Strategic Enrollment Management Plan 2023-2027
Academic Year | Enrollment Goal |
Baseline | 16,094 |
2023 | 16,496 |
2024 | 16,908 |
2025 | 17,248 |
2026 | 17,593 |
2027 | 17,945 |
Jefferson Community and Technical College is one of 16 colleges forming the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. A public, comprehensive, postsecondary institution, Jefferson enrolls about 12,000 students a semester in academic and technical programs.
Jefferson has six campuses: three in Jefferson County and one each in Bullitt, Carroll, and Shelby counties. It also offers an extensive program of classes at high schools, UPS, and online.
Students choose Jefferson to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree before transferring or to complete programs leading to specific careers. Jefferson’s students benefit from small classes, an extensive academic support system, and convenient locations.
The college also offers affordable tuition as well as comprehensive financial aid packages and scholarships.
In addition to traditional college programs, Jefferson provides customized education and training programs for business and industry through its Workforce Solutions division.
Jefferson Community and Technical College transforms lives and communities through educational excellence in an inclusive environment that opens doors for all students.
Academic Excellence. We strive to excel in teaching, learning, and student support. We engage in ongoing professional development to learn, grow, and improve.
Accessibility. We minimize barriers and provide educational pathways to technical and career training, general education and transfer, workforce development, and lifelong learning. To meet the diverse needs of our students we offer certificates, diplomas, associate degrees, and non-credit programming.
Collaboration. We build alliances with adult education providers, secondary school systems, regional postsecondary institutions, community groups, and business and industry partners to create seamless educational experiences. We are responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of our students and community.
Continuous Improvement. We gather, analyze, and assess data to make informed decisions that drive institutional improvement.
Diversity. We treasure the many identities and perspectives in our community. We provide an inclusive, accessible, and safe learning and working environment that fosters participation and belonging.
Equity. We emphasize policy and practice that promotes opportunity and diminishes disparity within the college community.
Integrity. We act ethically and maintain an environment that encourages honesty, transparency, and accountability.
Respect. We recognize the contributions and expertise of all members of the college community. We understand that education relies on human connections, and we value the dignity and wellbeing of all people.
Stewardship. We exercise responsible management of the college's fiscal and physical resources.
We, the members of Jefferson's college community, stand firm against racism in all its forms. We understand that racism does not operate in isolation and that addressing interlocking oppressions is necessary to end racial and ethnic bias.
Institutional change requires courage, respect, and compassion. We acknowledge that regardless of one’s own race or ethnicity, individuals are at various points along an anti-racist journey. This work may not always be, or seek to be, comfortable. Yet, we will intentionally identify, discuss, and challenge issues of race, color, ethnicity, and the impact(s) they have on our community.
As an institution, we commit to dismantling the historically racist, classist, and sexist roots of higher education, and instead to center and amplify voices that have been marginalized or silenced.
That Commitment is Embodied by:
- Respecting the inherent value, vitality, and dignity of diverse cultures, experiences, and identities.
- Identifying and analyzing the impact of implicit bias and microaggressions which occur at both individual and institutional levels, and result in systemic advantages or oppressions in the life and culture of Jefferson.
- Engaging with intersectional, anti-racist frameworks that foster inclusion and a sense of belonging for students and colleagues.
- Assessing current policies, programs, and practices with respect to Inclusive Excellence and then redesigning them to further dismantle inequities at Jefferson.
Marketing and Recruitment
Key Enrollment Indicators, Goals, and Strategies to support KCTCS and Jefferson Strategic Objectives
KCTCS Strategic Objective 1.1
Grow enrollment at KCTCS institutions to meet the needs of the Commonwealth by expanding the number and diversity of learners achieving their career and lifelong learning goals.
SEM Strategies for Goal 1: Increase in first time at Jefferson enrollment
KEI: First time at Jefferson enrollees
Goal: Increase FTAJ enrollees by 3% each year.
2022 Baseline: 2,451
2027 Target: 2,841
Year | Goal | Actual |
Fall 2023 | 2,525 | |
Fall 2024 | 2,600 | |
Fall 2025 | 2,678 | |
Fall 2026 | 2,759 | |
Fall 2027 | 2,841 |
Develop and implement a comprehensive communications plan to provide multiple opportunities for engagement between application and enrollment.
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Inventory current communications sent to transfer applicants prior to/or through enrollment | Begin Spring 2023 | Nikolette Rost Laura Smith |
2 |
Beta Test Financial Aid - Determine which communications are needed and when they should be communicated annually. Data in Airtable will serve as an example for all Student Services departments to replicate. |
Spring 2023 |
Nikolette Rost Caleb Wilson |
3 | Develop schedule of communications for marketing, admissions and other Student Service departments through Airtable by producing a comprehensive list of student communications being sent each year. | Summer/Fall 2023 | Nikolette Rost Caleb Wilson |
4 | Conduct audit of all communications that go to students regarding registration, payment, and financial aid for consistency, ease of understanding, and clarity once communication organization through Airtable is complete. | Summer/Fall 2023 | Nikolette Rost Student Services Departments |
5 | Maintain/Expand academic program search ads and Google Discovery | Ongoing 2023-2027 | Marketing |
Jefferson Strategic Objective 1.1.2. Develop and expand the scope of marketing and outreach activities to achieve a larger and more diverse pool of prospective and entering students.
(Supports KCTCS Objective 3.2 Expand recognition of the value of the KCTCS System and its Colleges. Jefferson Objectives: 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3)
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Establish Jefferson interactive storefront in Junior Achievement Finance Park. | Fall 2023 | Marketing and Recruitment |
2 | Establish visible presence at annual Louisville Juneteenth Festival | Annually 2023-2027 | Tamara Russell |
3 | Utilize existing relationships and institutional talents to reach out to Hispanic students. | Rosa Escalante | |
4 | Sustain Spanish language orientations | Annually 2023-2027 | Rosa Escalante |
5 | Sustain marketing in El Kentubano | Annually 2023-2027 | Marketing |
6 | Evolve502: Establish annual open-houses, FAFSA events, etc. – inviting community to campus – etc. | Annually 2023-2027 | Lindsay Driskell Claire Smith |
Optimize Dual Credit enrollment
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Conduct Gap analysis of current HS pathways against current dual credit course offerings | Aug-Oct each year | AAVP and Director of Program Facilitation- DC |
2 | Participate in Launch- Equitable and Accelerated pathways for All initiative | Beginning Apr 2023 and ongoing | AAVP and Director of Program Facilitation- DC |
3 | Improve HS counselor knowledge of dual credit opportunities and processes- Annual PD day and monthly open invitation Teams meeting | Monthly | Dual Credit Office |
4 | Participate in HS senior DC student parent targeting messaging- Radius campaign, FAFSA, EVOLVE, First time freshman enrollment | August – July each year | Dual Credit Office and Extended campuses |
5 | Collaborate with Jefferson faculty, Learning Commons, Recruitment, and Marketing to increase Jefferson involvement, i.e., tutoring availability, class observations, JCTC Program college fairs, Application squads and group tours | Ongoing | Dual Credit Office and Extended Campuses |
6 | Participate in KCTCS DC Peer team for process improvement and best practices | Monthly | Dual Credit Office |
Jefferson Objective 2.1.2 Expand enrollment in programs that lead to high-demand and high-wage career opportunities
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
Implement Jefferson Strategic Objective 1.2.3 (career pathways) Connection -Work-Based learning & Graduate Profile Include 2.2.3- advisory committees |
Implement a guided pathways model (career pathways) | Guided pathways model (Career Pathways) – 5 year process beginning January 2023 and continuing through 2028 | Dr. Randall Davis Amanda Tindall |
Expand work-based learning opportunities (e.g. apprenticeships, internships/externships, UPS School to Work, Workforce Solutions) | Work-based Learning opportunities – begin Fall 2023 with intentionally planning; implementation Spring 2024 | Deans, Dr. Nicole Cobb (WFS), Debbie Cotton (internships/externships) | |
Include 2.2.3 (collaborate with current and emerging postsecondary partners to build – and effectively communicate – transfer pathways) which will encompass the strategies above – include advisory boards | |||
Complete Graduate Profile Academy | Implementation begins Fall 2023 | Dr. Kara Schotter, Grant Gamble, Dr. Nicole Cobb, Dr. Brittany Inge | |
1 |
Identify academic programs for annual targeted marketing, aligned with targeted industry sectors. - Examine data at annual fall data summit |
Begin Fall 2023 Each Fall by Sept. 30 |
Academic Deans |
2 | Create program specific marketing and recruitment plans. | Each Fall by Oct. 30 | Marketing, Recruitment, Program Faculty |
3 |
Bloomberg Apprenticeship Programming: Identify high wage/high demand occupations that connect secondary CTE programs to our existing technical programs. Create recruitment strategies that target high school juniors and seniors for work-based learning apprenticeship style programs. |
Begin Spring 2023 *Grant funding ends Fall 2024 |
Dr. Nicole Cobb |
4 |
Workforce Solutions plans:
Ongoing | Dr. Nicole Cobb |
Identify employers with tuition benefits and create recruitment/support strategies Backstory: KCTCS Workforce and Economic Development Education First Employer Initiative); internal college meeting to outline strategies in Spring 2022 |
Spring 2023 – Workforce Solutions onboarding initial round of employers | Workforce Solutions and Recruitment | |
Jefferson Objective 2.2.1: Create informational training and marketing materials on industry and transfer partnerships and disseminate to college faculty, staff, and students | Ongoing 2023-2027 | Marketing and Recruitment |
Retention and Completion
Key Enrollment Indicators, Goals and Strategies
SEM Strategies for Goal 1: FYE 105 Course Success
KEI: FYE 105 Success
Goal: Students in FYE 105 will achieve an average success rate of 73% by 2027. *Pre-COVID
high point: 76%
Baseline: 62% in Fall 2022 (GPA definition)
2027 Target: 75%
Responsible Party: Maria
Year | Goal | Actual |
Fall 2023 | 65% | |
Fall 2024 | 68% | |
Fall 2025 | 72% | |
Fall 2026 | 73% | |
Fall 2027 | 75% |
Reimagine FYE 105 to improve student success and persistence.
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Establish a FYE 105 Reimagine Team | Spring 2023 | Maria Galyon Reneau Waggoner |
2 | Review delivery modality, GPA and withdrawal data to identify patterns | Spring 2023 | Maria Galyon FYE 105 Reimagine Team |
3 | Analyze research among current FYE 105 students and instructors about their perceptions of what is and is not successful in the courses | Spring/Summer 2023 | Maria Galyon FYE 105 Reimagine Team |
4 | Conduct focus groups for feedback on FYE 105 experience. (Include various modalities, success and unsuccessful) | Fall 2023 | IREP Team |
5 | Pilot policy and/or course changes and analyze results |
Fall 2023 policy Spring 2024 course |
Maria Galyon FYE 105 Reimagine Team FYE 105 Teaching Team |
6 | Implement policy and course changes across offerings | Fall 2024 | Maria Galyon FYE 105 Teaching Team |
7 | Analyze data to ensure that all FTAJ students are registering for FYE 105 as required | Spring 2023 (report is run every semester) | Brittany Inge Maria Galyon Amanda Tindall |
8 | FYE Instructor Training will emphasize relationship building and engagement based on prior data | August 2023 | Maria Galyon |
9 | Research and pilot offering contextualized FYE classes based on student major/career groups | Fall 2023 | Maria Galyon Academic Deans Career Pathways Implementation Team |
10 | Convene Reimagine Team to review semester success rates | end of semester through 2027 | Maria Galyon |
SEM Strategies for Goal 2: Overall Course Success
KEI: Overall course success for credential seeking students (A, B, C, P)
Goal: Students will achieve an overall success rate of 75% in courses overall by 2027.
Baseline: 72% (Fall 2022)
2027 Target: 75%
Year | Goal | Actual |
Fall 2023 | 72.5% | |
Fall 2024 | 73% | |
Fall 2025 | 73.5% | |
Fall 2026 | 74.5% | |
Fall 2027 | 75% |
Create a culture committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by requiring DEI Professional Development for all faculty and staff.
(Supports Inclusive Excellent Recommendations)
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
Require all full-time employees to complete seven hours of DEIA-focused Professional Development per academic year. All employees should complete foundations or baseline training that includes an overview explaining what DEIA is, terminology, and its importance at the college and contextualized within individual departments. This training should include work to help foster feelings of “psychological safety.” This should be completed within one semester for current employees, and within the first 90 days of hire for new employees. After completing the DEIA foundational professional development, all full-time faculty, staff, and administrators should complete at least 5 additional hours of DEIA professional development work in this first year of implementation, with a total minimum of 7 hours per academic year thereafter. |
Begin with initial phase Fall 2023 and continue expansion until plan is completed. | Tamara Russell DEI Allyship Advisory Committee |
Identify and implement ways to incentivize part-time employee participation in DEIA-focused Professional Development. | Spring 24 | College Leadership Allyship Advisory Committee CFO |
Develop an internal speaker's bureau | TBD | ||
Continue to work with IERP to gather data about student experiences that can / should inform professional development offerings. Conduct focus groups/listening sessions for Multilingual Learners (ESL/ELL/MLL) to capture more student voices about their experience and belonging. |
Create a virtual guide of all DEIA learning resources offered through the college. |
Fall 2024 | ||
Expand opportunities, both online and in-person, that will allow all areas and members of the college community to find a relevant focus. |
Each division/area create a DEIA professional development plan and allow implementation as 4DX WIG, and create communities of practice to implement those plans. |
Fall 2025 | ||
Faculty and staff can earn stackable certificates in specialized areas of DEIA. Create a Faculty and Staff Commons to coordinate the disparate units working on each of the current development areas. |
Phase 3 – Long Term 2027 |
Jefferson will deliver high-quality academic support through tutoring and library resources and services and cross-college collaboration.
(Supports KCTCS Objective 1.2)
Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Responsible Party |
Connect all Jefferson tutoring offerings* through the Learning Commons Director of Tutoring Services, to ensure equitable professional development for service providers and uniformity in data collection. |
Began Fall 2022 On-going |
Director of Tutoring Services |
Convene all tutoring stakeholders annually for goal setting, planning, and collaboration. |
Fall 2022 |
Director of Tutoring Services Dean of Math |
Collaborate with other college functional areas to raise awareness and usage of academic support: Student Engagement, Retention Coaches, Academic Advisors incorporate tutoring.
Spring 2023 Convene bi-annually (at minimum) |
Learning Commons Team Academic Leadership Student Affairs |
Increase capacity to offer tutoring in courses where pass rates are low: BIO 137, BIO 112, and Math.
Ongoing | Deans and department faculty |
Obtain College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certification | Summer 2024 | Director of Tutoring Services |
Increase cross-college visible support and buy-in of academic services.
Fall 2024 |
VP |
Increase awareness and use of remote library resources and services. | Ongoing | Dean of the Learning Commons |
SEM Strategies for Goal 3: Student-first mindset, policies, practices
KEI: Increase Fall-to-Fall Retention
Goal: Demonstrate a student-first mindset in college policies and practices that will increase
credential-seeking student retention, resulting in a fall-to-fall retention rate of
58% by 2027.
Baseline: 53% (Fall 21–Fall 22)
2027 Target: 58%
Year | Goal | Actual |
Fall 2023 | 54% | |
Fall 2024 | 55% | |
Fall 2025 | 56% | |
Fall 2026 | 57% | |
Fall 2027 | 58% |
Produce a (yearlong) course schedule informed by student enrollment patterns, designed to meet the needs of the student population and achieve optimal course capacities.
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Conduct research into schools who utilize 2-year course schedules | Summer 2023 | Reneau Waggoner Academic Leadership |
2 | Invite schools who have successfully implemented a 2-year course schedule to meet with academic leadership | Fall 2023 | Academic Leadership |
3 | Plan and develop the 2-year course schedule | Fall 2023 | |
4 | Implement 2-year course schedule | Fall 2024 | |
6 | Maximize opportunities for flexible enrollment/multiple enrollment cycles, offer more courses in the formats that yield highest success rates. |
Ongoing review of format and success data Review of Fast Path pilot (Spring 2023) |
Deans and AVPs |
Maintain and enhance First Year Experience programs.
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Introduce and Implement Career Pathways in SOAR, Summer Bridge, and FYE 100, 105 | Spring/Summer 2023 | Claire Smith Kristen Robinson Maria Galyon |
2 | First Year Advising | College Advising Work Group | |
3 | Assess and Update Online SOAR | Fall 2023, monitor annually | Claire Smith |
4 | Develop Transfer Orientation | March 2024 | Cassie Poole |
5 |
Strengthen Financial Aid Education:
Spring 2023 Ongoing |
Lindsay Driskell |
Maintain and enhance strategies to increase success of African-American students.
(Supports Diversity Plan)
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Maintain usage of the Multicultural Center. Enhancements follow annual ARCA priorities. | Ongoing | Brandi Mulligan |
3 | Continue California Agents of Change Initiative | 2021 - 2024 | Brandi Mulligan |
4 | Expand the Black Male Initiative. Enhancements follow annual ARCA priorities. | Spring 2023 and ongoing | Adam Kremer |
Provide programming and campus activities that foster a sense of belonging.
(Supports Diversity Plan)
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Create Office of International Student Support | Office to be established in May 2023. | Tamara Russell |
2 | Develop student and employee committees to affirm identity groups as detailed in the Inclusive Excellence recommendations |
Created in Fall 2022. Faculty choose committees in May and Promote to staff, and students every August |
Randy Davis Student Engagement and ODICE |
3 | Maintain College Wildly Important Goal focused on belonging. | 2022 - 2026 | President 4DX Leads |
4 | Expand Summer Bridge opportunities for new students. |
Increase to 50 in Summer 2023 Increase to 100 Summer 2025 |
Kristen Robinson |
5 | Develop and offer engagement opportunities for Evolve502 Scholars | Fall 2023 start | Elizabeth Staten |
6 | Establish expectations for use of a college SharePoint calendar for scheduling and communicating campus activities and events | Fall 2023 implement widely |
Laura Smith |
Strengthen partnerships with community groups who can assist students with non-academic issues that are barriers to success.
(Supports Diversity Plan)
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 | Maintain and expand services offered through the HUB | Began Spring 2019 and ongoing | Tamara Russell |
2 | Continue partnership with TARC to remove transportation barrier for students | Annual renewal | Gary Dryden |
3 | Continue and grow partnership with the Center for Behavioral Health (CBH) at Spalding University to support students with mental health needs | Annual evaluation and renewal | Kimberly Duell |
4 | Partner with Family Scholar House to conduct benefits assessment and provide resource information | Coordinated every September | HUB and RTW staff |
Increase URM faculty to be more representative of the student population.
(Supports Diversity Plan, KCTCS Objective 3.1, Jefferson Objective 3.1.1)
Step | Action Step Description | Timeline for Implementation | Person Responsible for Outcomes |
1 |
Increase new URM hires by:
Human Resources Academic Leadership CFO |
2 | Implement Inclusive Excellence Committee Faculty Retention plan, including establishing URM faculty mentor program | Fall 2023 (possible pilot Spring 2024) |
DEIA Allyship Advisory Committee |
SEM Core Team 2022-2023
Title | Name |
Co-Conveners | Laura Smith Reneau Waggoner |
Academic Support | Jessie Newman |
Advising | George Scott |
Budget | Angie Henes |
Dual Credit | Marlisa Austin |
English Language Learners | Jillian Pearsall |
Financial Aid | Lindsay Driskell |
General Education | Randy Davis Erica Yahya |
Inclusive Excellence | Tamara Russell |
Institutional Research, Effectiveness, Planning | Sonny Hydes |
Marketing | Nikolette Rost Caleb Wilson (rotate) |
Member at Large | Bruce Jost |
Retention | LaTashia Coward |
Technical | Grant Gamble Kara Schotter |
Transfer (in and out) | Cassie Poole |
Workforce | Nickie Cobb |