Active Shooter or Active Aggressor
Active Shooter/Active Aggressor means a person or people are on campus and threatening harm. There are 3 options, depending on how close you are to the shooter.
If you hear gunshots or get a message that there is a shooter in the area:
- If you can get of the area safely, leave quickly.
- If you must hide, lock or block doors, turn out lights, avoid windows and silence cell phones.
- Be very quiet. Spread out; do not huddle in groups.
- If you are forced to confront the gunman, use whatever you have to distract him/her.
- Yell and throw books, purses, equipment, whatever is at hand.
- Commit and be forceful.
Call 911 whenever it safe to do so.
Notify your Professor, or Supervisor, as soon as it is safe to do so. If you cannot reach them directly please leave a voice message or send an email so that they can account for you.