First Time Freshman | JCTC

First Time Freshman


New to college? Here's how to apply to Jefferson and start building a better tomorrow—right here in your own backyard.

Apply as a freshman if you've never taken a college class or if you took dual-credit, SEEK, or dual-enrolled classes in high school. If you've taken college classes after high school, apply as a transfer student.

How to Apply & Complete your Admissions File

Applying to Jefferson is easy, and we'll be with you at every step of the way. Just follow these four steps:

  • Submit the Application for Admission.
    It's free, and it only takes about 15 minutes to complete. To get started, you'll need:
    • An email address that we can use to contact you.
    • Name and address of the high school you have attended.
    • Name and address of any dual credit colleges you have attended.
  • Send us your final high school or GED transcript.
    Official high school transcripts may be accepted in the following formats: 
    • Submitted electronically through Parchment, Scribbles or Scoir.
      • Note if you are a graduate of Jefferson County Public Schools, the document should be ordered through Scribbles after graduation.
    • Hand-delivered in the original, unopened signed and sealed envelope with an official government issued photo ID.
    • Mailed directly from the school to Jefferson in a stamped and sealed envelope to mailing address below:
      • Jefferson Community & Technical College  
        ATTN: Admissions  
        109 E. Broadway  
        Louisville, KY 40202
      • Please note all mailed transcripts must come directly from sending school, no mailed documents from a student will be accepted unless the document is a notarized home school transcript.
    • Home school documents must be notarized and are accepted in their original format in person with a photo ID OR by mail with a copy of the front and back of a valid government issued photo ID included.
    • If college credits were earned while in high school through a dual credit program outside of KCTCS, you will need to order an official transcript to be sent to Jefferson directly from the institution.
  • Submit required placement test scores to the Admission Office.
    Official test scores received within the last four years may be accepted in the following formats: 
    • ACT/KYOTE/SAT listed on an officially submitted high school transcript (see above for submission guidelines).
      • If a high school transcript is submitted with a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.2 or higher, the testing requirement may be waived for some subjects.
    • ACT scores may be submitted online through ACT.
    • SAT scores may be submitted online through SAT College Board.
    • KY GED scores must be submitted online through GED.
      • Please note only Kentucky GED scores received in the last 4 years with a RTLA score of 165 may be utilized for reading test requirement.
      • Scores should be sent directly from the organization to Jefferson, scores released to students and opened will not be accepted.
  • Explore financial aid.
    Our generous scholarships, grants, and loans make a great education even more affordable. Here's how.

And that's it! You're on your way to the future of your dreams.

If you have questions along the way, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to helping you reach your goals!

Estudiantes de Primer Año 

COMENZEMOS ESTE VIAJE ¿Eres nuevo a la universidad? A continuación, te mostraremos cómo postularse a Jefferson para comenzar a construir un mejor mañana- aquí mismo, en tu propia comunidad. 

Cómo aplicar

  1. Aplicar a Jefferson es fácil y estamos contigo para cada paso de tu proceso. Simplemente sigue estos pasos:
  2. Envía los resultados de las pruebas de ubicación requeridas por la Oficina de Admisiones, por ejemplo, ACT, SAT. Si no tienes puntajes puedes programa una cita para tomar la prueba con Jefferson. 
  3. Envíanos tu expediente académico- o transcript- de tu escuela secundaria o tu GED.
  4. Explora la ayuda financiera disponible para ti. Nuestras becas, subsidios y préstamos hacen que una excelente educación sea aún más accesible. Recibe mas información.


¡Así de fácil! Estás en camino hacia el futuro de tus sueños.

Si tiene preguntas, llámanos o envíenos un correo electrónico. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas!