
The Travel and Expense module provides an employee profile where users can select default settings that will help with the creation of an expense report.
Delegate Entry Authority
Employees can elect to delegate authority to another user to enter an expense report for them. The other user can enter but must select the Save for Later function. At that point, it will be up to the delegator to log in to their account, verify that everything entered is accurate and then submit the expense report.
Creating an Expense Report
For employees, creating expense reports in the Travel and Expense module will replace the use of the KCTCS BA3 Travel Expense Voucher form. Expense reports allow employees to request reimbursement for bona fide business travel or any other bona fide business out of pocket expense. Once the report is submitted and receives the appropriate approvals, the employee will receive their reimbursement.
If the reimbursement is for non-travel expenses an employee must provide a note as
to why the Procard was not used to make the purchase. This note will be added to the
description field appearing on the Create Expense Report page located at the expense
If the reimbursement is for meals an employee must provide a note as to what meals
are being reimbursed and if the reimbursement is for a travel day. This note will
be added to the description field appearing on the Create Expense Report page located
at the expense line. A help link has been provided to help with amounts that can be
claimed for meals. It is found on the Create Expense Report page by selecting the
help icon beside the title Expenses.
Copying an Expense Report
The An Existing Report option, found on the Create Expense Report page, gives an employee the capability to copy an existing expense report into their new expense report. This feature can be found in the Quick Start drop down field.
Print an Expense Report
Once an expense report has been submitted, the user can print a copy of the expense report.
View an Expense Report
Once an expense report has been submitted, the user can view the expense report to obtain the current status of the report or where it is the approval process.
This topic provides the knowledge and skills to update the employee’s user defaults for the Travel and Expense module. User defaults allow employees to set their default chartfield string values that will populate on their expense reports and default settings.
- Begin by navigating to the Review/Edit Profile page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the Review/Edit Profile link.
- The Employee Data page contains the employee’s personal information that is pulled directly from the Human Resources module and is view only. If any information on this page needs to be updated, the employee must make the changes using Self-Service in the HR module.
- Click the Organizational Data tab. The Organizational Data page will contain the employees
work/job information.
The HR Information and Supervisor Information areas will contain information pulled directly from Human Resources module.
Employees will be able to set a default chartfield string here that will populate on the Create Expense Report page. - Complete the Default Chartfield Values area as follows:
- The GL Unit field is populated based on HR information and cannot be changed.
- Enter or select the appropriate fund code for the Fund field.
- Enter or select the appropriate program code for the Program field.
- Enter or select the appropriate class code for the Class field.
- Enter or select the appropriate project code for the Project field.
- Enter or select the appropriate department code for the Dept field. This field will be populated with a code brought in based on HR information, but can be updated to the correct department code that will be used.
- Your chartfield string should be provided by your supervisor, Business Office, or the person who will be paying for your expense.
- Click on the User Defaults tab.
- Complete the User Defaults page according to these instructions:
- Select one of the following options for the Expense Report field, which will be used,
as a default, when creating new expense reports:
- Copy from a Template: KCTCS is currently not using this feature.
- Copy an Existing Report: PeopleSoft Expenses will display Copy from an Existing Expense Report page, where you can select a previously saved expense report to copy.
- Open a Blank Report: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Expense Report page.
- KCTCS is currently not using Time Report or Travel Authorization features.
- Enter a description in the Business Purpose Description field that describes the reason for the reimbursement request which you want to appear as the default in the Business Purpose Description field of your expense reports.
- For the Business Purpose field, select from a predefined list the business purpose that you want to appear as the default in the Business Purpose field of your expense reports. EX. Meeting, Conferences, or Training.
- For the Billing Type field, select from a predefined list, either In State, Out of
State, or International.
Please note that Billing Types are used to define if you are traveling in state, out of state, or out of country. - For the Originating Location field, select a city that you want to appear by default on your expense reports as the originating location when requesting reimbursement for the expense type of mileage.
- For the Destination Location field, select a city you want to appear by default on your expense reports. This will be the city where you will incur the majority of the expense items that you are requesting reimbursement for on your expense reports.
- The Payment Type field will default to PPY and should not be changed.
- KCTCS is currently not using Credit Card or Transportation ID features.
- For the Number of Nights field, enter the number of nights that you want to appear by default on your expense reports for the expense type Hotel/Lodging.
- For the Accounting Detail Default View field, select Collapsed or Expanded to indicate how the Accounting Detail section should appear on the expense reports when an expense type is selected.
- Expense Type Defaults area allows an employee to add default settings for particular expense types. These default settings will populate if the expense type is selected. This does not mean that selected expense types here will auto populate on the Expense Report.
- All of the above settings are defaults to help speed up entry of expense reports for an employee but may be overridden on the Create Expense Report page.
- Select one of the following options for the Expense Report field, which will be used,
as a default, when creating new expense reports:
- Click the Bank Account tab. This information will be directly pulled from Human Resources module and is view only. If any information on this page needs to be updated, the employee must make the changes using Self-Service in the HR module.
- Click Save.
The PeopleSoft Travel and Expense module will allow an employee to delegate expense report entry to another employee. In order to delegate entry authority, the employee will need to login into PeopleSoft Financials, using their id and password and then add the person’s user id to the Authorize User page.
- Begin by navigating to the Delegate Entry Authority page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the User Preferences folder.
- Click the Delegate Entry Authority link.
- Click the Add a new row button to add a row.
- Enter the user id of the employee who will be entering expense reports on your behalf in the Authorized User ID field of the new row. You may search for the employee’s id by clicking the Lookup icon to display a list of user ids to choose from.Note: Do not delete the row with your user id or you will not be able to create expense reports or review them.
- Click the Save button to save the delegation.
- If you need to delete an Authorized User, click the Delete Row icon on the row that contains the user id you would like to remove.
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
For employees, creating expense reports in the Travel and Expense module will replace the use of the KCTCS BA3 Travel Expense Voucher form. Expense reports allow employees to request reimbursement for bona fide business travel or any other bona fide business out of pocket expense.
Once the expense report is created and submitted, it will be routed to the employee’s supervisor for approval, then to a reimbursement auditor, assigned to the business unit and department used on the expense report, for review, and then to the System Office reimbursement auditor for final review before the request is submitted for payment.
- Begin by navigating to the Create Expense Report page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the Expense Reports folder.
- Click the Create/Modify link.
- PeopleSoft opens to the Add a New Value page. The Empl ID field will default to your employee id. If you are entering an expense report for someone else, select the appropriate Empl ID by clicking on the Lookup icon next to the field. You will only be able to view and select Empl ids to which you have been given authorization. If the desired name does not appear in this list, you must request to be assigned as a delegate.
- Click Add to display the Create Expense Report page.
- Select the appropriate business purpose for this reimbursement from the drop down list in the Business Purpose field.
- Click into the Business Purpose Description field and enter more detail about this reimbursement. The description should give more detail as to the business purpose of this reimbursement. Ex. conference is selected for the Business Purpose field and the conference name, Higher Education User Group, is entered in the Business Purpose Description. This field has a 30 character limitation.
- Click on the Lookup icon next to the Work Location field and select your work location.
- Click on the Lookup icon next to the Destination Location field and select your destination. The Destination Location is the travel destination or where a majority of the expenses will take place. If this is for non-travel reimbursement select the city that contains your work location.
- Click the Attachments link. Employees are required to add copies of receipts as a
PDF attachment to the expense report based on requirements in KCTCS’ travel business
Please scan all receipts into one PDF file before attaching. These documents will remain with the expense report as a backup record and can be viewed by the HR supervisor, reimbursement auditors, or the employee, as necessary. - Click on the Add Attachment button
- Click on the Browse button, to locate the PDF file that contains copies of the receipts for this reimbursement.
- Click on the PDF file that needs to be uploaded and click on Open.
- Click on Upload to attach the file to the expense report.
- Use the Description field to describe the attached file. Click the Description field and enter the appropriate description.
- Click the OK button. Notice the Attachment link has changed to indicate the number of attachments.
- Use the Expenses section to specify expenses that were incurred and that need reimbursement.
- Click in the Date field and enter the date that the expense was incurred. The expense date cannot be a future date.
- Select an expense type from the drop down list from the Expense Type field. Expense
types identify and classify the type of reimbursement that is being requested. Ex.
Airfare, Mileage, Meals. Below is the list of available expense types and a description
of their use.
- Air Travel: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for airline tickets.
- Airline Baggage Fee: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for baggage fees occurred during travel.
- Automobile Rental: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when a vehicle was rented.
- Currency Conversion Fees: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees associated with currency conversion.
- Dues/Memberships/Registration: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for dues, memberships, or registration cost related to work.
- Gratuity: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for gratuity provided for service.
- Ground Transportation: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for ground transportation.
- Hotel/Lodging: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hotel or lodging.
- Group Meal - Employee: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when an event or meeting for employees was catered but Procard was not used.
- Group Meal - Student: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when an event or meeting for students was catered but Procard was not used.
- Meals - Employee Travel: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for meals paid for by the employee during a business trip.
- Mileage: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for cost of mileage.
- Miscellaneous Charges: This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for charges not associated with
- Once an employee selects an expense type, PeopleSoft provides multiple options to help in completing an expense report. Appendix B describes the options and how they can be used.
- Use the Description field to provide additional information pertaining to the expense
type based on requirements outlined by KCTCS Travel Business procedures. If the reimbursement
is for non-travel expenses an employee must provide a note as to why the Procard was
not used to make the purchase. This note will be added to the description field appearing
on the Create Expense Report page located at the expense line.
- If the reimbursement is for meals an employee must provide a note as to what meals are being reimbursed and if the reimbursement is for a travel day. This note will be added to the description field appearing on the Create Expense Report page located at the expense line. A help link has been provided to help with amounts that can be claimed for meals. It is found on the Create Expense Report page by selecting the help icon beside the title Expenses.
- The Payment Type field defaults to Personal Payment for you.
- Click in the Amount field and enter the total for the expense type.
- The Currency code will default to USD, do not change. This value is populated from the business unit set up and should not be changed.
- Select the appropriate Billing Type based on where the expense occurred. The Billing Type selection will identify the correct account code that will be used for this expense. The account code will auto-populate in the account field located below, do not change.
- The Default Rate check box by default is checked, do not change.
- The Non-Reimbursable check box is used when an expense type total should be excluded from the whole expense report total.
- The No Receipt check box is used when a receipt cannot be provided but should be based on KCTCS travel and reimbursement policy.
- The Exchange Rate field default to 1.00000000, do not change.
- Based on the expense type chosen you may be need to fill in additional required information. Appendix A provides a list of the expense types and the additional required fields that will need to be completed.
- Use the Accounting Details section to enter the correct chartfield values for the expense.
- The Amount field auto-populates based on amount entered on the expense line.
- The GL Unit populates based on employee information pulled from HR. This field can be updated to match the GL Business unit that will be charged for this expense if different from what was populated. Your chartfield string should be provided by your supervisor, Business Office, or the person who will be paying for your expense.
- The Account field populates based on the Billing Type, do not change.
- Enter or select the appropriate fund code for the Fund field.
- Enter or select the appropriate department code for the Dept field.
- Enter or select the appropriate program code for the Program field
- Enter or select the appropriate class code for the Class field.
- Enter or select the appropriate project code for the Project field
- The Affiliate field is not being used by KCTCS, leave blank.
- If you need to split the expense amount across multiple chartfield strings click the Add a new row button.
- Update the Amount fields to their correct amounts. Repeat steps 33 – 39 to complete the chartfield values.
- If additional expense types need to be added, select the Insert Line button. Repeat steps 19 – 40 to list all reimbursement items to the expense report. The Date field will default to the date on the first expense line. This can be updated if the date differs.
- Click the Save for Later link if you would like to save the expense report and complete or update it at a future date. The report is saved and assigned a Report number, with a pending status. Any user entering an expense report on behalf of another employee must click Save for Later and the employee seeking reimbursement must sign into PeopleSoft and submit their report.
- Click Summary and Submit, if the expense report is complete and ready to be submitted for review and approval.
- Verify total amounts for the expense report before submitting for review and approval. When ready check the box and click the Submit Expense Report button.
- Final review available, click OK button to complete the submittal process. Click Cancel to return to expense report, if changes are necessary.
- An email has been sent to the appropriate HR Supervisor for the employee. Example of email is below.
If changes to an Expense Report are necessary before it has been submitted for review and approval an employee may make changes by completing the following steps.
- Begin by navigating to the Create Expense Report page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the Expense Reports folder.
- Click the Create/Modify link.
- Click the Find an Existing Value tab.
- Enter any criteria in the fields to be used for searching for saved expense reports. Or click the Search button to return all expense reports.
- Select the expense report from the list that needs updating.
- Complete the needed changes following steps provided in the Creating an Expense Report section.
The An Existing Report option, found on the Create Expense Report page, gives an employee the capability to copy from an existing expense report into their new expense report. This feature can be found in the Quick Start drop down field.
- Begin by navigating to the Create Expense Report page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the Expense Reports folder.
- Click the Create/Modify link. PeopleSoft opens to the Add a New Value page. The Empl ID field will default to your employee id. If you are entering an expense report for someone else, select the appropriate Empl ID by clicking on the Lookup icon next to the field. You will only be able to view and select empl ids to which you have been given authorization. If the desired name does not appear in this list, you must request to be assigned as a delegate. Click Add to display the Create Expense Report page.
- Use the Quick Start drop down field to view additional options KCTCS is not using A Travel Authorization or Entries from My Wallet.
- Select An Existing Report from the Quick Start field, and click GO.
- Click Select next to the expense report that you want to be copy. This will copy the prior expense report into the new expense report. The copy feature will pull all entered data from the previous expense into the new expense report, except Originating Location which may change from trip to trip.
- The new expense report is displayed. Any necessary changes can now be made to the new expense report at this time. Once all necessary changes are made the expense can either be saved for later updates or can be submitted for approval by the employee.
Once an expense report has been submitted, the user can print a copy of the expense report.
- Begin by navigating to the Create Expense Report page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the Expense Reports folder.
- Click the Print link.
- Click Search to return all expense reports for an employee.
- Select the Report ID from the list to print the expense report.
- Click the Print Expense Report link.
- Close window when finished printing.
Employees can view expense reports to see header information, amount due to employee, and where in the approval process the expense report can be found. Delegates can view expense reports for themselves or the individuals to which they are assigned as the delegate.
- Begin by navigating to the Create Expense Report page. Click Main Menu.
- Click the Employee Self-Service folder.
- Click the Travel and Expenses folder.
- Click the Expense Reports folder.
- Click the View link.
- Click Search to return all expense reports for an employee.
- Select the Report ID from the list of the expense report you would like to review.
- The expense report details can be viewed as well as the approval history. This is a view only screen. Updates cannot be made on this screen.
The following pages list the expense types that can be used on an expense report and the fields needing to be completed for each type.
- Air Travel
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for airline tickets.
- Airline Baggage Fee
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for baggage fees accrued during travel.
- Automobile Rental
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when a vehicle was rented.
- Currency Conversion Fees
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees associated with currency conversion.
- Dues/Memberships/Registration
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for dues, memberships, or registration cost related to work.
- Gratuity
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for gratuity provided for service.
- Ground Transportation
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for ground transportation.
- Hotel/Lodging
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hotel or lodging.
- Group Meal - Employee
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when an event or meeting for employees was catered but Procard was not used.
- Group Meal - Student
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when an event or meeting for students was catered but Procard was not used.
- Meals - Employee Travel
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for meals paid for by the employee during a business trip.
- Mileage
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for cost of mileage.
- Miscellaneous Charges
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for charges not associated with any other expense type provided.
- Other Guest Expenses
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for other guest expenses not associated with any other expense type provided.
- Other Parcel Service
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for parcel service not associated with postage.
- Parking
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating to parking.
- Postage
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating to postage.
- Preapproved Amount
- This expense type will be used for when an employee has only been approved for a set dollar amount for reimbursement.
- Printing
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating to printing.
- Service/Maintenance - Vehicles
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for service or maintenance relating to KCTCS owned vehicles.
- Special Purchases
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchases outside the normal course of business operations.
- Examples may include purchasing a retiree gift, flowers for bereavement, student and employee recognition awards, celebratory decorations for special events, Chamber of Commerce Events, etc.
- Questions should be forwarded to the System Director of Business Services.
- Subscriptions
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for payment of a subscription when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material - Food Serv
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased food services materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material - Hazardous
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hazardous materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material Non Instruc
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased non-instructional materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material- Other
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased materials or supplies not covered in other expense types, when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material-Instruction
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased instructional materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material-Motor Fuels
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased motor fuel materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Tolls
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for toll fees.
- Air Travel Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for airline tickets.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report. Airline
- Baggage Fee Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for baggage fees accrued during travel.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Automobile Rental Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when a vehicle was rented.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Currency Conversion Fees Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees associated with currency conversion.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these
- Click on the Lookup icon next to the Location field and select the location where the expense was incurred.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Dues/Memberships/Registration Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for Dues, Memberships, or Registration cost related to work.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Gratuity Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for gratuity provided for service.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the
section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your
expense report. Ground Transportation Expense Type Required Fields. This expense type
will be used for reimbursement needed for ground transportation.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Hotel/Lodging Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hotel or lodging.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Click in the Number of Nights field and enter the number of nights stayed at the hotel.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hotel or lodging.
- Group Meal - Employee Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when an event or meeting for employees was catered but Procard was not used.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Group Meal - Student Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for when an event or meeting for employees was catered but Procard was not used.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Meals - Employee Travel Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for meals paid for by the employee during a business trip.=
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Mileage Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for cost of mileage.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Click on the Lookup icon next to the Originating Location field and select the location where the trip began.
- Click on the Lookup icon next to the Destination Location field and select the location where the expense was incurred.
- Click in the Miles field and enter the number of miles. The number must be a whole number, therefore round up to the next whole number if it is 0.5 or greater. Then round down to the next whole number if it is 0.4 or lower.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for cost of mileage.
- Miscellaneous Charges Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for charges not associated
with any other expense type provided.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for charges not associated
with any other expense type provided.
- Other Guest Expenses Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for other guest expenses not
associated with any other expense type.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for other guest expenses not
associated with any other expense type.
- Other Parcel Service Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for parcel service not associated with postage.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Parking Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating to parking.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Postage Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating
to postage.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating
to postage.
- Preapproved Amount Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for when an employee has only been approved for a set amount.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- Printing Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating
to printing.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for fees or charges relating
to printing.
- Service/Maintenance - Vehicles Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for service or maintenance
relating KCTCs owed vehicles.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for service or maintenance
relating KCTCs owed vehicles.
- Special Purchases Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for
- Subscriptions Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for
- Supplies/Material - Food Serv Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased food services
materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased food services
materials or supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material - Hazardous Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hazardous materials or
supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for hazardous materials or
supplies when the Procard was not available.
- Supplies/Material Non Instruc Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased non-instructional
materials or supplies when the Procard was not available
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased non-instructional
materials or supplies when the Procard was not available
- Supplies/Material - Other Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased materials or
supplies not covered in other expense types, when the Procard was not available
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased materials or
supplies not covered in other expense types, when the Procard was not available
- Supplies/Material-Instruction Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased instructional
materials or supplies when the Procard was not available
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased instructional
materials or supplies when the Procard was not available
- Supplies/Material-Motor Fuels Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased motor fuel materials
or supplies when the Procard was not available
- Additional fields are required for this Expense type. Complete according to these instructions.
- Non-Preferred will default for the Merchant field, do not change. KCTCS does not have preferred merchants.
- Click in the Merchant field and enter the name of the merchant that was used for this expense type.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for purchased motor fuel materials
or supplies when the Procard was not available
- Tolls Expense Type Required Fields
- This expense type will be used for reimbursement needed for toll fees.
- No additional fields are required for this Expense Type. Return to step 32, in the section titled, Creating an Expense Report, and continue from there to complete your expense report.
The following pages lists options in the Travel and Expense Module for an employee, to use, to help aid in the process of completing an expense report.
Employees can select options from Quick Start, Actions, or Quick Fill. Depending on what an employee is doing, on the Create Expense Report page, will depend on what options will be available.
Quick Start
The Quick Start field contains the options that will populate an expense report based on existing items already in the Travel and Expense module for an employee. Options include A Template, A Travel Authorization, An Existing Report, and Entries From My Wallet. Currently, KCTCS is not using A Travel Authorization, A Template, or Entries From My Wallet features. However, the following are being used.
An Existing Report
The An Existing Report option allows an employee to copy an existing expense report into their new expense report and is explained in the Copying an Existing Expense Report section.
Once an expense type has been selected on the expense report the Quick Start option will change to Actions. This will provide the following options for an employee to help aid in the process of completing an expense report.
Copy Expense Lines
The Copy Expense Lines option allows an employee to copy an expense line to multiple lines or days if needed.
Default Accounting for Report
The Default Accounting For Report option provides the ability to setup a default chartfield string to be used for the current expense report. This option will override the default chartfield string located on the user defaults, but will not be saved to the employees profile. The default accounting is implemented at the expense report level and each expense that you add to the report inherits it. Once the expense report is submitted the chartfield values will not be stored for future use.
Export to Excel
An employee can use the Export to Excel option to convert their expense report to an Excel spreadsheet.
Users Defaults
The employee’s User Defaults can be accessed through this option.
Copy Expense Lines
The Copy Expense Lines option allows an employee to copy an expense line to multiple lines or days if needed.
- Select Copy Expense Lines from the Action field drop down list.
- Click Go.
- If you want to copy each selected line just once using the To Date as the new expense date, select Copy to One Date. If you want to copy each line multiple times with the expense date for the new lines set to each day within the specified date range, select Copy to Range of Dates.
- Enter the appropriate date(s).
- Select the Expense Type needing to be copied.
- Click OK.
Default Accounting for Report
The Default Accounting For Report option provides the ability to setup a default chartfield string to be used for the current expense report. This option will override the default chartfield string located on the user defaults, but will not be saved to the employees profile. The default accounting is implemented at the expense report level and each expense that you add to the report inherits it. Once the expense report is submitted the chartfield values will not be stored for future use.
- Select Copy Expense Lines from the Action field drop down list.
- Click Go.
- Update the % field if the amounts will be divided between multiple chartfield stings. % field should always equal 100 when you are finished with your splits.
- Enter or select the appropriate business unit for the GL Unit field.
- Enter or select the appropriate fund code for the Fund field.
- Enter or select the appropriate department code for the Dept field.
- Enter or select the appropriate program code for the Program field
- Enter or select the appropriate class code for the Class field.
- Enter or select the appropriate project code for the Project field
- The Affiliate field is not being used by KCTCS, leave blank.
- Click Add ChartField Line button to add additional chartfields. The additional chartfield line will populate on every expense line on the expense report.
- If the chartfield string has already been entered on the expense report, clicking
the Load Defaults button will override and replace with the default chartfield string
from the
employee’s User Defaults page. - Click OK.
- If User Defaults was selected, follow the following instructions. Select User Defaults
- Click Go. This will route to the User Profile – User Defaults page in an additional window.