Emergency Fund
Please do not complete the application more than once. You will receive a response as soon as possible.
The Jefferson Student Emergency Fund supports student success by removing financial obstacles resulting from an unforeseen financial emergency that without assistance would prevent a student from continuing their education at Jefferson Community and Technical College. These funds are not for routine expenses or as a supplement to funding a student's education. An unforeseen event must be the cause of the loss of funds to be eligible for student emergency funds. The Student Emergency Fund is an initiative of the Jefferson Foundation and funded through the generous support of individual and corporate donations.
Award amounts are up to $500. Students are only eligible for one Jefferson Emergency Fund award in a 12-month period, and for a maximum of two awards during their enrollment at Jefferson. Awards are limited to one application per household per 12-month period.
Examples of Covered Expenses:
- Sudden loss of housing
- Utilities
- Emergency Medical/Dental Costs
- Loss of essential items due to theft, fire, natural disaster
- Safety needs (i.e. – locks changed, etc.)
- Emergency Automotive Repairs
Expenses Generally Not Covered:
- Tuition/Fees
- Health Insurance
- Non-essential utilities (i.e. – cable)
- Household or furniture costs not related to damage or theft
- Parking tickets, fines, or legal expenses
- Credit card payments
- Costs for entertainment, recreation, non-emergency travel or other non-essential expenses
- Expenditures resulting from poor financial management
- Foreseen and non-emergency expenses
- I have successfully completed at least 6 credit hours at Jefferson
- I am enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at Jefferson for the semester in which I am requesting funds
- I have at least a 2.0 GPA
- I am currently attending and participating in all classes. (Faculty verification will be required.)
- I, nor anyone in my household, has received an award from this fund in the past 12 months
If you answered YES to ALL questions above, you are eligible to apply. Please follow the application instructions listed below.
Award procedures
- Complete the Jefferson Student Emergency Fund application at the bottom of this page.
- Submit documentation for any expenses you are requesting to be paid. (Documentation
submitted will not be returned)
- Sufficient documentation includes a statement, invoice, or bill showing the following: responsible party name, amount due, account number, and remittance information. Screen grabs do not qualify as sufficient documentation.
- Submit application.
- You will be contacted by the Emergency Fund Coordinator via email or phone once the application has been received and reviewed. The coordinator will be your point of contact for the Emergency Fund and may have follow-up questions or need additional information before the review committee can make an award decision. Please be sure to respond to any communications regarding the request so it can be reviewed and award decisions can be made in a timely manner.
- Awards will be made in the form of payments directly to the vendor(s) of the bill(s) provided. Payments will not be issued to the student.
Please Note: If you are currently receiving financial aid, please aware that receiving funding from the Student Emergency Fund may affect your financial aid package.
Review your application to make all edits and add all necessary documentation prior to submission. Please do not complete the application more than once. You will receive a response as soon as possible.