Student Guide
Access*Ability Resource Center (ARC) Overview
Students Rights
According to KCTCS policy (KCTCS Board Policy students have the right to.
- Access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities available through KCTCS colleges.
- Access to websites and web developed forms, web enhanced courses and distance learning courses.
- Reasonable and appropriate accommodations determined on a case-by-case basis.
- Appropriate confidentiality of all information pertaining to his/her disability with the choice of whom to disclose his/her disability to except as required by law.
- Access to information
Students Responsibilities
According to KCTCS policy (KCTCS Board Policy students have the responsibility to:
- Meet KCTCS college and program qualifications and essential technical, academic, and institutional standards.
- Identify him/herself to the coordinator of disability services in a timely manner as an individual with a disability when seeking an accommodation.
- Provide documentation from an appropriate professional source that verifies the nature of the disability and functional limitations.
- Follow specific procedures for obtaining and using reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
- Documentation of their disability with the Office of Disability Services.
- Registration for services with the Disability Services Office.
- Discussion of needs with their instructor both in the beginning of the semester as well as ongoing throughout the semester.
- Address needs as they arise with the Disability Services Office for further accommodation reforms.
- Communicate effectively through KCTCS email with all faculty and staff.
- Monitor KCTCS email daily regarding services received.
- Maintain academic standards of success when applying themselves to the pursuit of their studies.
- To utilize services without overuse or intentional abuse.
Student Self-Advocacy
Many rights that parents have while students are in K-12 will transfer to students when they enroll in college. The transfer of rights also pertains to dual credit students. Please view Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) links.
College students are expected to advocate for themselves, make decisions, and resolve issues on their own. ARC staff will not discuss information with parents or others unless students sign an authorization to release form to communicate. It is best that students resolve issues on their own.
Steps to start Access*Ability Services (ARC)
For any student who wants services related to disability, follow these steps.
Determining eligibility for Services
Accommodation Process
The accommodations provided by the Access*Ability Resource Center (ARC) include, but are not limited to:
- extended test time
- low distraction testing area
- audio recording of lectures
- readers during testing in the ARC
- scribes during testing in the ARC
- extension of due dates in classes, when appropriate
- request for flexibility in attendance (based on disability)
- assistive technology (lighted magnifiers, electronic magnifiers, MagnaSight or CCTVs)
- copiers that scan and/or enlarge documents
- text-to-speech (JAWS and Kurzweil)
- Digital textbooks
- alternative desks and chairs
- loan of equipment such as digital recorders and magnifiers
This link provides accommodation information for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students Accommodations for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Scheduling a Proctor Exam in the ARC
Arranging Testing Accommodations
Mental Health Counseling
Assistive Technology for Personal Use
Emergency Evacuation and Campus Safety Information
Transportation and Parking Information
How do I get a Jefferson ADA parking permit?
How do I get a TARC 3 bus pass?
Campus Maps
- Bullitt County Campus
- Carrollton Campus
- Downtown Campus
- Shelby County Campus
- Southwest Campus
- Technical Campus
Additional Information
KCTCS Student Accessibility Resource Guide
Contact Us
If you need to report an access issue contact ARC staff at:
Chestnut Hall, Room 319
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 213-2375
Erika Pearson, Access*Ability Resource & Testing Center Coordinator Director
Summer Musanje, Access*Ability Resource & Testing Center Assistant Director