Investment Opportunities
Jefferson is the college of choice for students from a 6-county region who choose to attend college in Kentucky. It also is the No. 1 choice of Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) graduates; 40 percent of JCPS graduates attend Jefferson.
Critical to the strength of the region's workforce, 95 percent of community and technical college graduates live and continue to work in our communities. In addition, in the past 10 years, Jefferson has seen a 360 percent increase in the number certificates, diplomas and associate degrees awarded to students, and now awards more than 3,000 credentials a year.
Jefferson Community and Technical College currently has several initiatives supporting student success. Your investment will advanced these initiatives to ensure that students are prepared to enter a career or transfer to a four-year college or university.
The college also owes much of its ability to effectively serve students to its business partnerships. Partnering allows the college to target specific workforce needs and often provides critically needed funding. In most cases, the partnerships have had a lasting economic impact on the surrounding region.
Empowering Students
Students benefit from our small classes and dedicated professors, but empowering them
to succeed means surrounding them with support services and a nurturing environment.
Student Emergency Fund:
The college is endeavoring to create a student emergency fund. For some students one
rent payment or electric bill payment or even a week's worth of bus fare can make
the difference between staying in the college and being forced to stop out. When fully
funded, this fund will help students with those small financial hurdles that can inhibit
their success. Students participating in the Student Emergency Fund also will receive
instruction in managing a budget and other financial literacy skills.
Scholarship Endowment:
Most of Jefferson's students qualify for financial aid. Critical, of those applying
for aid, the median family income is only $18,500. Scholarship help to cover the costs of tuition, books or even living expenses can often mean the difference between success or failure.
The college continuously seeks funds to support the endowment. Naming opportunities
are available.
Wrap-around services:
Jefferson's students benefit from an extensive network for support services, including
personalized academic advising, financial literacy education and counseling, and life
skills coaching. Not surprisingly, these intensive services are costly. Jefferson
seeks to continue funding an endowment that will support these services.
Creating Community
Creating community is about creating an educational environment that is all at once
stimulating, challenging, encouraging and supportive. It also is about creating partnerships
and programs that meet community needs. Jefferson is taxed with a number of aging
facilities. Science classrooms that served students 40 years ago are no longer adequate
for today s contemporary students. The need is particularly acute in the sciences.
A&P Science Labs:
Jefferson must add labs for Anatomy & Physiology, a required course for all students
in healthcare disciplines. Currently the college struggles to meet demand for A&P
courses and students are sometimes delayed in the progress as they wait for open spots
in the Anatomy & Physiology courses.
Upgraded Biology and Chemistry Labs:
On the Downtown Campus, biology and chemistry labs are more than 40 years old. Critical
upgrades are needed. The college also has new initiatives to meet new and emerging
Advanced Manufacturing Center/Advanced Technology Center:
Jefferson is a partner in the Bluegrass Economic Advancement Movement to bring advanced
manufacturing employers to the area. The college seeks a facility on the Downtown
Campus to consolidate related training and education programs and to develop new programs
to meet employer s needs. Funding is needed for planning and development, curriculum
development and equipment.
To learn how you can support these critical initiatives, contact the Advancement office.