Financial Aid FAQs
Yes, up to a total of 30 developmental credit hours. You must then enroll in an eligible program to continue financial aid eligibility.
Downtown Campus: 200 W. Broadway, Jefferson Educational Center (corner of Second and Broadway) on the fourth floor
Southwest Campus: 1000 Community College Drive, Administration Building, Suite 155
Office Hours: The Jefferson Student Financial Aid Office is open to students and the general public Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm and Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm. Contact our office about extended hours during other peak periods.
Financial Aid Counseling is available on a walk-in basis from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Thursday. Counselors ARE available to see students on Fridays. Counseling is also available by appointment during non-peak times. Contact our office for special appointment times due to work schedule conflict.
For assistance, please call (855) 246-5282 (855) 2GO-Jefferson) or visit our Student Service Center online.
The general eligibility requirements are that you MUST:
- demonstrate financial need (for most programs)
- sign statements on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) stating that you are not in default on a federal student loan and do not owe money on federal student grant and you will use federal student aid only for educational purposes
- be accepted for enrollment as a regular student in an eligible degree, diploma, or certificate program
- have a valid Social Security number (with the exception of student from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau
- meet citizenship requirements
- not have been convicted of drug distribution or drug possession
- have a high school diploma or GED
- be registered with the Selective Service (if a male between the ages of 18 and 25)
- have resolved all issues or problems identified on the Student Aid Report
- not have already earned the equivalent to a Bachelors Degree to be considered for the Pell Grant
- complete verification process, if selected
- not also be enrolled in elementary or secondary school
- be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) for most programs, including the Direct Loan Program
- establish eligibility by attending class and participating in academic activity
- meet satisfactory academic progress requirements
Both the federal government and the college must find you eligible.
Once your application data is received (electronically or otherwise) in the Financial Aid Office it will be reviewed to see if additional documentation is required to complete questions the federal government may have about your information.
Once your financial aid file is complete, you will receive notification by mail and/or email concerning your financial aid status.
Academic year award letters are generally sent out beginning the first week of June.
Please be prepared to pay for books and supplies using resources other than financial aid.
However, because aid disbursement cannot occur until approximately 3-4 weeks into the semester, the Barnes & Nobles campus bookstore locations will allow students to purchase books and supplies on credit, if you have enough anticipated aid for the semester. This is for a limited time.
Check with Financial Aid office for the current dates of the Bookstore Credits.
You must have more anticipated aid than the cost of tuition and fees for the term.
You must sign a Financial Aid Release authorizing Jefferson to release the amount of anticipated aid to Barnes & Nobles. [One time only- can be rescinded] If you already have a release on file, you do not have to complete another one.
The amount you charge at the bookstore is placed on your student account as a bookstore charge.
Please note: Bookstore charging schedule is subject to change as dictated by the KCTCS Systems Office
It often does. Financial aid disbursements are reviewed at FA Census dates and after Satisfactory Academic Progress evaluation. For more information, see the Consumer Information guide, Standards of Academic Progress section available on the web or get a copy from the Financial Aid Office. These standards tell you what is expected academically to continue on financial aid. If you are appealing your satisfactory academic progress, while in appeal status, you must be prepared to pay your tuition and books.
Appeal deadlines:
- Summer = June 15
- Fall = September 15
- Spring = January 15
PLEASE NOTE: If you completely withdraw or receive all failing grades, a portion of your aid for that term must be repaid before you can receive further financial aid funds. To earn 100% of your financial aid, you must be enrolled through approximately 60% the term. These dates will vary if you are enrolled in multiple sessions during the semester
When you receive your award letter, you MUST respond indicating ACCEPT/ REDUCE/ or DECLINE of this loan offer.
You must meet all general eligibility criteria to qualify for a student loan.
If you are transferring mid-year (for example: Fall at U of L and Spring at Jefferson), you must have your FAFSA data sent to Jefferson by listing our school code, 006961, in the school choices section.
A valid Master Promissory Note must also be signed.
Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoicessso/.
SAP is an acronym that stands for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
In order to continue receiving federal financial aid, you are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress as outlined by school policy. Generally our policy requires that you maintain a 2.00 cumulative grade point average (a C average) and pass 67% of the courses you attempt. Grades coded as W, I, E, F, MP, and AU count as courses attempted but NOT passed.
You are also required to complete your educational credential within the maximum time frame as set forth in the SAP standards. This generally equals around 90 credit hours attempted, but can vary depending on the program of study you choose. If you fail to do this, you run the risk of losing your eligibility for aid.
Reinstatement procedures can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office or by reviewing the Consumer Information, Satisfactory Academic Progress sections on the website.
During non-peak periods and providing your financial aid file is complete, we can process your loan acceptance request in approximately 5-7 days. After we complete our process, you will have to sign your Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN). You may complete the MPN at studentaid.gov
Additionally, you can sign it electronically using the same Department of Education PIN used to sign the FAFSA).
If you are a new borrower, you must also complete Entrance Loan Counseling. This can also be completed at www.studentloans.gov.
Once your loan is approved by the Department of Education, you will receive a Disclosure Statement that indicates scheduled disbursement dates. These are the tentative dates that the funds are scheduled to be credited to your student account at KCTCS.
If your loan disbursement(s) create a credit balance on your student account, a refund will be automatically generated. Refunds are processed on Wednesday evenings with the actual transaction process taking place on Thursdays through the Higher One Refund process.
For additional information regarding refunds, please visit our website.
Contact the Service Center at (855) 246-5282 (855.2GO.Jefferson) for assistance with this often complex and confusing process.
The Jefferson Student Financial Aid Office is open to students and the general public:
- Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
During registration periods, we will hold extended office hours.
Information is also available on the Jefferson Community & Technical College web site.
After submitting the FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). Review the SAR for accuracy and verify Jefferson Community and Technical College is listed as one of your school choices. Whether you file your FAFSA by mail or electronically, our office will receive the results. The Financial Aid Office will request any additional information necessary to complete your aid file. It is imperative you submit any requested documentation as soon as possible. Once your file is complete, our office will review your eligibility for all federal/state student aid programs. Notification of your award status will be completed after you have been awarded aid.
A processed FAFSA and all required verification documents, as well as notice of any outside agency assistance or scholarships must be on file in the Jefferson Financial Aid office by the semester Processing Deadline Date in order for you to receive anticipated aid by the semester Payment Due Date.
Types of financial aid available based on eligibility: Grants, Loans, Employment Opportunities, Scholarships.
You can now respond to your Financial Aid award letter on-line through KCTCS system. Go to https://kctsaprd.ps.kctcs.edu/psc/kctsaprd/EMPLOYEE/SA/c/NUI_FRAMEWORK.PT_LANDINGPAGE.GBL. This is a secure web site (the s after http indicates this).
No. You must first have your FAFSA data sent to Jefferson so we can electronically access your file to begin processing for financial aid application.
You can do this by calling the CPS Federal Student Aid Processing Center at (800) 433-3243 or by going online at https://studentaid.gov, and enter the appropriate school code: 006961.
To do this by phone, you will need your DRN number (located on your SAR):
To do this online, you will need your PIN number. You can apply for a PIN number at https://studentaid.gov/help/data-release-number