ARC Services
Services offered by the Accessibility Resources Office
Answering Questions Related to:
- Orientation
- Registration
- Academic concerns
- Disability issues
- Career exploration
Facilitation of Academic Accommodations:
- Disability documentation validation
- Liaison with instructors
- Classroom accessibility
- Program accessibility
Interagency Communication, Resources, and Referral:
- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Mental Health Agencies
- Hospital/rehabilitation services
Academic Support Services:
- Adaptive equipment (located in the ARC and Learning Resource Center)
- Tape recorders, electronic spellcheckers, talking calculators, FM listening devices
- Large equipment available on campus
- Copier with enlarger function
- Braille Embosser
- Assistive technology software including Kurzweil Reader, Zoomtext, and JAWS Software
- Computers equipped with print enlarger, speech synthesizer or adaptive keyboard
- Coordinated access to external interpreting service providers: American Sign Language Interpreters
- Each faculty member is responsible for administering or making provisions for their students with disabilities to take class tests, quizzes, and to provide other classroom accommodations.
- When the ARC must be involved, the following can be provided:
- Assistive technology
- Readers/Scribes
- Monitoring of tests
Consultation and Training for Faculty and Staff:
- Professional development
- Individual student consultation
- Resource for federal legislation
Arrange an appointment to meet with an ARC Coordinator. Meeting with an ARC Coordinator is the first step in the accommodation process.
Please complete and submit the ARC Request for Services Form to set a meeting with an ARC Coordinator.