Register for Class | JCTC

Register for Class

A student may be able to enroll or drop classes from the Student Center. This reference will provide instructions for enrolling in a class from the Student Center.

From the Student Homepage:

1.     Click on the Student Center tile.  Student Center Icon


2.     Click the Enroll link under the Academics section.Click on Proceed to Next Step


3.     On the displayed page, click the Add tab.

On the displayed page, click the Add tab


4.     Enter the Class number, if known, in the ClassNbr box and click Enter.

  • If the class number is unknown, select the Class Search, My Requirements. or My Planner radio button to search for classes.


5.     After entering classes, select the Proceed to Step 2 of 3 button.

After entering classes, select the Proceed to Step 2 of 3 button.


6.     Confirm the class(es) to add and click Finish Enrolling.

Confirm the class(es) to add and click Finish Enrolling.


7.      The results will display. If the class(es) was/were added, there will be a green checkmark next to the class(es). If the enrollment was not successful, there will be a red X next the class(es).


The results will display. If the class(es) was/were added, there will be a green checkmark next to the class(es). If the enrollment was not successful, there will be a red X next the class(es).


8.     Click the Home icon to return to the Student Homepage.Home Icon on Student Homepage