Starfish FAQs
Below are common questions about Starfish.
One or more of your instructors is concerned about your academic success. Instructors raise flags when your grade is being affected by one or more reasons such as missing assignments, low test scores, or missing class, just to name a few. A success coach will reach out to you to see if they can be of any assistance with getting you back on track. If you have already spoken to your instructor, let the Success Coach know so we can close out the item.
You can either log into Starfish to view the concern, respond to the success coach that reached out to you, or you can reach out to the instructor that raised the flag or concern. Whatever your first move, use this alert to speak with your instructor about your options for improving. The Success Coach can help with that.
A flag or referral was raised because your instructor is concerned about your success in the course, and they want to see if something can be done to assist you with getting back on track. Flags are alerts and Referrals are connectors to other campus resources.
A flag or concern will NOT keep you from registering for classes the following semester. Also, flags do not carry over from one semester to another. Once the course is over, Starfish automatically closes the flag.
If your instructor raised the Missing/Late Assignments flag for you, it is important to speak with them as soon as possible. There may be a time limit on turning in the missing work. They may also be alerting you that you lost points on an assignment for being late. Your instructor can help you with the best strategies for improving your grade in the course.
If you feel you are passing the course, it is best to connect with your instructor. There may be factors (grades, assignments, etc.) that are not shown in Blackboard. Your instructor can clarify if there is action you need to take. It is also possible that the flag may have been a mistake. This is extremely rare, so it is best not to assume that is the case. Only your instructor can let you know for certain.
If you have a Nursing (or other) Success Coach, you can connect with them. We try to make sure that students who have already been assigned Success Coaches are referred to their respective coaches, so you always know who your go-to person is.