

Any change from Audit to Credit must be made by the last date of late registration. Any change from Credit to Audit must be made by midterm of the semester for which you are enrolled. An Audited class may be taken for credit at a later date. Anyone wishing to Audit a class must be officially registered.


A student who has been admitted or readmitted after having remained out of the Community & Technical College System for a period of two or more years, and has completed at least 12 credit hours in non-developmental courses with a grade point average of 2.0 or better after readmission, may choose to have none of the course work attempted prior to the interruption in course work included into the grade point average. The calculation of the grade point after the student declares bankruptcy begins with the semester of readmission. A student who has elected not to count past work in the computation of his/her grade point average will continue to receive credit for those courses, in which credit was earned with a grade of A, B, C, D, P, or S, without including those grades in the computation of the student’s grade point average. PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to transfer you may wish to contact your transferring institution’s admissions office to verify how they view/accept bankrupted courses. Some four year colleges do not transfer coursework that has been bankrupted. A student who has completed a credential and re-enrolls may not apply the academic bankruptcy rule to courses taken for the credential already completed. Bankruptcy is not reversible and you can only bankrupt coursework once in your academic career.


Students with at least 30 credit hours and not on academic probation may select a maximum of two elective courses, subject to certain restrictions, to be taken on a pass-fail basis. Credit hours successfully completed under this option will count toward graduation but will not be used in calculating grade point standing. Courses taken on a pass-fail basis will be limited to those considered as elective in the student’s program and such other courses which have been specifically approved by the KCTCS Council for offering only on a pass-fail basis. Students may not change from a pass-fail basis or from a regular basis to a pass-fail basis, after the last date for entering an organized class.

Please print this form and email it with your documentation to


Print your name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Student ID #: ________________________ Social Security #: _____________________________

Semester: __________________________

Email address: ___________________________________________

______ Audit: I wish to Audit (Dept. Prefix: _______ Course Number: _________________)

______ Academic Bankruptcy: I wish to declare Academic Bankruptcy

______ Pass-Fail: I wish to enroll in Dept. Prefix: _______ Course Number: _________________ on a Pass/Fail basis

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________


Office Use Only

Date Received in Records Office: ________________

Initials: ________________