Suspicious Packages
The following characteristics may identify suspicious parcels:
- Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
- Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or otherwise outdated (i.e. improper title).
- No return address or one that can t be verified as legitimate.
- Has any powdery substance on the outside.
- Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as Personal or Confidential.
- Producing wires, strange odors or stains.
- Has an unusual amount of tape.
- Has excessive postage applied to the parcel?
- A city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address.
If you receive a suspicious parcel in the mail:
- Do not open the parcel.
- Isolate the piece of mail.
- Call Campus Safety for additional instructions.
- Do not pass the letter/parcel to others.
- Deny access to the letter to everyone except emergency responders.
- Move to an area that minimizes exposure to others and to the parcel.
- If possible, wash your hands and face with soap and water.
If you open a parcel that appears to be contaminated:
- Do not remove the parcel.
- Call 911 and then notify Campus Safety.
- Turn off any fans, window air conditioners or space heaters.
- Isolate the area. Evacuate the adjoining areas and report to a preplanned assembly area.
- Do not pass the letter/parcel to others. Deny access to the letter to anyone except the emergency responders.
- Anyone in contact with the parcel should remain isolated in an area adjacent to the original location and wait for additional instructions from emergency responders.
- If possible, anyone who had contact with the parcel should wash their face and hands with soap and water.