Financial Aid Office
If you will be attending Jefferson for the 2023-2024 Award Year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) and would like to receive Financial Aid, you must do the following:
- Complete the 2023-2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The School Code is 006961. This will require any income information for 2021.
FAFSA Application Walkthrough video
- Provide the Jefferson Financial Aid Office with information regarding any 3rd Party Financial Resources such as Scholarships, Employer Assistance, etc.
- Submit any additional documentation requested by the Financial Aid Office.
- You will be informed of your aid status via your KCTCS Student Self Service – please review this regularly.
- If your class attendance cannot be confirmed, your aid will not be disbursed.
- Please review and understand the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
- Financial Aid funds will not be applied to student’s accounts for the until approximately three weeks after the start of their courses.
If your SAP status is evaluated to be in “NOT MEETS” or “SUSPEND” status, you will not be eligible for financial aid.
If you will be attending Jefferson for the 2024-2025 Award Year (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) and would like to receive Financial Aid, you must do the following:
- Complete the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The School
Code is 006961. This will require any income information for 2022.
- The 2024-2025 FAFSA has been simplified, are there are many changes from previous year's FAFSAs. More information on FAFSA Simplification is available on the Federal Student Aid (FSA) website.
- Federal Student Aid (FSA) has created numerous FAQ videos to assist students with FAFSA questions. The FAQ videos are available on YouTube.
- One major change is that all contributors must create an FSA ID. This is required for all students and any parents required to electronically sign
their child's FAFSA.
FSA ID Walkthrough Video
2024-2025 FAFSA Walkthrough Video
- Provide the Jefferson Financial Aid Office with information regarding any 3rd Party Financial Resources such as Scholarships, Employer Assistance, etc.
- Submit any additional documentation requested by the Financial Aid Office.
- You will be informed of your aid status via your KCTCS Student Self Service – please review this regularly.
- If your class attendance cannot be confirmed, your aid will not be disbursed.
- Please review and understand the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
- If your SAP status is evaluated to be in “NOT MEETS” or “SUSPEND” status, you will not be eligible for financial aid.
- Financial Aid funds will not be applied to student’s accounts for the until approximately three weeks after the start of their courses.
Students receiving financial aid who will have a disbursement greater than their charges may be able to purchase their books in the bookstore prior to the start of class and receiving their disbursement.
Funds are generally available 10 days before the traditional semester start and 9 days after.
- For example for the Spring term if we start on January 9, the bookstore charging period would start on January 1 and end on January 20.
Please be sure you have completed the Financial Aid (Bookstore) release activity on your To-Do List. The task must be 'accepted' before you can change books using anticipated financial aid.
If you are eligible for student loans, we will automatically offer this to you in your award package for the term. You will need to accept, reduce, or decline via your student self-service.
If you choose to pursue student loan funding, please be advised that loan disbursements for the first year, first time borrowers must be delayed 30 days into the term. To ensure your loan is not delayed, be sure to sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN), complete Entrance Loan Counseling and complete the Financial Awareness Counseling immediately after you accept your loan.
Please also remember to remain enrolled in at least six credit hours or more and to always be in good academic standing in your coursework.
Federal regulations require that when an undergraduate student is enrolled in a program that is one academic year or more in length, but is in a remaining period of study that is shorter than a full academic year, their Federal Direct Loan amount must be prorated.
Students who graduate in Fall term will have their Federal Direct Loans prorated during their final semester. The loan limit proration determines the maximum loan amount that a student may borrow for the final term of study based on the degree they are earning.
It is important to notify the student financial aid office if you are graduating in the summer or fall terms. Your loans could be adjusted after disbursement which could result in owing disbursed funds back to the college.
Use the chart below to determine your eligibility.
Credit Hours in Final Semester | Subsidized Loans | Unsubsidized Loans | Total Combined |
12 | $2250 | $1000 | $3250 |
11 | $2070 | $920 | $2990 |
10 | $1890 | $840 | $2730 |
9 | $1710 | $760 | $2470 |
8 | $1485 | $660 | $2145 |
7 | $1305 | $580 | $1885 |
6 | $1125 | $500 | $1625 |
Credit Hours in Final Semester | Subsidized Loans | Unsubsidized Loans | Total Combined |
12 | $2250 | $3000 | $5250 |
11 | $2070 | $2760 | $4830 |
10 | $1890 | $2520 | $4410 |
9 | $1710 | $2280 | $3990 |
8 | $1485 | $1980 | $3465 |
7 | $1305 | $1740 | $3045 |
6 | $1125 | $1500 | $2625 |
Summer Aid Processing will begin in approximately mid-April before the start of the Summer Semester. If you will be attending JCTC for the Summer Semester and would like to receive Financial Aid, you must do the following:
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at the FAFSA website using school code 006961. The second year on the FAFSA should match the calendar year for the Summer Semester of attendance (for example, the 2024 Summer Semester uses the 2023-2024 FAFSA).
FAFSA Application Walkthrough video
- If you received financial aid at JCTC during the Fall and/or Spring semesters, you have met this requirement. You should also be sure to file the next year's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to get prepared for the upcoming fall semester.
- Register for Summer classes. Summer aid will not be processed until you have registered for courses. Aid will be processed first come, first served based on enrollment date and then FAFSA filing date. Financial Aid will likely NOT be available to meet payment deadline for classes that start on the first start date of the semester.
- Provide the JCTC Financial Aid Office with information regarding any 3rd Party Financial Resources such as Scholarships, Employer Assistance, etc.
- Submit any additional documentation requested by the Financial Aid Office.
- You will receive notice of your aid status via your KCTCS Student Email account – please review this account regularly.
- If your class attendance cannot be confirmed, your aid will not be disbursed.
- After students register for Summer courses AND have the correct FAFSA with the 006961 JCTC school code on file, it will take approximately 10 business days for the Financial Aid Office to review and respond to your request for financial aid.
- If you are enrolled in the Spring semester, and your Satisfactory Academic Progress
(SAP) status is currently at Warning, Probation, or Plan of Action, we cannot process your request for financial aid for the Summer term until the End of Term Processing
for the Spring semester is complete and academic progress evaluations can be finalized.
- End of Term Processing is tentatively scheduled for the final Wednesday of the Spring semester and Academic Progress Evaluations are tentatively scheduled for the following Thursday.
- If your SAP status is evaluated to be in “NOT MEETS” or “SUSPEND” status, you will not be eligible for Summer financial aid. Information on the SAP Appeal Process is available here.
Financial Aid funds will not be applied to student accounts for the Summer semester until approximately mid-June.
Using anticipated financial aid funds for book charges at the JCTC Barnes and Noble Bookstore will be allowed approximately 10 days before the start of the semester into mid-June.
Financial Aid will likely NOT be available to meet the payment deadline or to purchase books for classes that start on or before the posted first day of Summer courses.
Please be sure you have a Financial Aid Release (FAR) form on record. The FAR form is available in your Student Self-Service. If you are unable to find the FAR form, and have not completed one in the past, please contact the Financial Aid Office.
If you are eligible for student loans, we will automatically offer this to you in your award package for the summer term. You will need to accept, reduce, or decline via your student self-service.
If you choose to pursue student loan funding, please be advised that loan disbursements for first year, first time borrowers must be delayed 30 days into the term. To ensure your loan is not delayed, be sure to sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN) and complete Entrance Loan Counseling immediately after you request or accept your loan. You must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours or more and be in good academic standing in your coursework to receive loans. Complete loan information is available here.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is used to define successful completion of coursework to maintain eligibility for student financial aid.
Federal regulations require the institution to establish, publish and apply standards to monitor your progress towards completion of your certificate or degree program.
If you are enrolled in a course(s) that does not count toward your degree requirements, the course(s) cannot be used to determine your enrollment status for federal financial aid and state need-based aid purposes. This means you cannot receive federal financial aid and state need-based aid for any course that does not count toward your degree requirements.
If it is determined you are enrolled in a course(s) that does not meet your degree requirements, your aid will be reviewed and any necessary adjustments will be made. You will be responsible for settling any potential outstanding balance created.
If you are aware you are enrolled in a course(s) that does not meet your degree requirements, please notify our office as soon as possible
Regulations require that financial aid students begin attendance in each of their classes.
Students who do not attend class are referred to as NO SHOWS and their aid disbursements are withheld until attendance can be proven.
If for some reason the award has already been paid, you'll be required to repay any amount that you are not eligible to receive.
If you receive failing grades because you stop attending classes or you withdraw from your classes, you'll be required to repay a portion of federal financial aid unless your instructor can document that you attended class through the 60 percent date of the enrollment period.
If you have other questions about attendance requirements, please contact your Financial Aid Office.
When you are admitted, Jefferson establishes a student account for you, identified by your personal ID number, often referred as your EMPL ID. Your student account records all charges (and payments) for tuition, books, and fees. After you have met all eligibility requirements, financial aid awards are credited to your Jefferson student account each semester. Financial aid and scholarship disbursement dates vary each semester. Disbursements generally begin in September (for fall term), February (for spring term), and late June (for summer term).
Aid disbursement will be based on the total number of credit hours you are enrolled in or have completed during the term as of the census date. The census date is generally the 7th calendar day from the start of the semester. Therefore, please be sure to register for all of your intended courses by the census date. This is how your financial aid eligibility will be determined.
Before expecting a financial aid disbursement, make sure the following things are in order:
- You must not have any NO REFUND holds on your student account.
- Your Financial Aid file must be complete no missing documents, check your school email
account or Student Self-Service To Do List - You must not have any NO SHOW holds on your student record.
- For Direct Stafford Loans, ensure you have completed Entrance Loan Counseling.
- For Direct Stafford Loans, ensure you have completed the Master Promissory Note.
- New student loan borrowers should expect a 30 day delay on their first loan disbursement.
If you have a credit balance (financial aid awards and any other credits are greater
than your total bill), you'll receive a refund.
When the refund process begins each semester and after all fees and charges are paid, your financial aid credit is automatically refunded to you. Generally the refund process for the fall begins in early September, for the spring, it begins in early February, and for the summer, it begins in late June.
Refunds are processed through the Bursar's office once a week with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. for distribution. The refunds are distributed based on the students selected refund preference. BankMobile Disbursements will send an email to you once your refund has been processed. You are responsible for any additional charges placed on your student account after the refund goes through.
Kentuckiana College Access Center (KCAC) can help you complete and file your FAFSA. This free service is a valuable resource to our students. However, please note this is not the Financial Aid Office at Jefferson. Once you fill out your FAFSA, you will need to submit any necessary or requested financial aid paperwork to a Jefferson Financial Aid office location.
KentuckianaWorks College Access Center (KCAC) offers FAFSA assistance.
642 S. 4th St.
3rd Floor
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502)584-0475
Fax: (502)582-9781
Please call 855.246.5282 (855.2GO.JCTC) or visit our Student Service Center online. The Financial Aid Office is located in the Jefferson Education Center; 200 W. Broadway, Louisville KY 40202