Timeline Checklist | JCTC

Timeline Checklist

Transfer Checklist and Timeline

Semester 1 (0-15 credit hours)

  • Take FYE 105. In this class you will:
  • Learn about campus resources related to career counseling and degree choice.
  • Explore the Web and other resources for career and major information.
  • Take assessment tests to determine your interests.
  • Identify majors related to your field of interest.
  • Discuss different majors and colleges with your advisor at your midterm advising appointment.

Semester 2 (16-30 credit hours)

  • Attend transfer fairs, open houses and arrange for a campus tour at schools you are interested in attending.
  • Obtain transfer guides and admission information from schools you are interested in attending.
  • Meet with college admissions representatives at any schools you are interested in attending.
  • Make your final decision about your transfer school.
  • Work with your Transfer Center Advisor to choose the classes you should take at Jefferson. Ask if there are any transfer agreements available in your major.
  • Ask your Transfer Advisor about taking Metroversity classes (Metroversity.org).
  • Research financial aid options at your transfer school; contact the financial aid office to see if your current aid will transfer.
  • Find out if your transfer school accepts other types of credit, such as military training or professional experience.

Semester 3 (31-45 credit hours)

  • Maintain excellent grades.
  • Consider taking one or two Metroversity classes to begin the transition process.
  • Continue to look for scholarships at the university and also in the community.
  • Check the Jefferson Transfer Center website often for transfer events, scholarships and campus visits.

Semester 4 (46-60 credit hours)

  • Apply for Jefferson graduation.
  • Submit applications for admission, including degree program admission and housing applications.
  • Apply for a transfer scholarship at your transfer school (if applicable).
  • Request official transcripts (from current and previously attended schools) be sent to your transfer school.
  • Obtain any transcripts for other types of credit, if accepted by your transfer school.
  • Submit your FAFSA form and indicate your transfer school on the form. If already submitted, update your form to include your transfer school.
  • Consult with the transfer school’s financial aid office to transfer any financial aid you already receive and submit any institutional financial aid forms.
  • Finalize residence hall or other housing arrangements.
  • Arrange to have your final transcript sent to your transfer college.
  • Take any necessary placement exams or proficiency tests at your transfer college.
  • Register for classes and attend transfer or new student orientation at your transfer college

Transfer requires research:

  • Where do you want to go and what do you want to study?
  • What classes can you take at Jefferson in that major?
  • What are the deadlines for scholarships and admission?

Who are the people that can help you at Jefferson and at the university? For everything TRANSFER related go to our Transfer web page